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Rick, the Adventure Sphere
Do you see that thing that fell out of me? What is that? It's not the surprise... I've never seen it before.

Cores (also referred to as Spheres, Personality Cores/Spheres, or Aperture Science Artificial Personality Constructs) are machines designed to house advanced artificial intelligence, mostly unique for their ability to express emotions. Cores generally come in two varieties: Spherical and Input. Spheres are the standard form, used for android bodies (such as Atlas) and other purposes. Input Cores are eliptical Cores such as are used in Turrets or P-Body.

Each unique core is either integrated into a robotic body or left in standalone sphere form. (these spheres are usually attached to management rails) in the Aperture Science computer-aided Enrichment Center, such as the Turrets, Atlas, and P-body.

The raw spherical appearance of the cores are heavily featured throughout the finale events of both Portal and the single-player campaign in Portal 2.


Developed by Aperture Science technicians, GLaDOS is the earliest known personality core - specifically designed for becoming the Enrichment Center's overseer. The next cores developed were given the purpose of counteracting GLaDOS' psychotic behavior (such as flooding test chambers and other vital parts of the facility with neurotoxin) by integrating with her (sub)concious and altering her personality.

Often present in the form of spherical shapes, these cores are a more simplistic design as their purpose had been more at hand instead. This contrasts with the majority of the designs of Aperture androids in the Enrichment Center that are personality core-based such as Atlas (enclosed core design), P-body (core inputs), and Turrets (also core inputs).

After the events of Portal, it became apparent that some of the unused (deactivated) cores kept in storage have been automatically reactivated by the facility to maintain the Enrichment Center. Under extreme circumstances/time, these cores have been unable to compensate, and have failed to do so. Some cores become corrupted (the cause of this is unknown).

Personality Cores

As the name implies, each core has its own unique personality and behavior, which can be incorporated into the central core when they are physically attached to it. However, most cores were unneeded and deactivated. These were later reactivated after the destruction of GLaDOS in Portal.

During the conflict with GLaDOS in Portal, whenever Chell would drop a personality core into the incinerator, not only did GLaDOS experience pain when they are destroyed, she also began to lose some of her reinforced prominent personality traits. These include as her references to cake, and her moral values, which resulted in a much stronger desire to kill Chell.

Central Core

もっと詳しく: GLaDOS
GLaDOS, a central core.

The Central Core is the highest rank of all Aperture Science Personality Cores in the Enrichment Center, given to the core hardwired into the enormous robotic body in the Central Control Chamber.

A central core has the power to control and regulate the entire Enrichment Center, including the camera feeds, Testing Chamber Assembly and Storage, and the Turret Production Lines.

During the events of Portal 2, it becomes apparent that any form of personality core would be more than qualified to be hardwired into the mainframe to become a central core. This is a feature preset by Aperture as a means of replacing corrupted central AI; and if the central core happens to disagree with their impeachment, a Stalemate Resolution Associate will have to force the replacement procedure.

GLaDOS, whom was designed with the sole purpose of being the central core herself; does not possess a spherical shape like other personality cores.



道徳コアPortalでGLaDOSに取り付けられたより重要なコアの一つです。紫色の'目'とその周りに2つの斑点を持っています。GLaDOSがEnrichment Centerを神経毒で満たさないようにするためにGLaDOSがChellを起こす前のあるときGLaDOSに取り付けられました。


このコアはChellによって最初に収集され焼却されたコアであり、それによりGLaDOSは道徳的特性を失い始め再び神経毒で部屋を満たし始めます。他のコアと違って、道徳コアは無言です。 GLaDOSが自身の遺伝的生き物の構成要素、Carolineを再発見した後感情が復活したため、このコアにどれ程操作されてたのかは確かではありませんが、このコアが処分されたことによってPortalの最後とPortal 2おおよその部分でGLaDOSの態度が冷淡で生命に全く無関心になります。





もっと詳しく: 知能コア

ケーキコアという名のGLaDOSの第3のコアは巨大な瞳孔を持った青い'目'とその周りに6つの斑点を持っています。漫然と一種のかなり独特なケーキの奇妙なレシピを話します。ちなみにこのケーキはPortalのエンドクレジットの前に登場します。GLaDOSはPortal 2ではケーキについて言及していませんが、これはPortalにてケーキコアが破壊されたためだと思われます。


*唸り声* *唸り声* *唸り声*

GLaDOSに取り付けられた最後のコアは怒りコアです。このコアは周りに8つの斑点のついた赤い'目'を持っています。また、感情コアとも呼ばれています。話すというよりは、Chellに向かって激しく唸ります。(ちなみにこれらの唸り声は後にValve社のゲーム'Left 4 Dead'で使われました。)いったんChellが怒りコアを焼却炉に入れると、GLaDOSが壊れ始めます。Portal 2ではこのコアを失ったためにGLaDOSは柔らかに聞こえ、反感の感情をめったに表さなくなります。


もっと詳しく: Wheatley
One minute ago. Less than one minute ago you solved this puzzle. Now you're having problems.

The final antagonist of the single-player campaign in Portal 2, Wheatley, also known as the Intelligence Dampening Sphere, is portrayed as bumbling, chatty, desperate when things did not catch up to his expectations, and often hesitant. He is the first character to have interacted with Chell in the game, and is one of many cores seen awakening at the end of Portal.

It was not long before it was revealed by GLaDOS that Wheatley was originally designed by the Aperture Science technicians with the express purpose of rendering GLaDOS less dangerous during her initial activations, via attaching Wheatley onto her to generate an infinite stream of flawed suggestions to distract her.

It was thought that this would prevent her from killing the scientists when activated and improve the operations of the facility. According to GLaDOS, Wheatley is "the product of the greatest minds of a generation working together with the express purpose of building the dumbest moron who ever lived".

Corrupted Cores

Due to technical difficulties over time, a core may be detected as a Corrupted Core and would be subject to disposal. However, if the corrupted core is the central core, a substitute core must be present in a core receptacle in order to initiate a core transfer. Central Core Corruption will not be detected if another core is not present. This is because other cores would not usually be present, except for core transfer. Once a substitute core is found, both cores must agree or disagree to the core transfer procedure. If one agrees while the other disagrees, the transfer process cannot occur unless a Stalemate Resolution Associate is present in order to press the stalemate resolution button, which will initiate the core transfer process once the Associate has returned to the Central Chamber.

During the fight against Wheatley in Portal 2, GLaDOS/PotatOS summons three corrupted cores to Chell for her to attach to Wheatley in order to make him corrupt enough to initiate another core transfer procedure.

All three Corrupted Cores are voiced by Nolan North.

Space Sphere

もっと詳しく: Space Sphere
Space Sphere
— The Space Sphere

The Space Sphere is one of three active, corrupted cores. It speaks rapidly, and possesses an unhealthy obsession with space. Its key personality trait is its often-repeated desire to travel to outer space. It finally gets to live its dream of going to space when it is sucked through the portal that connects the remaining blot of Conversion Gel to the surface of the Moon. The Final Hours of Portal 2 reveal Valve's inspiration for the Space Core: an Oregon Coast Aquarium ad with a goldfish rapidly and repeatedly humming, blurting, and stating that he would like to go to the aquarium, much like the Space Core does.

Adventure Sphere

もっと詳しく: Adventure Sphere
Rick, the Adventure Sphere
Do you have a gun? Because I should really have a gun. What is that thing you're holding?
— The Adventure Sphere

The second corrupted core, the Adventure Sphere (or as he calls himself, Rick) speaks like a stereotypical soldier. Upon seeing Chell, he starts to swoon over her. He even tries (unsuccessfully) to convince Chell to take a "lady break" while he deals with Wheatley. After shooting a portal on the moon, an observant one can see Rick fly off of Wheatley.

Fact Sphere

もっと詳しく: Fact Sphere
Fact Sphere
In 1948, at the request of a dying boy, baseball legend Babe Ruth ate seventy-five hot dogs, then died of hot dog poisoning.
— The Fact Sphere

The Fact Sphere is the third corrupted core. It constantly states several random, twisted and not entirely true "facts" related to history, the current situation, as well as apparent facts about how amazing and handsome it is.


  • The bomb model used in Portal 2 is named 'personality_sphere_angry' within the game files, suggesting the Anger core was to make an appearance in the sequel.
  • The bomb model also possesses various typical personality core animations that can be viewed in the Model Viewer in the Authoring Tools. These include a stationary animation, a test animation where the core aimlessly looks around, and an angry animation where it twitches violently.
  • In early screenshots released prior to the Portal 2 E3 teaser trailer, the texture of personality cores were yet to receive detailing and minor scratches, as the textures of the plating were matte white. Since then the textures have been greatly improved, and compared to Portal, the Cores from then to the retail version have a wider range of emotions.


See also