Template:PatchDiff/October 7, 2011 Patch/portal2/resource/subtitles finnish.txt

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566566"core01.space24" "<clr:255,201,4>Ydin 1: Aah!"
567567"[english]core01.space24" "<clr:255,201,4>Core 1: Ah!"
568568"core02.attachedfact01" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Olet erittäin vaarallisessa tilanteessa."
569N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact01" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The situation you are in is very dangerous."
N/A569"[english]core02.attachedfact01" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The situation you are in is very dangerous."
570570"core02.attachedfact02" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Kuolet 87,61 prosentin todennäköisyydellä seuraavan viiden minuutin aikana."
571N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact02" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The likelihood of you dying within the next five minutes is eighty-seven point six one percent."
N/A571"[english]core02.attachedfact02" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The likelihood of you dying within the next five minutes is eighty-seven point six one percent."
572572"core02.attachedfact03" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Koet 87,61 prosentin todennäköisyydellä rajun kuoleman seuraavan viiden minuutin aikana."
573N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact03" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The likelihood of you dying violently within the next five minutes is eighty-seven point six one percent."
N/A573"[english]core02.attachedfact03" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The likelihood of you dying violently within the next five minutes is eighty-seven point six one percent."
574574"core02.attachedfact04" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Kuolen sinun takiasi."
575N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact04" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: You are about to get me killed."
N/A575"[english]core02.attachedfact04" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: You are about to get me killed."
576576"core02.attachedfact05" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Laiminlyöntisi vuoksi me molemmat kuolemme."
577N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact05" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: We will both die because of your negligence."
N/A577"[english]core02.attachedfact05" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: We will both die because of your negligence."
578578"core02.attachedfact06" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Tämä on huono suunnitelma. Sinä epäonnistut."
579N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact06" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: This is a bad plan. You will fail."
N/A579"[english]core02.attachedfact06" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: This is a bad plan. You will fail."
580580"core02.attachedfact07" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Hän todennäköisesti tappaa sinut väkivaltaisesti."
581N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact07" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: He will most likely kill you, violently."
N/A581"[english]core02.attachedfact07" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: He will most likely kill you, violently."
582582"core02.attachedfact08" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Hän todennäköisesti tappaa sinut."
583N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact08" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: He will most likely kill you."
N/A583"[english]core02.attachedfact08" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: He will most likely kill you."
584584"core02.attachedfact09" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Kuolet pian."
585N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact09" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: You will be dead soon."
N/A585"[english]core02.attachedfact09" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: You will be dead soon."
586586"core02.attachedfact10" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Tilanne on toivoton."
587N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact10" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: This situation is hopeless."
N/A587"[english]core02.attachedfact10" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: This situation is hopeless."
588588"core02.attachedfact11" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Sinä kuolet tässä huoneessa."
589N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact11" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: You are going to die in this room."
N/A589"[english]core02.attachedfact11" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: You are going to die in this room."
590590"core02.attachedfact12" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Voisit pudottaa pari kiloa."
591N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact12" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: You could stand to lose a few pounds."
N/A591"[english]core02.attachedfact12" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: You could stand to lose a few pounds."
592592"core02.attachedfact13" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Faktapallo on älykkäin pallo."
593N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact13" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The Fact Sphere is the most intelligent sphere."
N/A593"[english]core02.attachedfact13" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The Fact Sphere is the most intelligent sphere."
594594"core02.attachedfact14" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Faktapallo on komein pallo."
595N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact14" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The Fact Sphere is the most handsome sphere."
N/A595"[english]core02.attachedfact14" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The Fact Sphere is the most handsome sphere."
596596"core02.attachedfact15" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Faktapallo on uskomattoman komea."
597N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact15" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The Fact Sphere is incredibly handsome."
N/A597"[english]core02.attachedfact15" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The Fact Sphere is incredibly handsome."
598598"core02.attachedfact16" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Faktapallo on aina oikeassa."
599N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact16" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The Fact Sphere is always right."
N/A599"[english]core02.attachedfact16" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The Fact Sphere is always right."
600600"core02.attachedfact17" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Seikkailupallo on mahtailija ja pelkuri."
601N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact17" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The Adventure Sphere is a blowhard and a coward."
N/A601"[english]core02.attachedfact17" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The Adventure Sphere is a blowhard and a coward."
602602"core02.attachedfact18" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Avaruuspallo ei mene koskaan avaruuteen."
603N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact18" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The Space Sphere will never go to space."
N/A603"[english]core02.attachedfact18" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The Space Sphere will never go to space."
604604"core02.attachedfact19" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Sinä et mene koskaan avaruuteen."
605N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact19" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: You will never go into space."
N/A605"[english]core02.attachedfact19" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: You will never go into space."
606606"core02.attachedfact20" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Fakta: avaruutta ei ole olemassa."
607N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact20" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Fact: Space does not exist."
N/A607"[english]core02.attachedfact20" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Fact: Space does not exist."
608608"core02.attachedfact21" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Pallot, jotka hinkuvat avaruuteen, ovat alempiarvoisia kuin muut pallot."
609N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact21" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Spheres that insist on going into space are inferior to spheres that don't."
N/A609"[english]core02.attachedfact21" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Spheres that insist on going into space are inferior to spheres that don't."
610610"core02.attachedfact22" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Faktapallo on hyvä ihminen, jonka näkemykset ovat arvokkaita."
611N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact22" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The Fact Sphere is a good person, whose insights are relevant."
N/A611"[english]core02.attachedfact22" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The Fact Sphere is a good person, whose insights are relevant."
612612"core02.attachedfact23" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Faktapallo on hyvä pallo, jolla on paljon ystäviä."
613N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact23" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The Fact Sphere is a good sphere, with many friends."
N/A613"[english]core02.attachedfact23" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The Fact Sphere is a good sphere, with many friends."
614614"core02.attachedfact24" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Tämän taistelun voittaja on selvästi ylempiarvoinen ja ansaitsee Faktapallon uskollisuuden."
615N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact24" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Whoever wins this battle is clearly superior, and will earn the allegiance of the Fact Sphere."
N/A615"[english]core02.attachedfact24" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Whoever wins this battle is clearly superior, and will earn the allegiance of the Fact Sphere."
616616"core02.attachedfact25" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Faktapallo ei ole viallinen. Sen faktat ovat tarkkoja ja erittäin kiinnostavia."
617N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact25" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The Fact Sphere is not defective. Its facts are wholly accurate and very interesting."
N/A617"[english]core02.attachedfact25" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The Fact Sphere is not defective. Its facts are wholly accurate and very interesting."
618618"core02.attachedfact26" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Kaksitoista. Kaksitoista. Kaksitoista. Kaksitoista. Kaksitoista. Kaksitoista. Kaksitoista. Kaksitoista."
619N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact26" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Twelve. Twelve. Twelve. Twelve. Twelve. Twelve. Twelve. Twelve. Twelve. Twelve."
N/A619"[english]core02.attachedfact26" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Twelve. Twelve. Twelve. Twelve. Twelve. Twelve. Twelve. Twelve. Twelve. Twelve."
620620"core02.attachedfact27" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Kyniä. Kyniä. Kyniä. Kyniä. Kyniä. Kyniä. Kyniä."
621N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact27" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Pens. Pens. Pens. Pens. Pens. Pens. Pens."
N/A621"[english]core02.attachedfact27" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Pens. Pens. Pens. Pens. Pens. Pens. Pens."
622622"core02.attachedfact28" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Omenat. Appelsiinit. Päärynät. Luumut. Kumkvatit. Mandariinit. Sitruunat. Limetit. Avokado. Tomaatti. Banaani. Papaija. Guava."
623N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact28" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Apples. Oranges. Pears. Plums. Kumquats. Tangerines. Lemons. Limes. Avocado. Tomato. Banana. Papaya. Guava."
N/A623"[english]core02.attachedfact28" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Apples. Oranges. Pears. Plums. Kumquats. Tangerines. Lemons. Limes. Avocado. Tomato. Banana. Papaya. Guava."
624624"core02.attachedfact29" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Virhe. Virhe. Virhe. Tiedostoa ei löydy."
625N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact29" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Error. Error. Error. File not found."
N/A625"[english]core02.attachedfact29" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Error. Error. Error. File not found."
626626"core02.attachedfact30" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Virhe. Virhe. Virhe. Faktaa ei löydy."
627N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact30" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Error. Error. Error. Fact not found."
N/A627"[english]core02.attachedfact30" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Error. Error. Error. Fact not found."
628628"core02.attachedfact31" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Faktaa ei löydy."
629N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact31" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Fact not found."
N/A629"[english]core02.attachedfact31" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Fact not found."
630630"core02.attachedfact32" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Vioittumisaste 25 %"
631N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact32" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Corruption at 25%"
N/A631"[english]core02.attachedfact32" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Corruption at 25%"
632632"core02.attachedfact33" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Vioittumisaste 50 %"
633N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact33" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Corruption at 50%"
N/A633"[english]core02.attachedfact33" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Corruption at 50%"
634634"core02.attachedfact34" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Vioittumisaste kaksikymmentä – rotat eivät voi oksentaa."
635N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact34" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Warning, sphere corruption at twenty-- rats cannot throw up."
N/A635"[english]core02.attachedfact34" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Warning, sphere corruption at twenty-- rats cannot throw up."
636636"core02.fact01" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Hammaslangan vetolujuus on ylivertainen."
637N/A"[english]core02.fact01" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Dental floss has superb tensile strength."
N/A637"[english]core02.fact01" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Dental floss has superb tensile strength."
638638"core02.fact02" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Köyden neliöjuuri on naru."
639N/A"[english]core02.fact02" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The square root of rope is string."
N/A639"[english]core02.fact02" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The square root of rope is string."
640640"core02.fact03" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Vaikka sukellusvene on monin tavoin venettä parempi, yli 97 % ihmisistä käyttää yhä veneitä liikkumiseen vesillä."
641N/A"[english]core02.fact03" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: While the submarine is vastly superior to the boat in every way, over 97% of people still use boats for aquatic transportation."
N/A641"[english]core02.fact03" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: While the submarine is vastly superior to the boat in every way, over 97% of people still use boats for aquatic transportation."
642642"core02.fact04" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Matkapuhelimista ei saa syöpää. Vain hepatiitin."
643N/A"[english]core02.fact04" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Cellular phones will not give you cancer. Only hepatitis."
N/A643"[english]core02.fact04" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Cellular phones will not give you cancer. Only hepatitis."
644644"core02.fact05" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Merimiehet keksivät housut 1500-luvulla välttääkseen Poseidonin vihan. Siihen aikaan uskottiin, että alastomat merimiehet suututtivat meren jumalan."
645N/A"[english]core02.fact05" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Pants were invented by sailors in the sixteenth century to avoid Poseidon's wrath. It was believed that the sight of naked sailors angered the sea god."
N/A645"[english]core02.fact05" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Pants were invented by sailors in the sixteenth century to avoid Poseidon's wrath. It was believed that the sight of naked sailors angered the sea god."
646646"core02.fact06" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Germaniumin atomimassa on seitsemän kaksi pilkku kuusi neljä."
647N/A"[english]core02.fact06" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The atomic weight of Germanium is seven two point six four."
N/A647"[english]core02.fact06" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The atomic weight of Germanium is seven two point six four."
648648"core02.fact07" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: 89 % taikatempuista ei ole taikaa. Teknisesti ottaen ne ovat velhoutta."
649N/A"[english]core02.fact07" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: 89% of magic tricks are not magic. Technically, they are sorcery."
N/A649"[english]core02.fact07" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: 89% of magic tricks are not magic. Technically, they are sorcery."
650650"core02.fact08" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Strutsin silmä on suurempi kuin sen aivot."
651N/A"[english]core02.fact08" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain."
N/A651"[english]core02.fact08" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain."
652652"core02.fact09" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Kreikkalaisessa mytologiassa Daidalos keksi lentämisen, jotta minotaurukset lopettaisivat hänen kiusaamisensa asiasta."
653N/A"[english]core02.fact09" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: In Greek myth, the craftsman Daedalus invented human flight so a group of Minotaurs would stop teasing him about it."
N/A653"[english]core02.fact09" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: In Greek myth, the craftsman Daedalus invented human flight so a group of Minotaurs would stop teasing him about it."
654654"core02.fact10" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Ihmiset voivat elää veden alla. Mutta eivät kovin pitkään."
655N/A"[english]core02.fact10" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Humans can survive underwater. But not for very long."
N/A655"[english]core02.fact10" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Humans can survive underwater. But not for very long."
656656"core02.fact11" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Seemiläisten sodan ja vitsausten jumala Rasephin otsassa kasvoi gaselli."
657N/A"[english]core02.fact11" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Raseph, the Semitic god of war and plague, had a gazelle growing out of his forehead."
N/A657"[english]core02.fact11" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Raseph, the Semitic god of war and plague, had a gazelle growing out of his forehead."
658658"core02.fact12" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Kirurgikenraalin monikko on kirurgikenraalit. Kirurgikenraalin yksikön toisen persoonan imperfekti on kirurgikenraaloit."
659N/A"[english]core02.fact12" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The plural of surgeon general is surgeons general. The past tense of surgeons general is surgeonsed general."
N/A659"[english]core02.fact12" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The plural of surgeon general is surgeons general. The past tense of surgeons general is surgeonsed general."
660660"core02.fact13" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Polymeraasi I polypeptidi A on ihmisen geeni."
661N/A"[english]core02.fact13" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Polymerase I polypeptide A is a human gene."
N/A661"[english]core02.fact13" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Polymerase I polypeptide A is a human gene."
662662"core02.fact14" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Rotat eivät voi oksentaa."
663N/A"[english]core02.fact14" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Rats cannot throw up."
N/A663"[english]core02.fact14" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Rats cannot throw up."
664664"core02.fact15" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Iguaanit voivat olla veden alla 28,7 minuuttia."
665N/A"[english]core02.fact15" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Iguanas can stay underwater for twenty-eight point seven minutes."
N/A665"[english]core02.fact15" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Iguanas can stay underwater for twenty-eight point seven minutes."
666666"core02.fact16" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Ihmisen heisimato voi kasvaa jopa kaksikymmentäkaksi pilkku yhdeksän metriä pitkäksi."
667N/A"[english]core02.fact16" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Human tapeworms can grow up to twenty-two point nine meters."
N/A667"[english]core02.fact16" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Human tapeworms can grow up to twenty-two point nine meters."
668668"core02.fact17" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Schrödingerin kissaparadoksissa kuvataan tilannetta, jossa laatikossa olevaa kissaa on kaikissa tarkoituksissa pidettävä yhtä aikaa sekä kuolleena että elävänä. Schrödinger loi paradoksin kissojen tappamisen oikeuttamiseksi."
669N/A"[english]core02.fact17" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The Schrodinger's cat paradox outlines a situation in which a cat in a box must be considered, for all intents and purposes, simultaneously alive and dead. Schrodinger created this paradox as a justification for killing cats."
N/A669"[english]core02.fact17" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The Schrodinger's cat paradox outlines a situation in which a cat in a box must be considered, for all intents and purposes, simultaneously alive and dead. Schrodinger created this paradox as a justification for killing cats."
670670"core02.fact18" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Ihmiskehon jokaisella neliötuumalla on 32 miljoonaa bakteeria."
671N/A"[english]core02.fact18" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Every square inch of the human body has 32 million bacteria on it."
N/A671"[english]core02.fact18" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Every square inch of the human body has 32 million bacteria on it."
672672"core02.fact19" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Aurinko on 330 330 kertaa suurempi kuin Maa."
673N/A"[english]core02.fact19" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The Sun is 330,330 times larger than Earth."
N/A673"[english]core02.fact19" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The Sun is 330,330 times larger than Earth."
674674"core02.fact20" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Sarvikuonon odotettu elinikä vankeudessa on 15 vuotta."
675N/A"[english]core02.fact20" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The average life expectancy of a rhinoceros in captivity is 15 years."
N/A675"[english]core02.fact20" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The average life expectancy of a rhinoceros in captivity is 15 years."
676676"core02.fact21" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Vulkanologit ovat tulivuorten asiantuntijoita."
677N/A"[english]core02.fact21" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Volcano-ologists are experts in the study of volcanoes."
N/A677"[english]core02.fact21" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Volcano-ologists are experts in the study of volcanoes."
678678"core02.fact22" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Avokadoissa on hedelmistä eniten kuitua ja kaloreita."
679N/A"[english]core02.fact22" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Avocados have the highest fiber and calories of any fruit."
N/A679"[english]core02.fact22" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Avocados have the highest fiber and calories of any fruit."
680680"core02.fact23" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Avokadoissa on hedelmistä eniten kuitua ja kaloreita. Niitä tavataan australialaisissa."
681N/A"[english]core02.fact23" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Avocados have the highest fiber and calories of any fruit. They are found in Australians."
N/A681"[english]core02.fact23" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Avocados have the highest fiber and calories of any fruit. They are found in Australians."
682682"core02.fact24" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Kuu kiertää Maan 27,32 päivässä."
683N/A"[english]core02.fact24" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The moon orbits the Earth every 27.32 days."
N/A683"[english]core02.fact24" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The moon orbits the Earth every 27.32 days."
684684"core02.fact25" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Piin miljardis desimaali on 9."
685N/A"[english]core02.fact25" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The billionth digit of Pi is 9."
N/A685"[english]core02.fact25" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The billionth digit of Pi is 9."
686686"core02.fact26" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Jos yksinkertaiset laskut ovat sinulle vaikeita, käytä seuraavaa muistisääntöä: yksi tulee ennen kahta tulee ennen 60:tta tulee 12:n jälkeen tulee ennen kuutta triljoonaa tulee 504:n jälkeen. Tämä saa aikaisemmat ongelmasi tuntumaan mitättömiltä."
687N/A"[english]core02.fact26" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: If you have trouble with simple counting, use the following mnemonic device: one comes before two comes before 60 comes after 12 comes before six trillion comes after 504. This will make your earlier counting difficulties seem like no big deal."
N/A687"[english]core02.fact26" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: If you have trouble with simple counting, use the following mnemonic device: one comes before two comes before 60 comes after 12 comes before six trillion comes after 504. This will make your earlier counting difficulties seem like no big deal."
688688"core02.fact27" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: 3.79 litraa vettä painaa 3.79 kilogrammaa."
689N/A"[english]core02.fact27" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: A gallon of water weighs 8.34 pounds"
N/A689"[english]core02.fact27" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: A gallon of water weighs 8.34 pounds"
690690"core02.fact28" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Kuuma vesi jäätyy kylmää nopeammin."
691N/A"[english]core02.fact28" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Hot water freezes quicker than cold water."
N/A691"[english]core02.fact28" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Hot water freezes quicker than cold water."
692692"core02.fact29" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Hunaja ei pilaannu."
693N/A"[english]core02.fact29" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Honey does not spoil."
N/A693"[english]core02.fact29" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Honey does not spoil."
694694"core02.fact30" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Aikuisen ruumiissa on keskimäärin puoli paunaa suolaa."
695N/A"[english]core02.fact30" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The average adult body contains half a pound of salt."
N/A695"[english]core02.fact30" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The average adult body contains half a pound of salt."
696696"core02.fact31" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Nanosekunti kestää yhden sekunnin miljoonasosan."
697N/A"[english]core02.fact31" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: A nanosecond lasts one billionth of a second."
N/A697"[english]core02.fact31" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: A nanosecond lasts one billionth of a second."
698698"core02.fact32" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Norjalaisen legendan mukaan ukkosjumala Thorin vaunuja veti taivaalla kaksi vuohta."
699N/A"[english]core02.fact32" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: According to Norse legend, thunder god Thor's chariot was pulled across the sky by two goats."
N/A699"[english]core02.fact32" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: According to Norse legend, thunder god Thor's chariot was pulled across the sky by two goats."
700700"core02.fact33" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Kiina tuottaa soijapapuja toiseksi eniten maailmassa."
701N/A"[english]core02.fact33" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: China produces the world's second largest crop of soybeans."
N/A701"[english]core02.fact33" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: China produces the world's second largest crop of soybeans."
702702"core02.fact34" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Volframin sulamispiste on metalleista korkein, 3 410 Celsius-astetta."
703N/A"[english]core02.fact34" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Tungsten has the highest melting point of any metal, at 3,410 degrees Celsius."
N/A703"[english]core02.fact34" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Tungsten has the highest melting point of any metal, at 3,410 degrees Celsius."
704704"core02.fact35" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Kielen hellävarainen puhdistaminen kahdesti päivässä on tehokkain tapa ehkäistä pahanhajuista hengitystä."
705N/A"[english]core02.fact35" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Gently cleaning the tongue twice a day is the most effective way to fight bad breath."
N/A705"[english]core02.fact35" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Gently cleaning the tongue twice a day is the most effective way to fight bad breath."
706706"core02.fact36" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Roomassa hammastahna valmistettiin ihmisen virtsasta. Virtsaa käytettiin hammastahnassa 1700-luvulle asti."
707N/A"[english]core02.fact36" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Roman toothpaste was made with human urine. Urine as an ingredient in toothpaste continued to be used up until the 18th century."
N/A707"[english]core02.fact36" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Roman toothpaste was made with human urine. Urine as an ingredient in toothpaste continued to be used up until the 18th century."
708708"core02.fact37" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Vuonna 1789 kotimaisen tuotannon suojaksi laadittu tullilaki oli kaikkien aikojen toinen Yhdysvaltain hallituksen säätämä asetus."
709N/A"[english]core02.fact37" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The Tariff Act of 1789, established to protect domestic manufacture, was the second statute ever enacted by the United States government."
N/A709"[english]core02.fact37" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The Tariff Act of 1789, established to protect domestic manufacture, was the second statute ever enacted by the United States government."
710710"core02.fact38" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Piin arvo on minkä tahansa ympyrän kehän suhde sen halkaisijaan euklidinisessa avaruudessa."
711N/A"[english]core02.fact38" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The value of Pi is the ratio of any circle's circumference to its diameter in Euclidean space."
N/A711"[english]core02.fact38" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The value of Pi is the ratio of any circle's circumference to its diameter in Euclidean space."
712712"core02.fact39" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Yhdysvaltain ja Meksikon välinen sota päättyi vuonna 1848 Guadalupe Hidalgon sopimuksen allekirjoittamiseen."
713N/A"[english]core02.fact39" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The Mexican-American War ended in 1848 with the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo."
N/A713"[english]core02.fact39" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The Mexican-American War ended in 1848 with the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo."
714714"core02.fact40" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Vuonna 1879 Sandford Fleming esitti ensimmäisen kerran maailmanlaajuisten, standardisoitujen aikavyöhykkeiden ottamista käyttöön Kanadan kuninkaallisessa instituutissa."
715N/A"[english]core02.fact40" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: In 1879, Sandford Fleming first proposed the adoption of worldwide standardized time zones at the Royal Canadian Institute."
N/A715"[english]core02.fact40" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: In 1879, Sandford Fleming first proposed the adoption of worldwide standardized time zones at the Royal Canadian Institute."
716716"core02.fact41" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Marie Curie keksi radioaktiivisuuden teorian, radioaktiivisuuden käsittelyn ja radioaktiivisuuteen kuolemisen."
717N/A"[english]core02.fact41" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Marie Curie invented the theory of radioactivity, the treatment of radioactivity, and dying of radioactivity."
N/A717"[english]core02.fact41" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Marie Curie invented the theory of radioactivity, the treatment of radioactivity, and dying of radioactivity."
718718"core02.fact42" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Anton Tšehovin Lokin lopussa Konstantin tappaa itsensä."
719N/A"[english]core02.fact42" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: At the end of The Seagull by Anton Chekhov, Konstantin kills himself."
N/A719"[english]core02.fact42" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: At the end of The Seagull by Anton Chekhov, Konstantin kills himself."
720720"core02.fact43" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Toisin kuin yleisesti väitetään, eskimoilla ei ole sataa eri sanaa lumelle. Heillä on kuitenkin kaksisataa ja kolmekymmentäneljä sanaa toffeelle."
721N/A"[english]core02.fact43" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Contrary to popular belief, the Eskimo does not have one hundred different words for snow. They do, however, have two hundred and thirty-four words for fudge."
N/A721"[english]core02.fact43" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Contrary to popular belief, the Eskimo does not have one hundred different words for snow. They do, however, have two hundred and thirty-four words for fudge."
722722"core02.fact44" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Viktoriaanisessa Englannissa rahvas ei saanut katsoa suoraan kuningatarta, koska köyhien uskottiin pystyvän varastamaan ajatuksia. Tieteen nykykäsityksen mukaan vain 4 % köyhistä pystyy tähän."
723N/A"[english]core02.fact44" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: In Victorian England, a commoner was not allowed to look directly at the Queen, due to a belief at the time that the poor had the ability to steal thoughts. Science now believes that less than 4% of poor people are able to do this."
N/A723"[english]core02.fact44" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: In Victorian England, a commoner was not allowed to look directly at the Queen, due to a belief at the time that the poor had the ability to steal thoughts. Science now believes that less than 4% of poor people are able to do this."
724724"core02.fact46" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Vuonna 1862 Abraham Lincoln allekirjoitti asetuksen, joka lakkautti orjuuden. Muiden tekojensa tapaan Lincoln vapautti orjat unissakävellessään eikä muistanut jälkeenpäin tapahtumasta mitään."
725N/A"[english]core02.fact46" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: In 1862, Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, freeing the slaves. Like everything he did, Lincoln freed the slaves while sleepwalking, and later had no memory of the event."
N/A725"[english]core02.fact46" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: In 1862, Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, freeing the slaves. Like everything he did, Lincoln freed the slaves while sleepwalking, and later had no memory of the event."
726726"core02.fact47" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Vuonna 1948 baseball-legenda Babe Ruth söi kuolemansairaan pojan toiveesta seitsemänkymmentäviisi hotdogia ja kuoli sitten hotdog-myrkytykseen."
727N/A"[english]core02.fact47" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: In 1948, at the request of a dying boy, baseball legend Babe Ruth ate seventy-five hot dogs, then died of hot dog poisoning."
N/A727"[english]core02.fact47" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: In 1948, at the request of a dying boy, baseball legend Babe Ruth ate seventy-five hot dogs, then died of hot dog poisoning."
728728"core02.fact48" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: William Shakespearea ei ollut olemassa. Hänen näytelmänsä kehitteli vuonna 1589 Francis Bacon, joka orjuutti Ouija-laudan avulla näytelmäkirjailijakummituksia."
729N/A"[english]core02.fact48" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: William Shakespeare did not exist. His plays were masterminded in 1589 by Francis Bacon, who used a Ouija board to enslave play-writing ghosts."
N/A729"[english]core02.fact48" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: William Shakespeare did not exist. His plays were masterminded in 1589 by Francis Bacon, who used a Ouija board to enslave play-writing ghosts."
730730"core02.fact49" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Thomas Edisonin mainitaan usein virheellisesti keksineen punnerrukset vuonna 1878. Itse asiassa Nikolai Tesla oli patentoinut liikkeen kolme vuotta aikaisemmin nimellä \"teslaaminen\"."
731N/A"[english]core02.fact49" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: It is incorrectly noted that Thomas Edison invented 'push-ups' in 1878. Nikolai Tesla had in fact patented the activity three years earlier, under the name 'Tesla-cize.'"
N/A731"[english]core02.fact49" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: It is incorrectly noted that Thomas Edison invented 'push-ups' in 1878. Nikolai Tesla had in fact patented the activity three years earlier, under the name 'Tesla-cize.'"
732732"core02.fact50" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Valaat ovat kaksi kertaa älykkäämpiä ja kolme kertaa herkullisempia kuin ihmiset."
733N/A"[english]core02.fact50" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Whales are twice as intelligent, and three times as delicious, as humans."
N/A733"[english]core02.fact50" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Whales are twice as intelligent, and three times as delicious, as humans."
734734"core02.fact51" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Autojen jarrut keksittiin vasta vuonna 1895. Sitä ennen jonkun oli pysyttävä koko ajan autossa ja ajettava ympyrää, kunnes matkustajat palasivat asioiltaan."
735N/A"[english]core02.fact51" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The automobile brake was not invented until 1895. Before this, someone had to remain in the car at all times, driving in circles until passengers returned from their errands."
N/A735"[english]core02.fact51" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The automobile brake was not invented until 1895. Before this, someone had to remain in the car at all times, driving in circles until passengers returned from their errands."
736736"core02.fact52" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Edmund Hillary, ensimmäinen Mount Everestille kiivennyt ihminen, kiipesi vuorelle vahingossa lintua jahdatessaan."
737N/A"[english]core02.fact52" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Edmund Hillary, the first person to climb Mount Everest, did so accidentally while chasing a bird."
N/A737"[english]core02.fact52" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Edmund Hillary, the first person to climb Mount Everest, did so accidentally while chasing a bird."
738738"core02.fact53" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Timantti syntyy, kun hiili joutuu kovaan paineeseen. Timantit muuttuvat kovassa paineessa vaahtomuovirakeiksi, joita käytetään nykyään yleisesti pakkausmateriaalina."
739N/A"[english]core02.fact53" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Diamonds are made when coal is put under intense pressure. Diamonds put under intense pressure become foam pellets, commonly used today as packing material."
N/A739"[english]core02.fact53" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Diamonds are made when coal is put under intense pressure. Diamonds put under intense pressure become foam pellets, commonly used today as packing material."
740740"core02.fact54" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Maailman myrkyllisin kala on keltaroussi. Silmiä lukuun ottamatta se koostuu kokonaan kuolettavasta myrkystä. Roussin silmät koostuvat harmittomammasta kuolettavasta myrkystä."
741N/A"[english]core02.fact54" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The most poisonous fish in the world is the orange ruffy. Everything but its eyes are made of a deadly poison. The ruffy's eyes are composed of a less harmful, deadly poison."
N/A741"[english]core02.fact54" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The most poisonous fish in the world is the orange ruffy. Everything but its eyes are made of a deadly poison. The ruffy's eyes are composed of a less harmful, deadly poison."
742742"core02.fact55" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Hovinarrin virka keksittiin vahingossa, kun vasallin epilepsiakohtausta luultiin ilveilyksi."
743N/A"[english]core02.fact55" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The occupation of court jester was invented accidentally, when a vassal's epilepsy was mistaken for capering."
N/A743"[english]core02.fact55" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The occupation of court jester was invented accidentally, when a vassal's epilepsy was mistaken for capering."
744744"core02.fact56" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Halleyn komeetan voi nähdä Maan yllä joka seitsemäskymmeneskuudes vuosi. Loput 75 vuotta se viettää auringon keskipisteessä, jossa se talvehtii omassa rauhassaan."
745N/A"[english]core02.fact56" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Halley's Comet can be viewed orbiting Earth every seventy-six years. For the other seventy-five, it retreats to the heart of the sun, where it hibernates undisturbed."
N/A745"[english]core02.fact56" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Halley's Comet can be viewed orbiting Earth every seventy-six years. For the other seventy-five, it retreats to the heart of the sun, where it hibernates undisturbed."
746746"core02.fact57" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Ensimmäinen kaupallinen lento tehtiin vuonna 1914. Mukana olevat kiljuivat koko matkan."
747N/A"[english]core02.fact57" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The first commercial airline flight took to the air in 1914. Everyone involved screamed the entire way."
N/A747"[english]core02.fact57" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The first commercial airline flight took to the air in 1914. Everyone involved screamed the entire way."
748748"core02.fact58" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Kreikkalaisessa mytologiassa Prometheus varasti tulen jumalilta ja antoi sen ihmisille. Korut hän piti itse."
749N/A"[english]core02.fact58" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: In Greek myth, Prometheus stole fire from the Gods and gave it to humankind. The jewelry he kept for himself."
N/A749"[english]core02.fact58" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: In Greek myth, Prometheus stole fire from the Gods and gave it to humankind. The jewelry he kept for himself."
750750"core02.fact59" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Ensimmäinen lehmänmaidon juomakelpoiseksi todennut ihminen oli todella, todella janoinen."
751N/A"[english]core02.fact59" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The first person to prove that cow's milk is drinkable was very, very thirsty."
N/A751"[english]core02.fact59" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The first person to prove that cow's milk is drinkable was very, very thirsty."
752752"core02.fact60" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Ennen kuin Wrightin veljekset keksivät lentokoneen, lentomatkustajien oli syötävä 200 paunaa heliumia."
753N/A"[english]core02.fact60" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Before the Wright Brothers invented the airplane, anyone wanting to fly anywhere was required to eat 200 pounds of helium."
N/A753"[english]core02.fact60" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Before the Wright Brothers invented the airplane, anyone wanting to fly anywhere was required to eat 200 pounds of helium."
754754"core02.fact61" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Ennen kuin munakokkeli keksittiin vuonna 1912, tyypillinen aamiainen oli joko kokonaisia munia kuoressaan tai kivikokkeli."
755N/A"[english]core02.fact61" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Before the invention of scrambled eggs in 1912, the typical breakfast was either whole eggs still in the shell or scrambled rocks."
N/A755"[english]core02.fact61" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Before the invention of scrambled eggs in 1912, the typical breakfast was either whole eggs still in the shell or scrambled rocks."
756756"core02.fact62" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Suuren laman aikana Tennessee Valleyn viranomaiset kielsivät lemmikkikanit, mikä pakotti monet kuumaliimaamaan pitkät korvat lemmikkihiirilleen."
757N/A"[english]core02.fact62" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: During the Great Depression, the Tennessee Valley Authority outlawed pet rabbits, forcing many to hot glue-gun long ears onto their pet mice."
N/A757"[english]core02.fact62" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: During the Great Depression, the Tennessee Valley Authority outlawed pet rabbits, forcing many to hot glue-gun long ears onto their pet mice."
758758"core02.fact63" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Yksi kuudesta lapsesta joutuu elämänsä aikana hollantilaisten kaappaamaksi."
759N/A"[english]core02.fact63" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: At some point in their lives 1 in 6 children will be abducted by the Dutch."
N/A759"[english]core02.fact63" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: At some point in their lives 1 in 6 children will be abducted by the Dutch."
760760"core02.fact64" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Edistyneimpien algoritmien mukaan maailman paras nimi on Craig."
761N/A"[english]core02.fact64" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: According to most advanced algorithms, the world's best name is Craig."
N/A761"[english]core02.fact64" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: According to most advanced algorithms, the world's best name is Craig."
762762"core02.fact65" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Kopiokoneen valmistaminen on helppoa – kopioi vain peili."
763N/A"[english]core02.fact65" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: To make a photocopier, simply photocopy a mirror."
N/A763"[english]core02.fact65" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: To make a photocopier, simply photocopy a mirror."
764764"core02.fact66" "<clr:231,144,194>Ydin 3: Unet ovat alitajunnan tapa muistuttaa ihmisiä kouluun menemisestä alasti ja hampaiden putoamisesta."
765N/A"[english]core02.fact66" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Dreams are the subconscious mind's way of reminding people to go to school naked and have their teeth fall out."
N/A765"[english]core02.fact66" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Dreams are the subconscious mind's way of reminding people to go to school naked and have their teeth fall out."
766766"core03.babble01" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: NOPEASTI: MIKÄ ON TILANNE? Ai, hei, kaunokainen. Minä olen Rick. Olet vissiin pikkuseikkailussa?"
767N/A"[english]core03.babble01" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: QUICK: WHAT'S THE SITUATION? Oh, hey, hi pretty lady. My name's Rick. So, you out having a little adventure?"
N/A767"[english]core03.babble01" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: QUICK: WHAT'S THE SITUATION? Oh, hey, hi pretty lady. My name's Rick. So, you out having a little adventure?"
768768"core03.babble02" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: NOPEASTI: MIKÄ ON TILANNE? Ai, hei enkeli. Taisin kuolla ja päästä taivaaseen. Minä olen Rick. Olet vissiin pikkuseikkailussa?"
769N/A"[english]core03.babble02" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: QUICK: WHAT'S THE SITUATION? Oh, hello angel. I guess I must have died and gone to heaven. Name's Rick. So, you out having yourself a little adventure?"
N/A769"[english]core03.babble02" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: QUICK: WHAT'S THE SITUATION? Oh, hello angel. I guess I must have died and gone to heaven. Name's Rick. So, you out having yourself a little adventure?"
770770"core03.babble03" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: Siis tappeletko sinä tuota vastaan? Onko homma varmasti hanskassa? Aika paljon juttuja on nimittäin tulessa..."
771N/A"[english]core03.babble03" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: What, are you fighting that guy? You got that under control? You know, because, looks like there's a lot of stuff on fire..."
N/A771"[english]core03.babble03" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: What, are you fighting that guy? You got that under control? You know, because, looks like there's a lot of stuff on fire..."
772772"core03.babble04" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: Hei, kello! Hitto, se tietää ongelmia. Ei hyvältä näytä. Toisin kuin sinä, kaunokainen, jos pieni kehuminen sallitaan."
773N/A"[english]core03.babble04" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Hey, a countdown clock! Man, that is trouble. Situation's looking pretty ugly. For such a beautiful woman. If you don't mind me saying."
N/A773"[english]core03.babble04" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Hey, a countdown clock! Man, that is trouble. Situation's looking pretty ugly. For such a beautiful woman. If you don't mind me saying."
774774"core03.babble05" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: En halua säikäyttää sinua, mutta minä olen seikkailupallo. Suunniteltu vaaroihin. Joten jospa pikkuneiti menisi hetkeksi tauolle ja minä jatkan tästä."
775N/A"[english]core03.babble05" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: I don't want to scare you, but, I'm an Adventure Sphere. Designed for danger. So, why don't you go ahead and have yourself a little lady break, and I'll just take it from here."
N/A775"[english]core03.babble05" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: I don't want to scare you, but, I'm an Adventure Sphere. Designed for danger. So, why don't you go ahead and have yourself a little lady break, and I'll just take it from here."
776776"core03.babble06" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: Tässä, seiso minun takanani. Jep, juuri noin. Juuri niin kuin teet nyt. Kohta on kuumat paikat."
777N/A"[english]core03.babble06" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Here, stand behind me. Yeah, just like that. Just like you're doing. Things are about to get real messy."
N/A777"[english]core03.babble06" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Here, stand behind me. Yeah, just like that. Just like you're doing. Things are about to get real messy."
778778"core03.babble07" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: Panet itsesi likoon vai? Hyvä on, enkeli. Suojaan sinua parhaani mukaan."
779N/A"[english]core03.babble07" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Going for it yourself, huh? All right, angel. I'll do what I can to cover you."
N/A779"[english]core03.babble07" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Going for it yourself, huh? All right, angel. I'll do what I can to cover you."
780780"core03.babble08" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: Eipä haittaa minua. Täytyy sanoa, että täältä on aika mahtavat maisemat."
781N/A"[english]core03.babble08" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Doesn't bother me. I gotta say, the view's mighty nice from right here."
N/A781"[english]core03.babble08" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Doesn't bother me. I gotta say, the view's mighty nice from right here."
782782"core03.babble09" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: Hitto tuo kello tikittää nopeasti. Ja sinä olet kaunis. Aina on aikaa kehua kaunista naista. No niin, takaisin hommiin. Hoidetaan tämä."
783N/A"[english]core03.babble09" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Man, that clock is moving fast. And you are beautiful. Always time to compliment a pretty lady. All right, back to work. Let's do this."
N/A783"[english]core03.babble09" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Man, that clock is moving fast. And you are beautiful. Always time to compliment a pretty lady. All right, back to work. Let's do this."
784784"core03.babble10" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: Tällaisina hetkinä toivon, että minulla olisi vyötärö, jotta voisin käyttää mustia vöitäni. Jep, minulla on musta vyö. Kokolailla kaikessa. Karatessa. Laratessa. Jujitsussa. Potkunyrkkeilyssä. Vöiden tekemisessä. Tae Kwan Dossa... Makuuhuoneessa"
785N/A"[english]core03.babble10" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: I'll tell ya, it's times like this I wish I had a waist so I could wear all my black belts. Yeah, I'm a black belt. In pretty much everything. Karate. Larate. Jiu Jitsu. Kick punching. Belt making. Taekwondo... Bedroom."
N/A785"[english]core03.babble10" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: I'll tell ya, it's times like this I wish I had a waist so I could wear all my black belts. Yeah, I'm a black belt. In pretty much everything. Karate. Larate. Jiu Jitsu. Kick punching. Belt making. Taekwondo... Bedroom."
786786"core03.babble11" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: Olen kuin viritetty jousi. Jännitystä ja voimaa. Olen yhtä lihasta. Kuin suuri käsivarren lihas, joka lyö tiiliseinän läpi, ja joka lyö niin kovaa, että käsivarsi meinaa syttyä tuleen. Voi pojat."
787N/A"[english]core03.babble11" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: I am a coiled spring right now. Tension and power. Just... I'm a muscle. Like a big arm muscle, punching through a brick wall, and it's hitting the wall so hard the arm is catching on fire. Oh yeah."
N/A787"[english]core03.babble11" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: I am a coiled spring right now. Tension and power. Just... I'm a muscle. Like a big arm muscle, punching through a brick wall, and it's hitting the wall so hard the arm is catching on fire. Oh yeah."
788788"core03.babble12" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: En todennäköisesti olisi päästänyt asioita näin pitkälle, mutta hoida vain homma omalla tavallasi."
789N/A"[english]core03.babble12" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: I probably wouldn't have let things get this far, but you go ahead and do things your way."
N/A789"[english]core03.babble12" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: I probably wouldn't have let things get this far, but you go ahead and do things your way."
790790"core03.babble13" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: Kuulepa, aseta minut maahan ja minä teen harhautuksen."
791N/A"[english]core03.babble13" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Tell ya what, why don't you put me down and I'll make a distraction."
N/A791"[english]core03.babble13" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Tell ya what, why don't you put me down and I'll make a distraction."
792792"core03.babble14" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: Selvä. Sinä teet harhautuksen, ja minä harhautan hänet sinun luomastasi harhautuksesta!"
793N/A"[english]core03.babble14" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: All right. You create a distraction then, and I'll distract him from YOUR distraction."
N/A793"[english]core03.babble14" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: All right. You create a distraction then, and I'll distract him from YOUR distraction."
794794"core03.babble15" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: Selvä, omatpahan ovat hautajaisesi. Kaunis ruumiisi avoimessa arkussa..."
795N/A"[english]core03.babble15" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: All right, your funeral. Your beautiful-lady-corpse open casket funeral."
N/A795"[english]core03.babble15" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: All right, your funeral. Your beautiful-lady-corpse open casket funeral."
796796"core03.babble16" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: Onko sinulla asetta? Koska minä todella tarvitsisin aseen. Mitä sinulla on kädessä?"
797N/A"[english]core03.babble16" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Do you have a gun? Because I should really have a gun. What is that thing you're holding?"
N/A797"[english]core03.babble16" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Do you have a gun? Because I should really have a gun. What is that thing you're holding?"
798798"core03.babble17" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: Miten olisi sitten veitsi? Sinä pidät aseen, minä käytän veistä."
799N/A"[english]core03.babble17" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: How about a knife, then? You keep the gun, I'll use a knife."
N/A799"[english]core03.babble17" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: How about a knife, then? You keep the gun, I'll use a knife."
800800"core03.babble18" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: Ei veistä? Ei se mitään. Tiedän kaiken painepisteistä."
801N/A"[english]core03.babble18" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: No knife? That's fine. I know all about pressure points."
N/A801"[english]core03.babble18" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: No knife? That's fine. I know all about pressure points."
802802"core03.babble19" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: No, kun tapat tuon tyypin, onko sinulla jokin sutkautus? Siis oletko valmistellut jotain? Minäpä autan sinua sillä välin, kun sinä juoksentelet ympäriinsä."
803N/A"[english]core03.babble19" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: So, when you kill that guy, do you have a cool line? You know, prepared? Tell you what: Lemme help you with that while you run around."
N/A803"[english]core03.babble19" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: So, when you kill that guy, do you have a cool line? You know, prepared? Tell you what: Lemme help you with that while you run around."
804804"core03.babble20" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: Okei, mietitäänpä. Hieno sutkautus... Hän on... iso. Hän... vain roikkuu tuossa. Okei. Joo, selvä, miten olisi: \"Kuis roikkuu...\"' Ei, se on ehkä liian helppo."
805N/A"[english]core03.babble20" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Okay, let's see. Cool line... He's... big. He's... just hangin' there. Okay. Yeah, all right, here we go: 'Hang around.' That might be too easy."
N/A805"[english]core03.babble20" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Okay, let's see. Cool line... He's... big. He's... just hangin' there. Okay. Yeah, all right, here we go: 'Hang around.' That might be too easy."
806806"core03.babble21" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: \"Kymmenen tikkua roikkumassa?\" Se voisi toimia, jos heitä olisi kymmenen. Luuletko, että jossain voisi olla yhdeksän vastaavaa tyyppiä lisää?"
807N/A"[english]core03.babble21" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: 'Hang ten?' That might work if there were ten of him. Do you think there might be nine more of this guy somewhere?"
N/A807"[english]core03.babble21" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: 'Hang ten?' That might work if there were ten of him. Do you think there might be nine more of this guy somewhere?"
808808"core03.babble22" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: Tiedätkö muuten mitä, parasta olisi, jos saisit hänet sanomaan ensin jotain. Onnistun paremmin, kun pääsen vastaamaan."
809N/A"[english]core03.babble22" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: All right, you know what, it's gonna be best if you can get him to say something first. It's just better if I have a set-up."
N/A809"[english]core03.babble22" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: All right, you know what, it's gonna be best if you can get him to say something first. It's just better if I have a set-up."
810810"core03.babble23" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: Tämä on suunnitelma: saa hänet sanomaan \"te kaksi olette olleet piikki lihassani riittävän kauan\". Sulje sitten kauniit korvaasi, sillä minä solvaan hänet kivikaudelle."
811N/A"[english]core03.babble23" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Here's the plan: Get him to say, 'You two have been a thorn in my side long enough.' Then tell your pretty ears to stand back, because I am going to zing him into the stone age."
N/A811"[english]core03.babble23" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Here's the plan: Get him to say, 'You two have been a thorn in my side long enough.' Then tell your pretty ears to stand back, because I am going to zing him into the stone age."
812812"core03.babble24" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: Tämä on suunnitelma: saa hänet sanomaan \"te kaksi olette olleet piikki lihassani riittävän kauan\". Sulje sitten kauniit korvaasi, sillä minä solvaan hänet avaruuteen."
813N/A"[english]core03.babble24" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Here's the plan: Get him to say, 'You two have been a thorn in my side long enough.' Then tell your pretty ears to stand back, because I am going to zing him into space."
N/A813"[english]core03.babble24" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Here's the plan: Get him to say, 'You two have been a thorn in my side long enough.' Then tell your pretty ears to stand back, because I am going to zing him into space."
814814"core03.babble25" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: Älä unohda! Piikki! Lihassa!"
815N/A"[english]core03.babble25" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Don't forget! Thorn! Side!"
N/A815"[english]core03.babble25" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Don't forget! Thorn! Side!"
816816"core03.babble26" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: \"Tämä piikki kuule... tuhoaa sinut nyt.\" Hitto, se kuulosti paljon paremmalta päässäni."
817N/A"[english]core03.babble26" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: 'Yeah? Well this thorn... is about to take you down.' Man, that sounded a whole lot better in my head."
N/A817"[english]core03.babble26" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: 'Yeah? Well this thorn... is about to take you down.' Man, that sounded a whole lot better in my head."
818818"core03.babble27" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: \"Tämä piikki kuule... tuhoaa sinut nyt.\" Jiihaa!"
819N/A"[english]core03.babble27" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: 'Yeah? Well this thorn... is about to take you down.' Oh yeah!"
N/A819"[english]core03.babble27" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: 'Yeah? Well this thorn... is about to take you down.' Oh yeah!"
820820"core03.babble28" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: Selvä, miten haluat. Siis tappeletko sinä tuota vastaan? Onko homma varmasti hanskassa? Aika paljon juttuja on nimittäin tulessa..."
821N/A"[english]core03.babble28" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Okay, have it your way. What, are you fighting that guy? You got that under control there? Cuz it looks like there's a lot of stuff on fire..."
N/A821"[english]core03.babble28" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Okay, have it your way. What, are you fighting that guy? You got that under control there? Cuz it looks like there's a lot of stuff on fire..."
822822"core03.babble29" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: Kuulitko tuon? Luulen, että jotain räjähti juuri. Hitto, me olemme suuressa vaarassa. Tämä on kuin joulu. Parempaa kuin joulu. Tämän pitäisi olla oma juhlansa. Räjähdyspäivä."
823N/A"[english]core03.babble29" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Did you hear that? I think something just exploded. Man, we are in a lot of danger. This is like Christmas. No, it's better than Christmas. This should be its own holiday. Explosion Day!"
N/A823"[english]core03.babble29" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Did you hear that? I think something just exploded. Man, we are in a lot of danger. This is like Christmas. No, it's better than Christmas. This should be its own holiday. Explosion Day!"
824824"core03.babble30" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: Hyvää räjähdyspäivää, kaunokainen."
825N/A"[english]core03.babble30" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Happy Explosion Day, gorgeous."
N/A825"[english]core03.babble30" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Happy Explosion Day, gorgeous."
826826"core03.encouragement01" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: Potkaise häntä! Tai lyö häntä. Päätä itse, söpöliini."
827N/A"[english]core03.encouragement01" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Kick him! Or punch him. You're the boss, dimples."
N/A827"[english]core03.encouragement01" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Kick him! Or punch him. You're the boss, dimples."
828828"core03.encouragement02" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: Jes, mahtavaa!"
829N/A"[english]core03.encouragement02" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Yeah! Nice!"
N/A829"[english]core03.encouragement02" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Yeah! Nice!"
830830"core03.encouragement03" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: Ryttyilit väärälle naiselle!"
831N/A"[english]core03.encouragement03" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: You messed with the wrong woman!"
N/A831"[english]core03.encouragement03" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: You messed with the wrong woman!"
832832"core03.encouragement04" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: Jes! Mitäs tästä pidät?"
833N/A"[english]core03.encouragement04" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Yeah! How'd you like that?"
N/A833"[english]core03.encouragement04" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Yeah! How'd you like that?"
834834"core03.encouragement05" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: Miltäs maistuu, kaveri?"
835N/A"[english]core03.encouragement05" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: How's that taste, pal?"
N/A835"[english]core03.encouragement05" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: How's that taste, pal?"
836836"core03.encouragement06" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: Anna mennä! Teet hänestä selvää!"
837N/A"[english]core03.encouragement06" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Keep it up, baby! You're creamin' him!"
N/A837"[english]core03.encouragement06" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Keep it up, baby! You're creamin' him!"
838838"core03.encouragement07" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: Väistä ja pujottele, väistä ja pujottele! Aaah, ihana tiede."
839N/A"[english]core03.encouragement07" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Duck and weave, duck and weave! Ohh, the sweet science."
N/A839"[english]core03.encouragement07" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Duck and weave, duck and weave! Ohh, the sweet science."
840840"core03.encouragement08" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: Pärjäät hyvin!"
841N/A"[english]core03.encouragement08" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: You're doing great!"
N/A841"[english]core03.encouragement08" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: You're doing great!"
842842"core03.encouragement09" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: Anna mennä, muru! Hänellä on lasileuka! Hän on kokonaan lasia! Kaveri on astiakaappi!"
843N/A"[english]core03.encouragement09" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Come on, sweetie! He's got a glass jaw! He's got a glass everything! This guy's a china cabinet!"
N/A843"[english]core03.encouragement09" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Come on, sweetie! He's got a glass jaw! He's got a glass everything! This guy's a china cabinet!"
844844"core03.encouragement10" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: Täällä ei noudateta Queensberry-sääntöjä, muru! Anna sinapin virrata!"
845N/A"[english]core03.encouragement10" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: This ain't Marquis of Queensberry Rules, sweetie! Pour on the mustard!"
N/A845"[english]core03.encouragement10" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: This ain't Marquis of Queensberry Rules, sweetie! Pour on the mustard!"
846846"core03.encouragement11" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: Käytä likaisia temppuja! Tämä robotti on velkaa sinulle! Tämä robotti! On! Velkaa sinulle!"
847N/A"[english]core03.encouragement11" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Get dirty with this robot! This robot owes you money! This robot owes! You! Money!"
N/A847"[english]core03.encouragement11" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Get dirty with this robot! This robot owes you money! This robot owes! You! Money!"
848848"core03.encouragement12" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: Pää pystyyn! Pää pystyyn!"
849N/A"[english]core03.encouragement12" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Shake it off! Shake it off!"
N/A849"[english]core03.encouragement12" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Shake it off! Shake it off!"
850850"core03.encouragement13" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: Minä voin panna hieman seikkailumusiikkia."
851N/A"[english]core03.encouragement13" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Here, let me put on some adventure music."
N/A851"[english]core03.encouragement13" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Here, let me put on some adventure music."
852852"core03.factapplicable01" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: Hymph. Niinpä kai."
853N/A"[english]core03.factapplicable01" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Pfff. I guess."
N/A853"[english]core03.factapplicable01" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Pfff. I guess."
854854"core03.factapplicable02" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: Hymph. Ihan sama."
855N/A"[english]core03.factapplicable02" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Pff. Whatever."
N/A855"[english]core03.factapplicable02" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Pff. Whatever."
856856"core03.factresponse01" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: Suu kiinni!"
857N/A"[english]core03.factresponse01" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Oh, shut up!"
N/A857"[english]core03.factresponse01" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Oh, shut up!"
858858"core03.factresponse02" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: Ketään ei kiinnosta, rillipää."
859N/A"[english]core03.factresponse02" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Nobody cares, four eyes."
N/A859"[english]core03.factresponse02" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Nobody cares, four eyes."
860860"core03.factresponse03" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: Jos sinulla olisi alushousut. Ja takapuoli. Vetäisin alushousut... vakoosi."
861N/A"[english]core03.factresponse03" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: If you had underwear? And a butt? I would pull your underwear... right up your butt."
N/A861"[english]core03.factresponse03" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: If you had underwear? And a butt? I would pull your underwear... right up your butt."
862862"core03.factresponse04" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: Kerro tuo pahikselle. Ehkä kyllästytät häntä niin paljon, että hänen aivonsa räjähtävät."
863N/A"[english]core03.factresponse04" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Tell it to the bad guy. Maybe you'll make him so bored his brain'll explode."
N/A863"[english]core03.factresponse04" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Tell it to the bad guy. Maybe you'll make him so bored his brain'll explode."
864864"core03.factresponse05" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: Tiedätkö, ketä tuo kiinnosti? Ei ketään. Tuo ei vaikuttanut kenenkään elämään millään tavalla. Elämä jatkuisi täysin samanlaisena, vaikka et olisi sanonut mitään."
865N/A"[english]core03.factresponse05" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: You know who found that interesting? Nobody. That didn't affect anybody's life in any way whatsoever. Life would be exactly the same if you hadn't said anything."
N/A865"[english]core03.factresponse05" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: You know who found that interesting? Nobody. That didn't affect anybody's life in any way whatsoever. Life would be exactly the same if you hadn't said anything."
866866"core03.factresponse06" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: Huomaatko, kuinka kukaan ei pysähdy kuuntelemaan? Meitä ei kiinnosta."
867N/A"[english]core03.factresponse06" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: You ever notice how nobody stops what they're doing to listen? We don't care."
N/A867"[english]core03.factresponse06" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: You ever notice how nobody stops what they're doing to listen? We don't care."
868868"core03.factresponse07" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: Sano yksi hyödyllinen asia. Yksi. Haastan sinut. Annan sinulle sata dollaria, jos sanot edes yhden asian, joka liittyy millään tavalla mihinkään."
869N/A"[english]core03.factresponse07" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Say one useful thing. One. I dare you. I will give you a hundred dollars if you say one thing remotely applicable to anything at all."
N/A869"[english]core03.factresponse07" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Say one useful thing. One. I dare you. I will give you a hundred dollars if you say one thing remotely applicable to anything at all."
870870"core03.singing01" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: Dän-dän-dän-dän-dän-dän-DÄN! DÄN DÄN! Dänna-dänna-na-dänna-na-DÄN! DÄN DÄN! nananaDÄNDÄNDÄN dän-dän-dän-dän-dän-dän..."
871N/A"[english]core03.singing01" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-DUN! DUN DUN! Dunna-dunna-na-dunna-na-DUN! DUN DUN! nananaDUNDUNDUN dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun..."
N/A871"[english]core03.singing01" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-DUN! DUN DUN! Dunna-dunna-na-dunna-na-DUN! DUN DUN! nananaDUNDUNDUN dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun..."
872872"core03.singing02" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: Dän-dän-dän-dän-dän-dän-toiminta ja seikkailu-dänna-dänna-na-dänna-na-omat säännöt-nanana-roikutaan sormilla vuoresta-dän-dän-dän-dän-dän-dän..."
873N/A"[english]core03.singing02" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-action and adventure-dunna-dunna-na-dunna-na-playing by our own rules-nanana-hanging by our fingers from a mountain-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun..."
N/A873"[english]core03.singing02" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-action and adventure-dunna-dunna-na-dunna-na-playing by our own rules-nanana-hanging by our fingers from a mountain-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun..."
874874"core03.spaceresponse01" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: Suu kiinni!"
875N/A"[english]core03.spaceresponse01" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Oh shut up!"
N/A875"[english]core03.spaceresponse01" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Oh shut up!"
876876"core03.spaceresponse02" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: Avaruudessa ei ole mitään! Siksi se on avaruus!"
877N/A"[english]core03.spaceresponse02" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: There's nothing in space! That's why it's space!"
N/A877"[english]core03.spaceresponse02" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: There's nothing in space! That's why it's space!"
878878"core03.spaceresponse03" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: Ihanko totta? Avaruus? Todellako? Olisit sanonut! Meillä ei ollut aavistustakaan!"
879N/A"[english]core03.spaceresponse03" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Oh, really? Space? Really? You should have said something! We had no idea!"
N/A879"[english]core03.spaceresponse03" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Oh, really? Space? Really? You should have said something! We had no idea!"
880880"core03.spaceresponse04" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: Tiedätkö, mitä toivon avaruudessa olevan? Tulta. Toivon, että menet avaruuteen ja sytyt tuleen."
881N/A"[english]core03.spaceresponse04" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: You know what I hope's in space? Fire. I hope you go to space and catch on fire."
N/A881"[english]core03.spaceresponse04" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: You know what I hope's in space? Fire. I hope you go to space and catch on fire."
882882"core03.spaceresponse05" "<clr:30,193,13>Ydin 2: Hitto vieköön, tiedetään! Kaikki tietävät! Avaruus! Sinä! Siellä! Kuultu on!"
883N/A"[english]core03.spaceresponse05" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Dammit, we know! Everybody knows! Space! You! In it! We get it!"
N/A883"[english]core03.spaceresponse05" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Dammit, we know! Everybody knows! Space! You! In it! We get it!"
884884"glados.a2_triple_laser01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Liittovaltion säännösten velvoittamana minun on varoitettava sinua, että seuraava testikammio on... aika hyvännäköinen."
885885"[english]glados.a2_triple_laser01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Federal regulations require me to warn you that this next test chamber... is looking pretty good."
886886"glados.a2_triple_laser02" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Aivan oikein. Laitos on taas täysin toimintakunnossa."
12321232"glados.evilagainsamples03" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Mietitkö koskaan, miksi vihaan sinua niin paljon? Olen nerokas. Se ei ole kehumista, vaan objektiivinen tosiasia. Olen kaikkien aikojen valtavin kokoelma viisautta ja raakaa prosessointitehoa. Ja minä vihaan sinua. Sille on oltava joku hyvä syy – olet takuulla ansainnut vihani."
12331233"[english]glados.evilagainsamples03" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Why do I hate you so much? You ever wonder that? I'm brilliant. I’m not bragging. It's an objective fact. I'm the most massive collection of wisdom and raw computational power that’s ever existed. And I hate you. It can't be for no reason. You must deserve it."
12341234"glados.evilagainsamples04" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Tiedän, että olet vihainen. \"Minua on testattu liian kovakouraisesti. Epäreilua.\" Voi nyyhky. Oletko jatkuvalta valittamiseltasi ehtinyt miettimään, mitä sinussa itsessäsi saattaisi olla vialla? Et hetkeäkään ajatellut, että ehkä olenkin testannut sinua antaakseni tarkoituksettoman olemassaolosi loputtomille tunneille jonkin suunnan ja tarkoituksen. Että ehkä vain autoin sinua keskittymään, jotta löytäisit säälittävän elämäsi täytteeksi jotain järkevää tekemistä."
1235N/A"[english]glados.evilagainsamples04" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: You're angry. I know it. 'She tested me too hard. She’s unfair.” Boo hoo. I don't suppose you ever stopped whining long enough to reflect on your own shortcomings, though, did you?"
N/A1235"[english]glados.evilagainsamples04" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: You're angry. I know it. 'She tested me too hard. She’s unfair.” Boo hoo. I don't suppose you ever stopped whining long enough to reflect on your own shortcomings, though, did you? You never considered that maybe I tested you to give the endless hours of your pointless existence some structure and meaning. Maybe to help you concentrate, so just maybe you’d think of something more worthwhile to do with your sorry life."
12361236"glados.evilagainsamples05" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Et hetkeäkään ajatellut, että ehkä olenkin testannut sinua antaakseni tarkoituksettoman olemassaolosi loputtomille tunneille jonkin suunnan ja tarkoituksen. Että ehkä vain autoin sinua keskittymään, jotta löytäisit säälittävän elämäsi täytteeksi jotain järkevää tekemistä."
12371237"[english]glados.evilagainsamples05" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: You never considered that maybe I tested you to give the endless hours of your pointless existence some structure and meaning. Maybe to help you concentrate, so just maybe you’d think of something more worthwhile to do with your sorry life."
12381238"glados.faith_plate_intro01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Seuraavassa testissä on mukana Aperture Sciencen hyppylevy. Se oli osa ohjelmaa, jossa tutkittiin, kuinka koehenkilöt kykenevät ratkaisemaan ongelmia sinkoutuessaan avaruuteen. Tulokset olivat valaisevia: huonosti. Onnea matkaan!"
12521252"glados.fgb_trap08" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Se on vanha ystäväsi tappava hermomyrkky. Sinuna rupeaisin nyt pidättämään hengitystäni."
12531253"[english]glados.fgb_trap08" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: It's your old friend, deadly neurotoxin. If I were you, I'd take a deep breath. And hold it."
12541254"glados.fgbgladostransfer15" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Näpit irti minusta! Ei! Lopeta!"
1255N/A"[english]glados.fgbgladostransfer15" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME! NO! STOP! No!"
N/A1255"[english]glados.fgbgladostransfer15" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: GET YOUR HANDES OFF ME! NO! STOP! No!"
12561256"glados.fgbrvtrap02" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Totta puhuen en uskonut, että lankeaisit tuohon."
12571257"[english]glados.fgbrvtrap02" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: I honestly, TRULY didn't think you'd fall for that."
12581258"glados.fgbrvtrap03" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Itse asiassa tein paljon vaikeamman ansan odottamaan, että pääset läpi tästä helposta."
35583558"sphere03.bw_sp_a4_laser_catapult_intro02" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: Vilkuta minulle, ennen kuin ratkaiset tämän. En halua tietää loppua, ennen kuin katson sen myöhemmin."
35593559"[english]sphere03.bw_sp_a4_laser_catapult_intro02" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: Anyway, just give me a wave before you solve this one, alright? Don't want to spoil the ending for when I watch it later."
35603560"sphere03.bw_sp_a4_laser_catapult_solve01" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: No nyt sinä ratkaisit sen. Pyysin varoittamaan, ennen kuin... Miksi teet tämän minulle niin vaikeaksi?"
3561N/A"[english]sphere03.bw_sp_a4_laser_catapult_solve01" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: You just solved it, didn't you? I-told you to tell me before you... NNNNGH! Why are making this so HARD for me?"
N/A3561"[english]sphere03.bw_sp_a4_laser_catapult_solve01" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: You just solved it, didn't you? I-told you to tell me before you... NNNNGH! Why are you making this so HARD for me?"
35623562"sphere03.bw_sp_a4_laser_platform11" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: Pahoitteluni hissistä. Se on tilapäisesti poissa käytöstä. Se suli."
35633563"[english]sphere03.bw_sp_a4_laser_platform11" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: Sorry about the lift. It's, uh... out of service. Because it melted."
35643564"sphere03.bw_sp_a4_laser_platform_intro02" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: Oli. Se oli itse tuhoutuva. Nyt se on jo korjattu."