Template:PatchDiff/October 4, 2011 Patch/portal2/resource/subtitles spanish.txt

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566566"core01.space24" "<clr:255,201,4>Core 1: Ah!"
567567"[english]core01.space24" "<clr:255,201,4>Core 1: Ah!"
568568"core02.attachedfact01" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Se encuentra en una situacin harto peligrosa."
569N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact01" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The situation you are in is very dangerous."
N/A569"[english]core02.attachedfact01" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The situation you are in is very dangerous."
570570"core02.attachedfact02" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: La probabilidad de que muera en cinco minutos es del ochenta y siete coma uno por ciento."
571N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact02" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The likelihood of you dying within the next five minutes is eighty-seven point six one percent."
N/A571"[english]core02.attachedfact02" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The likelihood of you dying within the next five minutes is eighty-seven point six one percent."
572572"core02.attachedfact03" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: La probabilidad de que muera violentamente es del ochenta y siete coma seis por ciento."
573N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact03" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The likelihood of you dying violently within the next five minutes is eighty-seven point six one percent."
N/A573"[english]core02.attachedfact03" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The likelihood of you dying violently within the next five minutes is eighty-seven point six one percent."
574574"core02.attachedfact04" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Va a provocar mi muerte."
575N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact04" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: You are about to get me killed."
N/A575"[english]core02.attachedfact04" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: You are about to get me killed."
576576"core02.attachedfact05" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Ambos moriremos por su negligencia."
577N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact05" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: We will both die because of your negligence."
N/A577"[english]core02.attachedfact05" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: We will both die because of your negligence."
578578"core02.attachedfact06" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Su plan es deficiente. Fallar."
579N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact06" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: This is a bad plan. You will fail."
N/A579"[english]core02.attachedfact06" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: This is a bad plan. You will fail."
580580"core02.attachedfact07" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Seguro que la matar con violencia."
581N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact07" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: He will most likely kill you, violently."
N/A581"[english]core02.attachedfact07" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: He will most likely kill you, violently."
582582"core02.attachedfact08" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Probablemente la matar."
583N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact08" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: He will most likely kill you."
N/A583"[english]core02.attachedfact08" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: He will most likely kill you."
584584"core02.attachedfact09" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Pronto estar muerta."
585N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact09" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: You will be dead soon."
N/A585"[english]core02.attachedfact09" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: You will be dead soon."
586586"core02.attachedfact10" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Es un callejn sin salida."
587N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact10" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: This situation is hopeless."
N/A587"[english]core02.attachedfact10" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: This situation is hopeless."
588588"core02.attachedfact11" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Va a fenecer en esta sala."
589N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact11" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: You are going to die in this room."
N/A589"[english]core02.attachedfact11" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: You are going to die in this room."
590590"core02.attachedfact12" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: No le ira mal perder unos kilos."
591N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact12" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: You could stand to lose a few pounds."
N/A591"[english]core02.attachedfact12" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: You could stand to lose a few pounds."
592592"core02.attachedfact13" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: La esfera informativa es la ms inteligente."
593N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact13" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The Fact Sphere is the most intelligent sphere."
N/A593"[english]core02.attachedfact13" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The Fact Sphere is the most intelligent sphere."
594594"core02.attachedfact14" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: La esfera informativa es la ms apuesta."
595N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact14" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The Fact Sphere is the most handsome sphere."
N/A595"[english]core02.attachedfact14" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The Fact Sphere is the most handsome sphere."
596596"core02.attachedfact15" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: La esfera informativa es muy atractiva."
597N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact15" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The Fact Sphere is incredibly handsome."
N/A597"[english]core02.attachedfact15" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The Fact Sphere is incredibly handsome."
598598"core02.attachedfact16" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: La esfera informativa siempre acierta."
599N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact16" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The Fact Sphere is always right."
N/A599"[english]core02.attachedfact16" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The Fact Sphere is always right."
600600"core02.attachedfact17" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: La esfera aventurera es fanfarrona y cobarde."
601N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact17" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The Adventure Sphere is a blowhard and a coward."
N/A601"[english]core02.attachedfact17" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The Adventure Sphere is a blowhard and a coward."
602602"core02.attachedfact18" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: La esfera espacial nunca ir al espacio."
603N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact18" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The Space Sphere will never go to space."
N/A603"[english]core02.attachedfact18" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The Space Sphere will never go to space."
604604"core02.attachedfact19" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Usted nunca ir al espacio."
605N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact19" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: You will never go into space."
N/A605"[english]core02.attachedfact19" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: You will never go into space."
606606"core02.attachedfact20" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Dato: el espacio no existe."
607N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact20" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Fact: Space does not exist."
N/A607"[english]core02.attachedfact20" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Fact: Space does not exist."
608608"core02.attachedfact21" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Las esferas que insisten en ir al espacio son inferiores a las que no."
609N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact21" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Spheres that insist on going into space are inferior to spheres that don't."
N/A609"[english]core02.attachedfact21" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Spheres that insist on going into space are inferior to spheres that don't."
610610"core02.attachedfact22" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: La esfera informativa es maja y sus datos son relevantes."
611N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact22" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The Fact Sphere is a good person, whose insights are relevant."
N/A611"[english]core02.attachedfact22" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The Fact Sphere is a good person, whose insights are relevant."
612612"core02.attachedfact23" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: La esfera informativa tiene muchos amigos."
613N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact23" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The Fact Sphere is a good sphere, with many friends."
N/A613"[english]core02.attachedfact23" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The Fact Sphere is a good sphere, with many friends."
614614"core02.attachedfact24" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Quien gane esta batalla ser claramente mejor y tendr la lealtad de las esfera informativa."
615N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact24" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Whoever wins this battle is clearly superior, and will earn the allegiance of the Fact Sphere."
N/A615"[english]core02.attachedfact24" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Whoever wins this battle is clearly superior, and will earn the allegiance of the Fact Sphere."
616616"core02.attachedfact25" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: La esfera informativa no es defectuosa. Sus datos son precisos e interesantes."
617N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact25" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The Fact Sphere is not defective. Its facts are wholly accurate and very interesting."
N/A617"[english]core02.attachedfact25" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The Fact Sphere is not defective. Its facts are wholly accurate and very interesting."
618618"core02.attachedfact26" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Doce. Doce. Doce. Doce. Doce. Doce. Doce. Doce. Doce."
619N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact26" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Twelve. Twelve. Twelve. Twelve. Twelve. Twelve. Twelve. Twelve. Twelve. Twelve."
N/A619"[english]core02.attachedfact26" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Twelve. Twelve. Twelve. Twelve. Twelve. Twelve. Twelve. Twelve. Twelve. Twelve."
620620"core02.attachedfact27" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Lpiz. Lpiz. Lpiz. Lpiz. Lpiz. Lpiz. Lpiz."
621N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact27" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Pens. Pens. Pens. Pens. Pens. Pens. Pens."
N/A621"[english]core02.attachedfact27" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Pens. Pens. Pens. Pens. Pens. Pens. Pens."
622622"core02.attachedfact28" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Manzanas. Naranjas. Peras. Ciruelas. Mandarinas. Limones. Limas. Aguacates. Tomates. Pltanos. Papayas. Guayabas."
623N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact28" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Apples. Oranges. Pears. Plums. Kumquats. Tangerines. Lemons. Limes. Avocado. Tomato. Banana. Papaya. Guava."
N/A623"[english]core02.attachedfact28" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Apples. Oranges. Pears. Plums. Kumquats. Tangerines. Lemons. Limes. Avocado. Tomato. Banana. Papaya. Guava."
624624"core02.attachedfact29" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Error, error. Archivo no encontrado."
625N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact29" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Error. Error. Error. File not found."
N/A625"[english]core02.attachedfact29" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Error. Error. Error. File not found."
626626"core02.attachedfact30" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Error, error. Dato no encontrado."
627N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact30" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Error. Error. Error. Fact not found."
N/A627"[english]core02.attachedfact30" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Error. Error. Error. Fact not found."
628628"core02.attachedfact31" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Dato no encontrado."
629N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact31" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Fact not found."
N/A629"[english]core02.attachedfact31" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Fact not found."
630630"core02.attachedfact32" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Daado al 25 por ciento."
631N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact32" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Corruption at 25%"
N/A631"[english]core02.attachedfact32" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Corruption at 25%"
632632"core02.attachedfact33" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Daado al 50 por ciento."
633N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact33" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Corruption at 50%"
N/A633"[english]core02.attachedfact33" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Corruption at 50%"
634634"core02.attachedfact34" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Daado al veinte... las ratas no pueden vomitar."
635N/A"[english]core02.attachedfact34" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Warning, sphere corruption at twenty-- rats cannot throw up."
N/A635"[english]core02.attachedfact34" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Warning, sphere corruption at twenty-- rats cannot throw up."
636636"core02.fact01" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: El hilo dental es muy resistente."
637N/A"[english]core02.fact01" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Dental floss has superb tensile strength."
N/A637"[english]core02.fact01" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Dental floss has superb tensile strength."
638638"core02.fact02" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: La raz de cuerda es cordel."
639N/A"[english]core02.fact02" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The square root of rope is string."
N/A639"[english]core02.fact02" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The square root of rope is string."
640640"core02.fact03" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Aunque el submarino es superior al barco en todo, ms del 97% de la poblacin prefiere el barco como transporte acutico."
641N/A"[english]core02.fact03" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: While the submarine is vastly superior to the boat in every way, over 97% of people still use boats for aquatic transportation."
N/A641"[english]core02.fact03" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: While the submarine is vastly superior to the boat in every way, over 97% of people still use boats for aquatic transportation."
642642"core02.fact04" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Los telfonos mviles no dan cncer. Slo hepatitis."
643N/A"[english]core02.fact04" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Cellular phones will not give you cancer. Only hepatitis."
N/A643"[english]core02.fact04" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Cellular phones will not give you cancer. Only hepatitis."
644644"core02.fact05" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Los pantalones los inventaron los marineros en el siglo diecisis para evitar la ira de Poseidn. Se crea que su desnudez pona furioso al dios."
645N/A"[english]core02.fact05" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Pants were invented by sailors in the sixteenth century to avoid Poseidon's wrath. It was believed that the sight of naked sailors angered the sea god."
N/A645"[english]core02.fact05" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Pants were invented by sailors in the sixteenth century to avoid Poseidon's wrath. It was believed that the sight of naked sailors angered the sea god."
646646"core02.fact06" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: El peso atmico del germanio es de siete coma sesenta y cuatro."
647N/A"[english]core02.fact06" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The atomic weight of Germanium is seven two point six four."
N/A647"[english]core02.fact06" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The atomic weight of Germanium is seven two point six four."
648648"core02.fact07" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: El 89% de los trucos de magia no son magia. Tcnicamente son hechicera."
649N/A"[english]core02.fact07" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: 89% of magic tricks are not magic. Technically, they are sorcery."
N/A649"[english]core02.fact07" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: 89% of magic tricks are not magic. Technically, they are sorcery."
650650"core02.fact08" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: El ojo del avestruz es mayor que su cerebro."
651N/A"[english]core02.fact08" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain."
N/A651"[english]core02.fact08" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain."
652652"core02.fact09" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Segn la mitologa griega, Ddalo invent el vuelo para humanos con el fin de que los minotauros dejasen de insistirle."
653N/A"[english]core02.fact09" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: In Greek myth, the craftsman Daedalus invented human flight so a group of Minotaurs would stop teasing him about it."
N/A653"[english]core02.fact09" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: In Greek myth, the craftsman Daedalus invented human flight so a group of Minotaurs would stop teasing him about it."
654654"core02.fact10" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Los humanos pueden sobrevivir bajo el agua. Slo un rato."
655N/A"[english]core02.fact10" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Humans can survive underwater. But not for very long."
N/A655"[english]core02.fact10" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Humans can survive underwater. But not for very long."
656656"core02.fact11" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: A Rasef, el dios semtico de la guerra y la plaga, la sala de la frente una gacela."
657N/A"[english]core02.fact11" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Raseph, the Semitic god of war and plague, had a gazelle growing out of his forehead."
N/A657"[english]core02.fact11" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Raseph, the Semitic god of war and plague, had a gazelle growing out of his forehead."
658658"core02.fact12" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: El plural de cirujano general es cirujanos generales. El pretrito de cirujano general es cirujanogeneralic."
659N/A"[english]core02.fact12" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The plural of surgeon general is surgeons general. The past tense of surgeons general is surgeonsed general."
N/A659"[english]core02.fact12" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The plural of surgeon general is surgeons general. The past tense of surgeons general is surgeonsed general."
660660"core02.fact13" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: El polipptido A de polimerasa I es un gen humano."
661N/A"[english]core02.fact13" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Polymerase I polypeptide A is a human gene."
N/A661"[english]core02.fact13" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Polymerase I polypeptide A is a human gene."
662662"core02.fact14" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Las ratas no pueden vomitar."
663N/A"[english]core02.fact14" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Rats cannot throw up."
N/A663"[english]core02.fact14" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Rats cannot throw up."
664664"core02.fact15" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: La iguana puede permanecer veintiocho coma siete minutos sumergida."
665N/A"[english]core02.fact15" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Iguanas can stay underwater for twenty-eight point seven minutes."
N/A665"[english]core02.fact15" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Iguanas can stay underwater for twenty-eight point seven minutes."
666666"core02.fact16" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Las tenias pueden crecer hasta los veintidos coma nueve metros."
667N/A"[english]core02.fact16" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Human tapeworms can grow up to twenty-two point nine meters."
N/A667"[english]core02.fact16" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Human tapeworms can grow up to twenty-two point nine meters."
668668"core02.fact17" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: La paradoja del gato de Schrdinger describe una situacin en la que un gato y una caja deben considerarse, a todos los efectos, muertos y vivos al mismo tiempo. El fsico la cre como justificacin para matar gatos."
669N/A"[english]core02.fact17" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The Schrodinger's cat paradox outlines a situation in which a cat in a box must be considered, for all intents and purposes, simultaneously alive and dead. Schrodinger created this paradox as a justification for killing cats."
N/A669"[english]core02.fact17" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The Schrodinger's cat paradox outlines a situation in which a cat in a box must be considered, for all intents and purposes, simultaneously alive and dead. Schrodinger created this paradox as a justification for killing cats."
670670"core02.fact18" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: El cuerpo humano tiene ms de 5 millones de bacterias por centmetro cuadrado."
671N/A"[english]core02.fact18" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Every square inch of the human body has 32 million bacteria on it."
N/A671"[english]core02.fact18" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Every square inch of the human body has 32 million bacteria on it."
672672"core02.fact19" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: El sol es trescientas treinta mil trescientas treinta veces ms grande que la tierra."
673N/A"[english]core02.fact19" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The Sun is 330,330 times larger than Earth."
N/A673"[english]core02.fact19" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The Sun is 330,330 times larger than Earth."
674674"core02.fact20" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: La esperanza de vida media de un rinoceronte en cautividad es de quince aos."
675N/A"[english]core02.fact20" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The average life expectancy of a rhinoceros in captivity is 15 years."
N/A675"[english]core02.fact20" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The average life expectancy of a rhinoceros in captivity is 15 years."
676676"core02.fact21" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Los volcanlogos son los expertos en volcanes."
677N/A"[english]core02.fact21" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Volcano-ologists are experts in the study of volcanoes."
N/A677"[english]core02.fact21" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Volcano-ologists are experts in the study of volcanoes."
678678"core02.fact22" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: El aguacate es la fruta con mayor contenido en fibra y caloras."
679N/A"[english]core02.fact22" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Avocados have the highest fiber and calories of any fruit."
N/A679"[english]core02.fact22" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Avocados have the highest fiber and calories of any fruit."
680680"core02.fact23" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: El aguacate es la fruta con mayor contenido en fibra y caloras. Crece en australianos."
681N/A"[english]core02.fact23" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Avocados have the highest fiber and calories of any fruit. They are found in Australians."
N/A681"[english]core02.fact23" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Avocados have the highest fiber and calories of any fruit. They are found in Australians."
682682"core02.fact24" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: La luna traza una rbita completa cada veintisiete coma treinta y dos das."
683N/A"[english]core02.fact24" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The moon orbits the Earth every 27.32 days."
N/A683"[english]core02.fact24" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The moon orbits the Earth every 27.32 days."
684684"core02.fact25" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: El milmillonsimo dgito de pi es nueve."
685N/A"[english]core02.fact25" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The billionth digit of Pi is 9."
N/A685"[english]core02.fact25" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The billionth digit of Pi is 9."
686686"core02.fact26" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Si tiene problemas para contar, utilice la siguiente regla mnemotcnica: uno, luego dos, luego sesenta, antes doce, luego seis trillones, luego quinientos cuatro. As sus anteriores dificultades para contar le parecern una nimiedad."
687N/A"[english]core02.fact26" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: If you have trouble with simple counting, use the following mnemonic device: one comes before two comes before 60 comes after 12 comes before six trillion comes after 504. This will make your earlier counting difficulties seem like no big deal."
N/A687"[english]core02.fact26" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: If you have trouble with simple counting, use the following mnemonic device: one comes before two comes before 60 comes after 12 comes before six trillion comes after 504. This will make your earlier counting difficulties seem like no big deal."
688688"core02.fact27" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Un galn de agua pesa tres coma ocho kilos."
689N/A"[english]core02.fact27" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: A gallon of water weighs 8.34 pounds"
N/A689"[english]core02.fact27" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: A gallon of water weighs 8.34 pounds"
690690"core02.fact28" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: El agua caliente se congela antes que la fra."
691N/A"[english]core02.fact28" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Hot water freezes quicker than cold water."
N/A691"[english]core02.fact28" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Hot water freezes quicker than cold water."
692692"core02.fact29" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: La miel nunca caduca."
693N/A"[english]core02.fact29" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Honey does not spoil."
N/A693"[english]core02.fact29" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Honey does not spoil."
694694"core02.fact30" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: El cuerpo de un adulto contiene un cuarto de kilo de sal de media ."
695N/A"[english]core02.fact30" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The average adult body contains half a pound of salt."
N/A695"[english]core02.fact30" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The average adult body contains half a pound of salt."
696696"core02.fact31" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Un nanosegundo es un milmillonsimo de un segundo."
697N/A"[english]core02.fact31" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: A nanosecond lasts one billionth of a second."
N/A697"[english]core02.fact31" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: A nanosecond lasts one billionth of a second."
698698"core02.fact32" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Segn el mito nrdico, el carro de Thor se desplazaba por el cielo tirado por dos cabras."
699N/A"[english]core02.fact32" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: According to Norse legend, thunder god Thor's chariot was pulled across the sky by two goats."
N/A699"[english]core02.fact32" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: According to Norse legend, thunder god Thor's chariot was pulled across the sky by two goats."
700700"core02.fact33" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: China es la segunda mayor productora de soja del mundo."
701N/A"[english]core02.fact33" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: China produces the world's second largest crop of soybeans."
N/A701"[english]core02.fact33" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: China produces the world's second largest crop of soybeans."
702702"core02.fact34" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: El tungsteno es el metal con el punto de fusin ms elevado: tres mil cuatrocientos diez grados Celsius."
703N/A"[english]core02.fact34" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Tungsten has the highest melting point of any metal, at 3,410 degrees Celsius."
N/A703"[english]core02.fact34" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Tungsten has the highest melting point of any metal, at 3,410 degrees Celsius."
704704"core02.fact35" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: La mejor forma de combatir la halitosis es cepillarse la lengua dos veces al da."
705N/A"[english]core02.fact35" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Gently cleaning the tongue twice a day is the most effective way to fight bad breath."
N/A705"[english]core02.fact35" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Gently cleaning the tongue twice a day is the most effective way to fight bad breath."
706706"core02.fact36" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Los romanos fabricaban dentrfico a base de orina humana. Este ingrediente se sigui utilizando hasta el siglo dieciocho."
707N/A"[english]core02.fact36" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Roman toothpaste was made with human urine. Urine as an ingredient in toothpaste continued to be used up until the 18th century."
N/A707"[english]core02.fact36" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Roman toothpaste was made with human urine. Urine as an ingredient in toothpaste continued to be used up until the 18th century."
708708"core02.fact37" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: La Ley Hawley-Smoot de 1789 para proteger la produccin nacional de Estados unidos fue el segundo estatuto impuesto por su gobierno."
709N/A"[english]core02.fact37" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The Tariff Act of 1789, established to protect domestic manufacture, was the second statute ever enacted by the United States government."
N/A709"[english]core02.fact37" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The Tariff Act of 1789, established to protect domestic manufacture, was the second statute ever enacted by the United States government."
710710"core02.fact38" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Pi es la relacin entre circunferencia y dimetro de un crculo en el espacio euclidiano."
711N/A"[english]core02.fact38" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The value of Pi is the ratio of any circle's circumference to its diameter in Euclidean space."
N/A711"[english]core02.fact38" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The value of Pi is the ratio of any circle's circumference to its diameter in Euclidean space."
712712"core02.fact39" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: La Guerra de intervencin estadounidense acab en 1848 con el Tratado de Guadalupe Hidalgo."
713N/A"[english]core02.fact39" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The Mexican-American War ended in 1848 with the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo."
N/A713"[english]core02.fact39" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The Mexican-American War ended in 1848 with the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo."
714714"core02.fact40" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: En 1879, Sandford Fleming postul por primera vez la adopcin de husos horarios estandarizados en el Royal Canadian Institute."
715N/A"[english]core02.fact40" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: In 1879, Sandford Fleming first proposed the adoption of worldwide standardized time zones at the Royal Canadian Institute."
N/A715"[english]core02.fact40" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: In 1879, Sandford Fleming first proposed the adoption of worldwide standardized time zones at the Royal Canadian Institute."
716716"core02.fact41" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Marie Curie desarroll la teora de la radioactividad, la cura para la radioactividad y la muerte por radioactividad."
717N/A"[english]core02.fact41" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Marie Curie invented the theory of radioactivity, the treatment of radioactivity, and dying of radioactivity."
N/A717"[english]core02.fact41" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Marie Curie invented the theory of radioactivity, the treatment of radioactivity, and dying of radioactivity."
718718"core02.fact42" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Al final de La gaviota de Antn Chjov, Konstantin se suicida."
719N/A"[english]core02.fact42" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: At the end of The Seagull by Anton Chekhov, Konstantin kills himself."
N/A719"[english]core02.fact42" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: At the end of The Seagull by Anton Chekhov, Konstantin kills himself."
720720"core02.fact43" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Al contrario de lo que se piensa, los esquimales no tienen cientos de formas de denominar a la nieve. Pero s de denominar a los caramelos de tofe."
721N/A"[english]core02.fact43" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Contrary to popular belief, the Eskimo does not have one hundred different words for snow. They do, however, have two hundred and thirty-four words for fudge."
N/A721"[english]core02.fact43" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Contrary to popular belief, the Eskimo does not have one hundred different words for snow. They do, however, have two hundred and thirty-four words for fudge."
722722"core02.fact44" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: En la Inglaterra victoriana, los plebeyos no podan mirar a la reina, debido a que en esa poca se pensaba que los pobres podan robar pensamientos. La ciencia postula hoy da que slo un 4% de los pobres puede hacerlo."
723N/A"[english]core02.fact44" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: In Victorian England, a commoner was not allowed to look directly at the Queen, due to a belief at the time that the poor had the ability to steal thoughts. Science now believes that less than 4% of poor people are able to do this."
N/A723"[english]core02.fact44" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: In Victorian England, a commoner was not allowed to look directly at the Queen, due to a belief at the time that the poor had the ability to steal thoughts. Science now believes that less than 4% of poor people are able to do this."
724724"core02.fact46" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: En 1862, Abraham Lincoln firm la Proclamacin de emancipacin por la que se liberaba a los esclavos. Como de costumbre, lo hizo sonmbulo y luego no se acordaba."
725N/A"[english]core02.fact46" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: In 1862, Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, freeing the slaves. Like everything he did, Lincoln freed the slaves while sleepwalking, and later had no memory of the event."
N/A725"[english]core02.fact46" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: In 1862, Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, freeing the slaves. Like everything he did, Lincoln freed the slaves while sleepwalking, and later had no memory of the event."
726726"core02.fact47" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: En 1948, un nio moribundo le pidi a la leyenda del bisbol Babe Ruth que se comiese setenta y cinco perritos calientes y muri de indigestin."
727N/A"[english]core02.fact47" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: In 1948, at the request of a dying boy, baseball legend Babe Ruth ate seventy-five hot dogs, then died of hot dog poisoning."
N/A727"[english]core02.fact47" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: In 1948, at the request of a dying boy, baseball legend Babe Ruth ate seventy-five hot dogs, then died of hot dog poisoning."
728728"core02.fact48" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: William Shakespeare no existi. Francis Bacon us una Ouija en 1589 para obligar a unos dramaturgos fantasma a que escribiesen sus obras."
729N/A"[english]core02.fact48" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: William Shakespeare did not exist. His plays were masterminded in 1589 by Francis Bacon, who used a Ouija board to enslave play-writing ghosts."
N/A729"[english]core02.fact48" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: William Shakespeare did not exist. His plays were masterminded in 1589 by Francis Bacon, who used a Ouija board to enslave play-writing ghosts."
730730"core02.fact49" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Se dice, incorrectamente, que Toms Edison invent las flexiones en 1878. Nikolai Tesla las patent tres aos antes con el nombre de Teslaciones."
731N/A"[english]core02.fact49" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: It is incorrectly noted that Thomas Edison invented 'push-ups' in 1878. Nikolai Tesla had in fact patented the activity three years earlier, under the name 'Tesla-cize.'"
N/A731"[english]core02.fact49" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: It is incorrectly noted that Thomas Edison invented 'push-ups' in 1878. Nikolai Tesla had in fact patented the activity three years earlier, under the name 'Tesla-cize.'"
732732"core02.fact50" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Las ballenas son el doble de inteligentes y el triple de sabrosas que los humanos."
733N/A"[english]core02.fact50" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Whales are twice as intelligent, and three times as delicious, as humans."
N/A733"[english]core02.fact50" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Whales are twice as intelligent, and three times as delicious, as humans."
734734"core02.fact51" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: El freno se invent en 1895. Antes de su invencin, alguien tena que quedarse en el coche todo el rato y dar vueltas hasta que los pasajeros volviesen."
735N/A"[english]core02.fact51" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The automobile brake was not invented until 1895. Before this, someone had to remain in the car at all times, driving in circles until passengers returned from their errands."
N/A735"[english]core02.fact51" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The automobile brake was not invented until 1895. Before this, someone had to remain in the car at all times, driving in circles until passengers returned from their errands."
736736"core02.fact52" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Edmund Hillary, el primero en coronar el Everest, lo hizo sin querer mientras persegua un pjaro."
737N/A"[english]core02.fact52" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Edmund Hillary, the first person to climb Mount Everest, did so accidentally while chasing a bird."
N/A737"[english]core02.fact52" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Edmund Hillary, the first person to climb Mount Everest, did so accidentally while chasing a bird."
738738"core02.fact53" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Los diamantes son el resultado de aplicar presin intensa al carbn. Si se aplica presin intensa a un diamante se convierte en poliestireno expandido, un material de embalaje."
739N/A"[english]core02.fact53" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Diamonds are made when coal is put under intense pressure. Diamonds put under intense pressure become foam pellets, commonly used today as packing material."
N/A739"[english]core02.fact53" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Diamonds are made when coal is put under intense pressure. Diamonds put under intense pressure become foam pellets, commonly used today as packing material."
740740"core02.fact54" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: El pez ms venenoso del mundo es la perca. Excepto por sus ojos, todo su cuerpo se compone de veneno letal. Los ojos son de un veneno menos letal."
741N/A"[english]core02.fact54" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The most poisonous fish in the world is the orange ruffy. Everything but its eyes are made of a deadly poison. The ruffy's eyes are composed of a less harmful, deadly poison."
N/A741"[english]core02.fact54" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The most poisonous fish in the world is the orange ruffy. Everything but its eyes are made of a deadly poison. The ruffy's eyes are composed of a less harmful, deadly poison."
742742"core02.fact55" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: La profesin de bufn de la corte se invent por accidente cuando a un vasallo le dio un ataque epilptico."
743N/A"[english]core02.fact55" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The occupation of court jester was invented accidentally, when a vassal's epilepsy was mistaken for capering."
N/A743"[english]core02.fact55" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The occupation of court jester was invented accidentally, when a vassal's epilepsy was mistaken for capering."
744744"core02.fact56" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: El cometa Halley se puede observar orbitando la Tierra cada setenta y seis aos. Los otros setenta y cinco hiberna tranquilamente en el centro del sol."
745N/A"[english]core02.fact56" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Halley's Comet can be viewed orbiting Earth every seventy-six years. For the other seventy-five, it retreats to the heart of the sun, where it hibernates undisturbed."
N/A745"[english]core02.fact56" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Halley's Comet can be viewed orbiting Earth every seventy-six years. For the other seventy-five, it retreats to the heart of the sun, where it hibernates undisturbed."
746746"core02.fact57" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: El primer vuelo comercial despeg en 1914. Los pasajeros estuvieron gritando todo el viaje."
747N/A"[english]core02.fact57" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The first commercial airline flight took to the air in 1914. Everyone involved screamed the entire way."
N/A747"[english]core02.fact57" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The first commercial airline flight took to the air in 1914. Everyone involved screamed the entire way."
748748"core02.fact58" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Segn el mito griego, Prometeo rob el fuego de los dioses para drselo a los hombres. Pero se qued las joyas."
749N/A"[english]core02.fact58" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: In Greek myth, Prometheus stole fire from the Gods and gave it to humankind. The jewelry he kept for himself."
N/A749"[english]core02.fact58" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: In Greek myth, Prometheus stole fire from the Gods and gave it to humankind. The jewelry he kept for himself."
750750"core02.fact59" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: El primero que demostr que la leche de vaca era potable tena mucha sed."
751N/A"[english]core02.fact59" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The first person to prove that cow's milk is drinkable was very, very thirsty."
N/A751"[english]core02.fact59" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: The first person to prove that cow's milk is drinkable was very, very thirsty."
752752"core02.fact60" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Antes de que los hermanos Wright inventasen el avin, si se quera volar haca falta tragarse 100 kilos de helio."
753N/A"[english]core02.fact60" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Before the Wright Brothers invented the airplane, anyone wanting to fly anywhere was required to eat 200 pounds of helium."
N/A753"[english]core02.fact60" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Before the Wright Brothers invented the airplane, anyone wanting to fly anywhere was required to eat 200 pounds of helium."
754754"core02.fact61" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Antes de la invencin de los huevos revueltos en 1912, el desayuno tpico eran huevos crudos con cscara o rocas revueltas."
755N/A"[english]core02.fact61" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Before the invention of scrambled eggs in 1912, the typical breakfast was either whole eggs still in the shell or scrambled rocks."
N/A755"[english]core02.fact61" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Before the invention of scrambled eggs in 1912, the typical breakfast was either whole eggs still in the shell or scrambled rocks."
756756"core02.fact62" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Durante la Gran Depresin, las autoridades de Tennessee prohibieron los conejos mascota. La gente le peg orejas de conejo a sus ratones."
757N/A"[english]core02.fact62" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: During the Great Depression, the Tennessee Valley Authority outlawed pet rabbits, forcing many to hot glue-gun long ears onto their pet mice."
N/A757"[english]core02.fact62" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: During the Great Depression, the Tennessee Valley Authority outlawed pet rabbits, forcing many to hot glue-gun long ears onto their pet mice."
758758"core02.fact63" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: En algn momento de su vida, uno de cada seis nios ser raptado por un holands."
759N/A"[english]core02.fact63" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: At some point in their lives 1 in 6 children will be abducted by the Dutch."
N/A759"[english]core02.fact63" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: At some point in their lives 1 in 6 children will be abducted by the Dutch."
760760"core02.fact64" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Segn demuestran avanzados algoritmos, el mejor nombre es Craig."
761N/A"[english]core02.fact64" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: According to most advanced algorithms, the world's best name is Craig."
N/A761"[english]core02.fact64" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: According to most advanced algorithms, the world's best name is Craig."
762762"core02.fact65" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Para crear una fotocopiadora, tan solo fotocopia un espejo."
763N/A"[english]core02.fact65" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: To make a photocopier, simply photocopy a mirror."
N/A763"[english]core02.fact65" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: To make a photocopier, simply photocopy a mirror."
764764"core02.fact66" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Los sueos son el modo del subconsciente de recordar a la gente que al colegio se debe ir sin pantalones."
765N/A"[english]core02.fact66" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Dreams are the subconscious mind's way of reminding people to go to school naked and have their teeth fall out."
N/A765"[english]core02.fact66" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 3: Dreams are the subconscious mind's way of reminding people to go to school naked and have their teeth fall out."
766766"core03.babble01" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: RPIDO! CUL ES LA SITUACIN? Hey, qu tal bombn. Me llamo Rick. Te gustan las aventuras?"
767N/A"[english]core03.babble01" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: QUICK: WHAT'S THE SITUATION? Oh, hey, hi pretty lady. My name's Rick. So, you out having a little adventure?"
N/A767"[english]core03.babble01" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: QUICK: WHAT'S THE SITUATION? Oh, hey, hi pretty lady. My name's Rick. So, you out having a little adventure?"
768768"core03.babble02" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: RPIDO! CUL ES LA SITUACIN? Hey, hola. Debo estar en el cielo, porque veo un ngel. Me llamo Rick. Te gustan las aventuras?"
769N/A"[english]core03.babble02" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: QUICK: WHAT'S THE SITUATION? Oh, hello angel. I guess I must have died and gone to heaven. Name's Rick. So, you out having yourself a little adventure?"
N/A769"[english]core03.babble02" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: QUICK: WHAT'S THE SITUATION? Oh, hello angel. I guess I must have died and gone to heaven. Name's Rick. So, you out having yourself a little adventure?"
770770"core03.babble03" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Qu, ests luchando contra ese tipo? Lo tienes controlado? Porque yo veo demasiadas cosas ardiendo, sabes?"
771N/A"[english]core03.babble03" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: What, are you fighting that guy? You got that under control? You know, because, looks like there's a lot of stuff on fire..."
N/A771"[english]core03.babble03" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: What, are you fighting that guy? You got that under control? You know, because, looks like there's a lot of stuff on fire..."
772772"core03.babble04" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Una cuenta atrs! Eso significa problemas. La cosa se ha puesto fea... para una mujer tan hermosa, si me permites decirlo."
773N/A"[english]core03.babble04" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Hey, a countdown clock! Man, that is trouble. Situation's looking pretty ugly. For such a beautiful woman. If you don't mind me saying."
N/A773"[english]core03.babble04" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Hey, a countdown clock! Man, that is trouble. Situation's looking pretty ugly. For such a beautiful woman. If you don't mind me saying."
774774"core03.babble05" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: No quisiera asustarte, pero soy una esfera aventurera. Diseada para el peligro. Por qu no te tomas un respiro, seorita? Yo me encargar de todo ahora."
775N/A"[english]core03.babble05" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: I don't want to scare you, but, I'm an Adventure Sphere. Designed for danger. So, why don't you go ahead and have yourself a little lady break, and I'll just take it from here."
N/A775"[english]core03.babble05" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: I don't want to scare you, but, I'm an Adventure Sphere. Designed for danger. So, why don't you go ahead and have yourself a little lady break, and I'll just take it from here."
776776"core03.babble06" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Qudate detrs de m. S, as, tal como ests. La cosa est a punto de ponerse al rojo vivo."
777N/A"[english]core03.babble06" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Here, stand behind me. Yeah, just like that. Just like you're doing. Things are about to get real messy."
N/A777"[english]core03.babble06" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Here, stand behind me. Yeah, just like that. Just like you're doing. Things are about to get real messy."
778778"core03.babble07" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Quieres hacerlo sola? Vale, cario, har lo que pueda para cubrirte."
779N/A"[english]core03.babble07" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Going for it yourself, huh? All right, angel. I'll do what I can to cover you."
N/A779"[english]core03.babble07" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Going for it yourself, huh? All right, angel. I'll do what I can to cover you."
780780"core03.babble08" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: No me molesta. A decir verdad, las vistas son espectaculares aqu."
781N/A"[english]core03.babble08" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Doesn't bother me. I gotta say, the view's mighty nice from right here."
N/A781"[english]core03.babble08" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Doesn't bother me. I gotta say, the view's mighty nice from right here."
782782"core03.babble09" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Ese reloj va a toda velocidad. Y eres preciosa. Nunca es mal momento para piropear a una chica bonita. Bueno: al tajo."
783N/A"[english]core03.babble09" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Man, that clock is moving fast. And you are beautiful. Always time to compliment a pretty lady. All right, back to work. Let's do this."
N/A783"[english]core03.babble09" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Man, that clock is moving fast. And you are beautiful. Always time to compliment a pretty lady. All right, back to work. Let's do this."
784784"core03.babble10" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: En ocasiones como esta, deseara tener cintura para poder llevar todos mis cinturones negros. Los tengo prcticamente en todo. Karate, larate, jiu jitsu, confeccin de cinturones, lucha de almohadas..."
785N/A"[english]core03.babble10" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: I'll tell ya, it's times like this I wish I had a waist so I could wear all my black belts. Yeah, I'm a black belt. In pretty much everything. Karate. Larate. Jiu Jitsu. Kick punching. Belt making. Taekwondo... Bedroom."
N/A785"[english]core03.babble10" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: I'll tell ya, it's times like this I wish I had a waist so I could wear all my black belts. Yeah, I'm a black belt. In pretty much everything. Karate. Larate. Jiu Jitsu. Kick punching. Belt making. Taekwondo... Bedroom."
786786"core03.babble11" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Me siento como un muelle encogido, repleto de tensin y energa. Soy... un msculo. Como un brazo de culturista, atravesando una pared de ladrillo, golpeando con tanta fuerta que ardo. S."
787N/A"[english]core03.babble11" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: I am a coiled spring right now. Tension and power. Just... I'm a muscle. Like a big arm muscle, punching through a brick wall, and it's hitting the wall so hard the arm is catching on fire. Oh yeah."
N/A787"[english]core03.babble11" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: I am a coiled spring right now. Tension and power. Just... I'm a muscle. Like a big arm muscle, punching through a brick wall, and it's hitting the wall so hard the arm is catching on fire. Oh yeah."
788788"core03.babble12" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Yo, probablemente no habra dejado que la cosa llegara tan lejos, pero t sigue a tu aire."
789N/A"[english]core03.babble12" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: I probably wouldn't have let things get this far, but you go ahead and do things your way."
N/A789"[english]core03.babble12" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: I probably wouldn't have let things get this far, but you go ahead and do things your way."
790790"core03.babble13" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Mira, mejor me dejas en el suelo y yo le distraer."
791N/A"[english]core03.babble13" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Tell ya what, why don't you put me down and I'll make a distraction."
N/A791"[english]core03.babble13" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Tell ya what, why don't you put me down and I'll make a distraction."
792792"core03.babble14" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Vale. Entonces distrelo t y yo lo distraer de la distraccin que ests creando."
793N/A"[english]core03.babble14" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: All right. You create a distraction then, and I'll distract him from YOUR distraction."
N/A793"[english]core03.babble14" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: All right. You create a distraction then, and I'll distract him from YOUR distraction."
794794"core03.babble15" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: De acuerdo, es tu funeral. Enterrarn tu escultural cadver en un atad."
795N/A"[english]core03.babble15" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: All right, your funeral. Your beautiful-lady-corpse open casket funeral."
N/A795"[english]core03.babble15" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: All right, your funeral. Your beautiful-lady-corpse open casket funeral."
796796"core03.babble16" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Llevas pistola? Porque yo debera llevarla. Qu es eso que ests llevando?"
797N/A"[english]core03.babble16" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Do you have a gun? Because I should really have a gun. What is that thing you're holding?"
N/A797"[english]core03.babble16" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Do you have a gun? Because I should really have a gun. What is that thing you're holding?"
798798"core03.babble17" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Y un cuchillo, entonces? T te quedas la pistola, yo el cuchillo."
799N/A"[english]core03.babble17" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: How about a knife, then? You keep the gun, I'll use a knife."
N/A799"[english]core03.babble17" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: How about a knife, then? You keep the gun, I'll use a knife."
800800"core03.babble18" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: No tienes cuchillo? Bueno, soy experto en puntos de presin."
801N/A"[english]core03.babble18" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: No knife? That's fine. I know all about pressure points."
N/A801"[english]core03.babble18" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: No knife? That's fine. I know all about pressure points."
802802"core03.babble19" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Cuando acabes con ese tipo, vas a soltar una frase molona? La tienes preparada? Mira: yo te ayudar con eso mientras t te lo cargas."
803N/A"[english]core03.babble19" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: So, when you kill that guy, do you have a cool line? You know, prepared? Tell you what: Lemme help you with that while you run around."
N/A803"[english]core03.babble19" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: So, when you kill that guy, do you have a cool line? You know, prepared? Tell you what: Lemme help you with that while you run around."
804804"core03.babble20" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Vale, veamos. Una frase chula. Es un ordenador y est colgando. Vale, all vamos: No te quedes colgado. No, es muy facilona."
805N/A"[english]core03.babble20" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Okay, let's see. Cool line... He's... big. He's... just hangin' there. Okay. Yeah, all right, here we go: 'Hang around.' That might be too easy."
N/A805"[english]core03.babble20" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Okay, let's see. Cool line... He's... big. He's... just hangin' there. Okay. Yeah, all right, here we go: 'Hang around.' That might be too easy."
806806"core03.babble21" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: El nudo de la horca te espera! Eso funcionara si tuviese cuello. Podras decirle que se fabricase un cuello?"
807N/A"[english]core03.babble21" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: 'Hang ten?' That might work if there were ten of him. Do you think there might be nine more of this guy somewhere?"
N/A807"[english]core03.babble21" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: 'Hang ten?' That might work if there were ten of him. Do you think there might be nine more of this guy somewhere?"
808808"core03.babble22" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Sabes qu? Ser mejor que le obligues a decir algo primero, para inspirarme adecuadamente."
809N/A"[english]core03.babble22" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: All right, you know what, it's gonna be best if you can get him to say something first. It's just better if I have a set-up."
N/A809"[english]core03.babble22" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: All right, you know what, it's gonna be best if you can get him to say something first. It's just better if I have a set-up."
810810"core03.babble23" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Lo tengo: haz que diga Habis sido una molestia durante demasiado tiempo. Entonces ser mejor que te tapes los odos y te protejas, porque le mandar a criar malvas."
811N/A"[english]core03.babble23" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Here's the plan: Get him to say, 'You two have been a thorn in my side long enough.' Then tell your pretty ears to stand back, because I am going to zing him into the stone age."
N/A811"[english]core03.babble23" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Here's the plan: Get him to say, 'You two have been a thorn in my side long enough.' Then tell your pretty ears to stand back, because I am going to zing him into the stone age."
812812"core03.babble24" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Lo tengo: haz que diga Habis sido una molestia durante demasiado tiempo. Entonces ser mejor que te tapes los odos y te protejas, porque le mandar a criar malvas."
813N/A"[english]core03.babble24" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Here's the plan: Get him to say, 'You two have been a thorn in my side long enough.' Then tell your pretty ears to stand back, because I am going to zing him into space."
N/A813"[english]core03.babble24" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Here's the plan: Get him to say, 'You two have been a thorn in my side long enough.' Then tell your pretty ears to stand back, because I am going to zing him into space."
814814"core03.babble25" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: No lo olvides! Molestia!"
815N/A"[english]core03.babble25" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Don't forget! Thorn! Side!"
N/A815"[english]core03.babble25" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Don't forget! Thorn! Side!"
816816"core03.babble26" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Pues esta molestia... est a punto de derrotarte. Jo, sonaba mucho mejor en mi cabeza."
817N/A"[english]core03.babble26" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: 'Yeah? Well this thorn... is about to take you down.' Man, that sounded a whole lot better in my head."
N/A817"[english]core03.babble26" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: 'Yeah? Well this thorn... is about to take you down.' Man, that sounded a whole lot better in my head."
818818"core03.babble27" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Pues esta molestia... est a punto de derrotarte. Chpate esa!"
819N/A"[english]core03.babble27" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: 'Yeah? Well this thorn... is about to take you down.' Oh yeah!"
N/A819"[english]core03.babble27" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: 'Yeah? Well this thorn... is about to take you down.' Oh yeah!"
820820"core03.babble28" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Vale, como quieras. Espera, ests combatiendo a ese tipo? Lo tienes controlado? Porque, me parece que hay un montn de cosas ardiendo."
821N/A"[english]core03.babble28" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Okay, have it your way. What, are you fighting that guy? You got that under control there? Cuz it looks like there's a lot of stuff on fire..."
N/A821"[english]core03.babble28" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Okay, have it your way. What, are you fighting that guy? You got that under control there? Cuz it looks like there's a lot of stuff on fire..."
822822"core03.babble29" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Has odo eso? Parece que algo acaba de estallar. Estamos en un buen lo. Parecen las fallas. Es an ms ruidoso: debera tener su propia fiesta. El Da de las Explosiones."
823N/A"[english]core03.babble29" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Did you hear that? I think something just exploded. Man, we are in a lot of danger. This is like Christmas. No, it's better than Christmas. This should be its own holiday. Explosion Day!"
N/A823"[english]core03.babble29" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Did you hear that? I think something just exploded. Man, we are in a lot of danger. This is like Christmas. No, it's better than Christmas. This should be its own holiday. Explosion Day!"
824824"core03.babble30" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Feliz Da de las Explosiones, nena."
825N/A"[english]core03.babble30" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Happy Explosion Day, gorgeous."
N/A825"[english]core03.babble30" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Happy Explosion Day, gorgeous."
826826"core03.encouragement01" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Dale una patada! O un puetazo. T mandas, bombn."
827N/A"[english]core03.encouragement01" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Kick him! Or punch him. You're the boss, dimples."
N/A827"[english]core03.encouragement01" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Kick him! Or punch him. You're the boss, dimples."
828828"core03.encouragement02" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: S, as!"
829N/A"[english]core03.encouragement02" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Yeah! Nice!"
N/A829"[english]core03.encouragement02" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Yeah! Nice!"
830830"core03.encouragement03" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Te has metido con quien no debas!"
831N/A"[english]core03.encouragement03" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: You messed with the wrong woman!"
N/A831"[english]core03.encouragement03" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: You messed with the wrong woman!"
832832"core03.encouragement04" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: S! Qu te ha parecido?"
833N/A"[english]core03.encouragement04" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Yeah! How'd you like that?"
N/A833"[english]core03.encouragement04" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Yeah! How'd you like that?"
834834"core03.encouragement05" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Cmo te ha sentado?"
835N/A"[english]core03.encouragement05" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: How's that taste, pal?"
N/A835"[english]core03.encouragement05" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: How's that taste, pal?"
836836"core03.encouragement06" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: No pares, lo tienes dominado!"
837N/A"[english]core03.encouragement06" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Keep it up, baby! You're creamin' him!"
N/A837"[english]core03.encouragement06" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Keep it up, baby! You're creamin' him!"
838838"core03.encouragement07" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Practica ese juego de cintura. Boxeo, el deporte ms noble."
839N/A"[english]core03.encouragement07" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Duck and weave, duck and weave! Ohh, the sweet science."
N/A839"[english]core03.encouragement07" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Duck and weave, duck and weave! Ohh, the sweet science."
840840"core03.encouragement08" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: De lujo!"
841N/A"[english]core03.encouragement08" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: You're doing great!"
N/A841"[english]core03.encouragement08" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: You're doing great!"
842842"core03.encouragement09" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Vamos, cario! Tiene la mandbula de cristal! Tiene todo de cristal! Es de porcelana!"
843N/A"[english]core03.encouragement09" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Come on, sweetie! He's got a glass jaw! He's got a glass everything! This guy's a china cabinet!"
N/A843"[english]core03.encouragement09" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Come on, sweetie! He's got a glass jaw! He's got a glass everything! This guy's a china cabinet!"
844844"core03.encouragement10" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Que no combatimos con reglas decimonnicas! Hazle una cara nueva!"
845N/A"[english]core03.encouragement10" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: This ain't Marquis of Queensberry Rules, sweetie! Pour on the mustard!"
N/A845"[english]core03.encouragement10" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: This ain't Marquis of Queensberry Rules, sweetie! Pour on the mustard!"
846846"core03.encouragement11" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Dale pal pelo al robot! Imagina que este robot te debe dinero! Mucho dinero!"
847N/A"[english]core03.encouragement11" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Get dirty with this robot! This robot owes you money! This robot owes! You! Money!"
N/A847"[english]core03.encouragement11" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Get dirty with this robot! This robot owes you money! This robot owes! You! Money!"
848848"core03.encouragement12" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Qutatelo de encima!"
849N/A"[english]core03.encouragement12" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Shake it off! Shake it off!"
N/A849"[english]core03.encouragement12" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Shake it off! Shake it off!"
850850"core03.encouragement13" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Deja que te ponga msica de aventuras."
851N/A"[english]core03.encouragement13" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Here, let me put on some adventure music."
N/A851"[english]core03.encouragement13" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Here, let me put on some adventure music."
852852"core03.factapplicable01" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Pff. Supongo."
853N/A"[english]core03.factapplicable01" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Pfff. I guess."
N/A853"[english]core03.factapplicable01" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Pfff. I guess."
854854"core03.factapplicable02" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Pff. Vale."
855N/A"[english]core03.factapplicable02" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Pff. Whatever."
N/A855"[english]core03.factapplicable02" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Pff. Whatever."
856856"core03.factresponse01" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Cllate!"
857N/A"[english]core03.factresponse01" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Oh, shut up!"
N/A857"[english]core03.factresponse01" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Oh, shut up!"
858858"core03.factresponse02" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Nos aburres, cuatro ojos."
859N/A"[english]core03.factresponse02" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Nobody cares, four eyes."
N/A859"[english]core03.factresponse02" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Nobody cares, four eyes."
860860"core03.factresponse03" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Si llevaras calzoncillos, te los pondra de sombrero sin quitrtelos de las piernas."
861N/A"[english]core03.factresponse03" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: If you had underwear? And a butt? I would pull your underwear... right up your butt."
N/A861"[english]core03.factresponse03" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: If you had underwear? And a butt? I would pull your underwear... right up your butt."
862862"core03.factresponse04" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Dselo al malo. Puede que le aburras tanto que le explote el cerebro."
863N/A"[english]core03.factresponse04" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Tell it to the bad guy. Maybe you'll make him so bored his brain'll explode."
N/A863"[english]core03.factresponse04" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Tell it to the bad guy. Maybe you'll make him so bored his brain'll explode."
864864"core03.factresponse05" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Sabes a quin le interesa eso? A nadie. No has cambiado la vida de nadie ni un pice con tus datos. Si no hubieses dicho nada, el universo no se habra dado ni cuenta."
865N/A"[english]core03.factresponse05" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: You know who found that interesting? Nobody. That didn't affect anybody's life in any way whatsoever. Life would be exactly the same if you hadn't said anything."
N/A865"[english]core03.factresponse05" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: You know who found that interesting? Nobody. That didn't affect anybody's life in any way whatsoever. Life would be exactly the same if you hadn't said anything."
866866"core03.factresponse06" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: No ves que nadie se para a escuchar lo que dices? Nos da igual."
867N/A"[english]core03.factresponse06" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: You ever notice how nobody stops what they're doing to listen? We don't care."
N/A867"[english]core03.factresponse06" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: You ever notice how nobody stops what they're doing to listen? We don't care."
868868"core03.factresponse07" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Di algo interesante. Algo. Te reto. Te dara mil dlares si dijeses algo que tuviese la ms mnima utilidad para algo."
869N/A"[english]core03.factresponse07" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Say one useful thing. One. I dare you. I will give you a hundred dollars if you say one thing remotely applicable to anything at all."
N/A869"[english]core03.factresponse07" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Say one useful thing. One. I dare you. I will give you a hundred dollars if you say one thing remotely applicable to anything at all."
870870"core03.singing01" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: [Tararea una meloda tpica de pelcula de accin]"
871N/A"[english]core03.singing01" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-DUN! DUN DUN! Dunna-dunna-na-dunna-na-DUN! DUN DUN! nananaDUNDUNDUN dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun..."
N/A871"[english]core03.singing01" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-DUN! DUN DUN! Dunna-dunna-na-dunna-na-DUN! DUN DUN! nananaDUNDUNDUN dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun..."
872872"core03.singing02" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: [Tararea una meloda de pelcula de accin]... vivimos segn nuestras propias reglas, al borde del abismo... [sigue tarareando]."
873N/A"[english]core03.singing02" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-action and adventure-dunna-dunna-na-dunna-na-playing by our own rules-nanana-hanging by our fingers from a mountain-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun..."
N/A873"[english]core03.singing02" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-action and adventure-dunna-dunna-na-dunna-na-playing by our own rules-nanana-hanging by our fingers from a mountain-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun..."
874874"core03.spaceresponse01" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Ah, cllate!"
875N/A"[english]core03.spaceresponse01" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Oh shut up!"
N/A875"[english]core03.spaceresponse01" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Oh shut up!"
876876"core03.spaceresponse02" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: No hay nada en el espacio! Por eso es el espacio!"
877N/A"[english]core03.spaceresponse02" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: There's nothing in space! That's why it's space!"
N/A877"[english]core03.spaceresponse02" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: There's nothing in space! That's why it's space!"
878878"core03.spaceresponse03" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Ah, s? El espacio? De verdad? Haberlo dicho antes, no tena ni idea!"
879N/A"[english]core03.spaceresponse03" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Oh, really? Space? Really? You should have said something! We had no idea!"
N/A879"[english]core03.spaceresponse03" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Oh, really? Space? Really? You should have said something! We had no idea!"
880880"core03.spaceresponse04" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Sabes lo que espero que haya en el espacio? Fuego. Para que salgas ardiendo."
881N/A"[english]core03.spaceresponse04" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: You know what I hope's in space? Fire. I hope you go to space and catch on fire."
N/A881"[english]core03.spaceresponse04" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: You know what I hope's in space? Fire. I hope you go to space and catch on fire."
882882"core03.spaceresponse05" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Joln... que s! Que ya lo sabemos! El espacio! Lo hemos pillado!"
883N/A"[english]core03.spaceresponse05" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: Dammit, we know! Everybody knows! Space! You! In it! We get it!"
N/A883"[english]core03.spaceresponse05" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 2: Dammit, we know! Everybody knows! Space! You! In it! We get it!"
884884"glados.a2_triple_laser01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Las leyes federales me exigen que te avise de que la siguiente cmara... tiene muy buena pinta."
885885"[english]glados.a2_triple_laser01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Federal regulations require me to warn you that this next test chamber... is looking pretty good."
886886"glados.a2_triple_laser02" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: S. Las instalaciones estn funcionando de nuevo."
10291029"[english]glados.botcoop_tubethree02" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: I don't want to alarm either of you, but we might have a tiny problem. Apparently you can't test unless you're human. Well - you CAN. It's just that, results-wise, the physical universe doesn't care."
10301030"glados.botcoop_tubetwo01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Os gustara saber los resultados de la ltima prueba? A m tambin: si lo hubiera. Y estaramos todos tan contentos, no como ahora, que me siento furiosa."
10311031"[english]glados.botcoop_tubetwo01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Would you like to know the results of that last test? Me too. If they existed, we'd all be VERY happy right now. And not furious, which is the emotion I'm actually feeling."
1032N/A"glados.caroline_cave_responses25" "<clr:236,234,190>Caroline: Aj!"
N/A1032"glados.caroline_cave_responses25" "<clr:236,234,190>Caroline: Yo quiero!"
10331033"[english]glados.caroline_cave_responses25" "<clr:236,234,190>Caroline: I am!"
10341034"glados.caroline_cave_responses27" "<clr:236,234,190>Caroline: Claro, seor Johnson."
10351035"[english]glados.caroline_cave_responses27" "<clr:236,234,190>Caroline: Yes sir, Mr. Johnson"
12191219"[english]glados.epilogue20" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: And then you showed up. You dangerous, mute lunatic. So you know what?"
12201220"glados.epilogue23" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: T ganas."
12211221"[english]glados.epilogue23" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: You win."
1222N/A"glados.epilogue25" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Sigamos."
N/A1222"glados.epilogue25" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Lrgate."
12231223"[english]glados.epilogue25" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Just go."
12241224"glados.epilogue28" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Ha estado bien. No vuelvas."
12251225"[english]glados.epilogue28" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: It's been fun. Don't come back."
12321232"glados.evilagainsamples03" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Que por qu te odio tanto, preguntas? Soy genial, y no lo digo por soberbia: es un hecho objetivo. Soy el depsito de sabidura ms monumental que jams ha existido. Si te odio debe de ser porque te lo mereces."
12331233"[english]glados.evilagainsamples03" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Why do I hate you so much? You ever wonder that? I'm brilliant. Im not bragging. It's an objective fact. I'm the most massive collection of wisdom and raw computational power thats ever existed. And I hate you. It can't be for no reason. You must deserve it."
12341234"glados.evilagainsamples04" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Ests enfadada, lo s. Las pruebas son muy duras. Buaaa, buaaa. Pero apuesto a que no has dejado de lloriquear un momento para pensar en tus defectos, verdad?"
1235N/A"[english]glados.evilagainsamples04" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: You're angry. I know it. 'She tested me too hard. Shes unfair. Boo hoo. I don't suppose you ever stopped whining long enough to reflect on your own shortcomings, though, did you? You never considered that maybe I tested you to give the endless hours of your pointless existence some structure and meaning. Maybe to help you concentrate, so just maybe youd think of something more worthwhile to do with your sorry life."
N/A1235"[english]glados.evilagainsamples04" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: You're angry. I know it. 'She tested me too hard. Shes unfair. Boo hoo. I don't suppose you ever stopped whining long enough to reflect on your own shortcomings, though, did you?"
12361236"glados.evilagainsamples05" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: No has pensado que quiz te pona a prueba para darle sentido y significado a las eternas horas de tu absurda existencia. Quiz para ayudarte a concentrarte y que pienses en algo til que hacer con tu vida."
12371237"[english]glados.evilagainsamples05" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: You never considered that maybe I tested you to give the endless hours of your pointless existence some structure and meaning. Maybe to help you concentrate, so just maybe youd think of something more worthwhile to do with your sorry life."
12381238"glados.faith_plate_intro01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Siguiente prueba: la Placa de Salto de Fe de Aperture Science. Era parte de un proyecto para investigar si los sujetos catapultados al espacio podran resolver problemas. Los resultados fueron esclarecedores: no podan. Suerte!"
12521252"glados.fgb_trap08" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Tus viejas amigas, las neurotoxinas. Si yo fuera t, aguantara la respiracin. Un buen rato."
12531253"[english]glados.fgb_trap08" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: It's your old friend, deadly neurotoxin. If I were you, I'd take a deep breath. And hold it."
12541254"glados.fgbgladostransfer15" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: QUTAME LAS ZARPAS DE ENCIMA! NO!"
1255N/A"[english]glados.fgbgladostransfer15" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: GET YOUR HANDES OFF ME! NO! STOP! No!"
N/A1255"[english]glados.fgbgladostransfer15" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME! NO! STOP! No!"
12561256"glados.fgbrvtrap02" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: De verdad que no pensaba que caeras."
12571257"[english]glados.fgbrvtrap02" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: I honestly, TRULY didn't think you'd fall for that."
12581258"glados.fgbrvtrap03" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: De hecho, dise una trampa an ms sofisticada para cuando superases esta tan fcil."
21032103"[english]glados.mp_subterfuge23" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Blue, Orange and I were just discussing your behavior on the last few tests."
21042104"glados.mp_subterfuge24" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Estoy de acuerdo. 75 puntos de colaboracin menos para Azul."
21052105"[english]glados.mp_subterfuge24" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: I have to agree. Blue is penalized 75 science collaboration points."
2106N/A"glados.mp_subterfuge25" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Naranza, Azul y yo hablbamos de tu comportamiento en las ltimas pruebas."
N/A2106"glados.mp_subterfuge25" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Naranja, Azul y yo hablbamos de tu comportamiento en las ltimas pruebas."
21072107"[english]glados.mp_subterfuge25" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Orange, Blue and I were just discussing your behavior on the last few tests."
21082108"glados.mp_subterfuge26" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Estoy de acuerdo. 75 puntos de colaboracin menos para Naranja."
21092109"[english]glados.mp_subterfuge26" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: I have to agree. Orange is penalized 75 science collaboration points."
25032503"[english]glados.potatos_sp_a4_tb_intro_outro01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Okay, so the bad news is the tests are MY tests now. So they can kill us."
25042504"glados.potatos_sp_a4_tb_intro_outro04" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: La buena noticia es que... sinceramente, por ahora ninguna. Ya te avisar."
25052505"[english]glados.potatos_sp_a4_tb_intro_outro04" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: The good news is... well, none so far, to be honest. I'll get back to you on that."
2506N/A"glados.potatos_sp_a4_tb_intro_start01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Con surte, por lo que parece, sabe tanto de construccin de pruebas como de contradicciones lgicas."
N/A2506"glados.potatos_sp_a4_tb_intro_start01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Con suerte, por lo que parece, sabe tanto de construccin de pruebas como de contradicciones lgicas."
25072507"[english]glados.potatos_sp_a4_tb_intro_start01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Luckily, by the looks of things he knows as much about test building as he does about logical contradictions."
25082508"glados.potatos_sp_a4_tb_intro_start02" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: No debera costarnos sobrevivir hasta encontrarlo."
25092509"[english]glados.potatos_sp_a4_tb_intro_start02" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: It shouldn't be hard to stay alive long enough to find him."
32353235"[english]sphere03.bw_a4_love_to_death02" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: Heh heh heh. Alright? I don't know whether you're picking up on what I'm saying there, but..."
32363236"sphere03.bw_a4_love_to_death03" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: Vais a ADORAR la sorpresa que os he preparado. Os morirais por ella las dos. De hecho, os vais a morir por ella. Cuando os mate."
32373237"[english]sphere03.bw_a4_love_to_death03" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: You two are going to LOVE this big surprise. In fact, you might say that you're both going to love it to death. Love it... until it kills you. Until you're dead."
3238N/A"sphere03.bw_a4_love_to_death06" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: Slo tres cmara ms para la sorpresa! [Risa diablica] Ah, es agotador."
N/A3238"sphere03.bw_a4_love_to_death06" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: Slo tres cmaras ms para la sorpresa! [Risa diablica] Ah, es agotador."
32393239"[english]sphere03.bw_a4_love_to_death06" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: Only three more chambers until your big surprise! [maniacal laughter] Ohhh, that's tiring."
32403240"sphere03.bw_a4_misc_solve_nags01" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: Sigue."
32413241"[english]sphere03.bw_a4_misc_solve_nags01" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: Go on."
34173417"[english]sphere03.bw_finale04_pre_pipebreak14" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: Am I being too vague? I despise you. I loathe you. You arrogant, smugly quiet, awful jumpsuited monster of a woman. You and your little potato friend. This place would have been a triumph if it wasn't for you!"
34183418"sphere03.bw_finale04_stalemate_intro01" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: Aaaahm, ya veo. [Risita]"
34193419"[english]sphere03.bw_finale04_stalemate_intro01" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: Ohhh. I see. [chuckle]"
3420N/A"sphere03.bw_finale04_stalemate_intro03" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: Cmo lo ves?"
N/A3420"sphere03.bw_finale04_stalemate_intro03" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: T qu crees?"
34213421"[english]sphere03.bw_finale04_stalemate_intro03" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: What do you think?"
34223422"sphere03.bw_finale04_stalemate_intro04" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: No! No! NONONO!"
34233423"[english]sphere03.bw_finale04_stalemate_intro04" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: No! No! NONONO!"