Benjamoose's Paradox Collecshun

From the Portal Wiki
This! Statement! Is! FALSE! Don't think about it. Don't think about it. Don't think about it.

Basically a page created for never ending "Mind-Blowsion". It's probably not safe to stay on this page if you're of the weak mind... Or a robot...

  • What would happen if Saxton Hale fought himself?

Saxton Hale can't lose because he's Saxton Hale, but he can't win because he's fighting Saxton Hale, and Saxton Hale can't lose...

  • This statement is false.

If the statement was false then it's a lie. Thus meaning the statement must be true, but for the statement to be true, it claiming to be false would also have to be true, thus making it not true, etc.