Template:PatchDiff/May 6, 2011 Patch/portal2/resource/basemodui swedish.txt

Template page
34533453"[english]PORTAL2_VideoOptions_CPUDetail_Info" "Effect Detail controls the complexity of certain visual effects in the game as well as the draw-distance. Decreasing the effect detail may improve performance but will also increase model pop-in artifacts."
34543454"PORTAL2_VideoOptions_ModelDetail_Info" "Modell / Texturedetalj-inställningen kontrollerar upplösningen på texturer och geometriska modeller i spelet. Minskning av denna inställning kan förbättra prestandan av mindre kraftfulla system men kommer att försämra bildkvaliteten."
34553455"[english]PORTAL2_VideoOptions_ModelDetail_Info" "The Model / Texture Detail setting controls the resolution of textures and geometric complexity of models in the game. Decreasing this setting may improve performance on low-end systems, but will degrade image quality."
N/A3456"SessionError_ConnectionFailedAfter" "Kunde inte ansluta till spelservern."
N/A3457"[english]SessionError_ConnectionFailedAfter" "Connection to game server failed."
N/A3458"SessionError_ServerShuttingDown" "Spelservern har stängts ner."
N/A3459"[english]SessionError_ServerShuttingDown" "Game server has been shut down."