Template:PatchDiff/May 26, 2011 Patch/portal2/resource/basemodui tchinese.txt

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614614"PORTAL2_December" "12 月"
615615"[english]PORTAL2_December" "Dec"
616616"PORTAL2_MsgBx_StartNeedMoreSpace" "硬碟的可用空間不足。您需要至少 %s1 MB 才能玩《傳送門 2》。請離開遊戲並取得所需的可用空間。"
617N/A"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_StartNeedMoreSpace" "There is not enough available space in the HDD. You need at least %s1 MB to play Portal 2. Please exit the game and obtain the necessary free space."
N/A617"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_StartNeedMoreSpace" "There is not enough available hard disk space. You need at least %s1 MB to play Portal 2. Please exit the game and obtain the necessary free space."
618618"PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveMoreSpacePleaseDelete" "硬碟的可用空間不足,無法建立新的存檔資料。選擇現有存檔資料以進行刪除?"
619N/A"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveMoreSpacePleaseDelete" "There is not enough available space in the HDD to create new save data. Please delete an existing save."
N/A619"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveMoreSpacePleaseDelete" "There is not enough available hard disk space to create new save data. Please delete an existing save."
620620"PORTAL2_MsgBx_GameDataCorrupt" "遊戲資料已損毀。請離開遊戲並刪除此遊戲資料。"
621621"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_GameDataCorrupt" "Game data is corrupt. Please exit the game and delete this game data."
622622"PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveDataCorrupt" "存檔資料已損毀。請離開遊戲並刪除此存檔資料。"
630630"PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveFailure" "儲存失敗"
631631"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveFailure" "Save Failed"
632632"PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveFailureTxt" "無法完成儲存遊戲作業。\n請確定您有足夠的可用硬碟空間並再試一次。"
633N/A"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveFailureTxt" "Failed to complete save game operation.\nEnsure that you have sufficient free disk space and retry."
N/A633"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveFailureTxt" "Failed to complete save game operation.\nEnsure that you have sufficient free hard disk space and retry."
634634"PORTAL2_Retry" "重試?"
635635"[english]PORTAL2_Retry" "Retry?"
636636"PORTAL2PS3_SaveData" "存檔資料"
809809"L4D360UI_Boot_InviteCheck" "請稍候,《傳送門 2》正在設定獎盃\n並驗證您的設定檔資訊...."
810810"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_InviteCheck" "Please wait while Portal 2 is configuring trophies\nand validating your profile information...."
811811"L4D360UI_Boot_ErrorFatal" "設定 傳送門 2 時發生嚴重錯誤。\n您必須立即退出遊戲,並請確定您有\n足夠的可用硬碟空間,且硬碟未損毀。"
812N/A"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_ErrorFatal" "There has been a fatal error configuring Portal 2.\nYou must quit game now and ensure that you have\nsufficient free disk space and your disk is not corrupt."
N/A812"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_ErrorFatal" "There has been a fatal error configuring Portal 2.\nYou must quit game now and ensure that you have\nsufficient free hard disk space and your hard disk is not corrupt."
813813"L4D360UI_Boot_Error_WRONG_USER" "此傳送門 2 儲存遊戲屬於另一位使用者。您必須立即退出遊戲,並刪除此 傳送門 2 儲存遊戲資訊。。"
814814"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_Error_WRONG_USER" "This Portal 2 saved game belongs to another user.\nYou must quit now and delete this Portal 2 saved game information."
815815"L4D360UI_Boot_Error_BROKEN" "此《傳送門 2》遊戲儲存已損毀。您必須立即退出遊戲,並刪除此《傳送門 2》遊戲儲存資訊。"
816816"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_Error_BROKEN" "This Portal 2 saved game is corrupt.\nYou must quit now and delete this Portal 2 saved game information."
817817"L4D360UI_Boot_Error_NOSPACE1" "您必須立即退出遊戲,\n並確定您有足夠的可用硬碟空間: "
818N/A"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_Error_NOSPACE1" "You must quit now and free up some\ndisk space: additional "
N/A818"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_Error_NOSPACE1" "You must quit now and free up some\nhard disk space: additional "
819819"L4D360UI_Boot_Error_NOSPACE2" " MB。"
820820"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_Error_NOSPACE2" " MB required."
821821"L4D360UI_Boot_Error_SAVE_GENERAL" "《傳送門 2》無法存取儲存遊戲的儲存空間。\n您必須立即退出遊戲,並刪除此《傳送門 2》儲存遊戲資訊。"
23992399"L4D360UI_CloudSettings_Refresh" "重新整理"
24002400"[english]L4D360UI_CloudSettings_Refresh" "Refresh"
24012401"L4D360UI_CloudSettings_Explanation" "Steam 會將您已儲存的遊戲同步至 Steam Cloud,讓您從任何一台 PlayStation®3 主機 都能進行存取。需要 Steam 帳號登入才進行可同步。"
2402N/A"[english]L4D360UI_CloudSettings_Explanation" "Automatically sync your saved games to the Steam Cloud so you can access them from any PlayStation®3. Requires Steam account login to sync."
N/A2402"[english]L4D360UI_CloudSettings_Explanation" "Automatically sync your saved games to the Steam Cloud so you can access them from any PlayStation®3 system. Requires Steam account login to sync."
24032403"L4D360UI_CloudSettings_NumberOfSaves" "同步我的這些最新的儲存"
24042404"[english]L4D360UI_CloudSettings_NumberOfSaves" "Sync this many of my most recent saves"
24052405"L4D360UI_CloudSettings_0" "無"