Non-Emotional Manipulation

From the Portal Wiki
Non-Emotional Manipulation

Chamber number 0.pngChamber number 1.png

Test Chamber Infobox previous disabled.png
Test Chamber Infobox next.png
Test Chamber Infobox Portal Guy.png
Chamber progress 0.pngChamber progress 1.pngChamber progress slash.pngChamber progress 0.pngChamber progress 6.png

Portal 2 Sixense MotionPack DLC Co-op Test Chamber 1.png
Chamber icon cube dispenser on.pngChamber icon cube button on.pngChamber icon player button on.pngChamber icon pass cube on.pngChamber icon faith plate on.png
Chamber icon light bridge.pngChamber icon bridge shield.pngChamber icon excursion funnel.pngChamber icon repulsion gel.pngChamber icon propulsion gel.png

This is the first level in Sixense Co-op mode of Portal 2 and the first chamber in the course. The chamber requires the players to use the one-to-one mode in order to advance in the course.


In the first room the players need to pass each other the Weighted Storage Cube to avoid the fizzlers. In the second room they have to reach out to activate Heavy Duty Super Buttons.





# Atlas P-body

Video walkthrough