
From the Portal Wiki
Revision as of 09:36, 22 September 2013 by DSnWiiRocks (talk | contribs) (Made it look nicer, and added a couple of links.)
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DSnWiiRocks is the mastermind behind the slightly-famous YouTube channel, which dedicates part of it to producing Portal videos. He started playing the Portal series in February of 2013. Having immediately spotted Portal 2 in the cheap games shelf as a good game, he grabs it home new for the low, low price of $29.99.

This started the movement that will later be known as the Portal Revolution, starting with uploading the first full playthrough of a game on his channel, changing the Channel Art and wallpaper to the Aperture logo, frequently bringing up Portal in conversations, introducing a version of his "incredibly popular" Linux OS specifically with Portal themes in mind, entitled "Aperture", which introduced "Cores", which are based off the game's personality cores to interact with the user, and an updated version augmented HUD for the life cam which introduces the Portal Gun HUD, and purchasing an Portal Gun replica off of eBay.

He is currently working on a full-length feature film (90 minutes) about Portal entitled Portal: Imminent Crisis. See the vlog (short for video blog) detailing it here.

He is also open for chat and uploads to Steam Workshop regularly. Click here to visit his Workshop. Contact him for more details.

Actually this post is made by DSnWiiRocks himself, which is why I made it look so cheesy.