Template:PatchDiff/June 6, 2013 Patch/portal2/resource/valve polish.txt

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< Template:PatchDiff/June 6, 2013 Patch
Revision as of 12:18, 7 June 2013 by MousseBOT (talk | contribs) (Diff of file "portal2/resource/valve_polish.txt" for patch June 6, 2013 Patch.)
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33"Language" "polish"
610610"[english]Attrib_CannotTrade" "Not Tradable"
611611"Attrib_CannotCraft" "Nie można używać w wytwarzaniu"
612612"[english]Attrib_CannotCraft" "Not Usable in Crafting"
N/A613"Attrib_CannotTradeOrCraft" "Nie można wymienić ani przetworzyć"
N/A614"[english]Attrib_CannotTradeOrCraft" "Not Tradable or Usable in Crafting"
613615"Attrib_SpecialItem" "Nie można wymienić ani przetworzyć"
614616"[english]Attrib_SpecialItem" "Not Tradable or Usable in Crafting"
615617"Attrib_GifterAccountID" "Prezent od: %s1"