Template:PatchDiff/October 24, 2011 Patch/update/resource/basemodui tu french.txt
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4545"[english]PORTAL2_FinalScore" "Final"
4646"PORTAL2_CurrentScore" "Actuel"
4747"[english]PORTAL2_CurrentScore" "Current"
48N/A"PORTAL2_LeaderboardOnlineWarning" "Vous devez être inscrit pour visionner les classements."
N/A48"PORTAL2_LeaderboardOnlineWarning" "Vous devez être connecté pour visionner les classements."
4949"[english]PORTAL2_LeaderboardOnlineWarning" "You must be signed in to view Leaderboards."
50N/A"PORTAL2_LeaderboardOnlineWarning_X360" "Vous devez vous connecter à Xbox LIVE pour voir les classements."
N/A50"PORTAL2_LeaderboardOnlineWarning_X360" "Vous devez vous connecter au Xbox LIVE pour voir les classements."
5151"[english]PORTAL2_LeaderboardOnlineWarning_X360" "You must be signed in to Xbox LIVE to view Leaderboards."
5252"PORTAL2_LeaderboardOnlineWarning_PSN" "Vous devez vous connecter au PSN pour voir les classements."
5353"[english]PORTAL2_LeaderboardOnlineWarning_PSN" "You must be signed in to PSN to view Leaderboards."
231231"[english]SP_MAP_NAME_CH5_MAP3" "Neurotoxin Sabotage"
232232"SP_MAP_NAME_CH5_MAP4" "Dans les Tubes"
233233"[english]SP_MAP_NAME_CH5_MAP4" "Tube Ride"
234N/A"SP_MAP_NAME_CH5_MAP5" "Coeur"
N/A234"SP_MAP_NAME_CH5_MAP5" "Cœur"
235235"[english]SP_MAP_NAME_CH5_MAP5" "Core"
236236"SP_MAP_NAME_CH6_MAP1" "Longue Chute"
237237"[english]SP_MAP_NAME_CH6_MAP1" "Long Fall"
387387"[english]GAME_MODE_SP_CHALLENGE" "Challenge Mode"
388388"GAME_MODE_COOP_CHALLENGE" "Challenge Coop"
389389"[english]GAME_MODE_COOP_CHALLENGE" "Coop Challenge"
N/A390"COOP_PRESENCE_TRACK_TRACK6" "Thérapie par l'Art"
391391"[english]COOP_PRESENCE_TRACK_TRACK6" "Art Therapy"
393393"[english]P2COOP_TrackName_0" "NO COURSE SELECTED"
437437"[english]cheaptitles_glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_approach19" "GLaDOS: Get back! She's at the controls!"
438438"cheaptitles_glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_approach11" "GLaDOS : Vous n'êtes pas des machines à tuer ! J'ai menti ! Fuyez !"
439439"[english]cheaptitles_glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_approach11" "GLaDOS: You're not killing machines! I lied about that! Run!"
440N/A"cheaptitles_glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending13" "GLaDOS : Aaaah ! Par PITIE ! Annulez ! Annulez la mission ! Repli ! Repli ! Repli !"
N/A440"cheaptitles_glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending13" "GLaDOS : Aaaah ! Par PITIÉ ! Annulez ! Annulez la mission ! Repli ! Repli ! Repli !"
441441"[english]cheaptitles_glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending13" "GLaDOS: Auuugh! Oh my god. Abort. Mission abort. Retreat! Retreat! Retreat!"
442442"cheaptitles_glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_attack09" "GLaDOS : Je vous l'avais dit ! Annulez la mission ! Repli !"
443443"[english]cheaptitles_glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_attack09" "GLaDOS: I warned you! Mission abort! Retreat!"
447447"[english]cheaptitles_glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_success07" "GLaDOS: That was close. Nice hustle, Kill Machines."
448448"cheaptitles_glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_success10a" "GLaDOS : Vous savez, j'ai découvert quelque chose en faisant décamper cet ois..."
449449"[english]cheaptitles_glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_success10a" "GLaDOS: You know: shooing that bird out of the facility just now taught me a valuable--"
450N/A"cheaptitles_glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_success10b" "GLaDOS : OH MON DIEU ELLE A UNE ARMEE DE CLONES EN GESTATION !"
N/A450"cheaptitles_glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_success10b" "GLaDOS : OH MON DIEU ELLE A UNE ARMÉE DE CLONES EN GESTATION !"
451451"[english]cheaptitles_glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_success10b" "GLaDOS: OH MY GOD SHE’S GESTATING A CLONE ARMY!"
452N/A"cheaptitles_glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_success11" "GLaDOS : ECRASEZ-LES ! ECRASEZ-LES ET PIETINEZ-LES ET... et.... une seconde. J'ai une meilleure idée."
N/A452"cheaptitles_glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_success11" "GLaDOS : ÉCRASEZ-LES ! ÉCRASEZ-LES ET PIÉTINEZ-LES ET... et.... une seconde. J'ai une meilleure idée."
453453"[english]cheaptitles_glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_success11" "GLaDOS: SMASH THEM! SMASH THEM AND STOMP THEM AND... and... wait. I have a better idea."
454454"cheaptitles_glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_stinger01" "GLaDOS : Bonjour et bienvenue au Centre de réchauffement ovipare d'Aperture Science."
455455"[english]cheaptitles_glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_stinger01" "GLaDOS: Hello and welcome to the Aperture Science Oviperous Warming Vault."