Template:PatchDiff/July 1, 2011 Patch/portal2/pak01 dir.vpk/resource/ui/econ/storeprice.res

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< Template:PatchDiff/July 1, 2011 Patch
Revision as of 02:27, 8 September 2011 by WindBOT (talk | contribs) (Diff of file "portal2/pak01_dir.vpk/resource/ui/econ/storeprice.res" for patch July 1, 2011 Patch.)
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2323 "xpos" "0"
2424 "ypos" "88"
2525 "zpos" "15"
26N/A "wide" "85"
N/A26 "wide" "100"
2727 "tall" "12"
2828 "textinsetx" "4"
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4343 "xpos" "0"
4444 "ypos" "78"
4545 "zpos" "0"
46N/A "wide" "85"
N/A46 "wide" "100"
4747 "tall" "12"
4848 "textinsetx" "4"
4949 "autoResize" "1"
119119 "fieldName" "Sale"
120120 "font" "EconStorePrice"
121121 "textAlignment" "east"
122N/A "xpos" "0"
N/A122 "xpos" "50"
123123 "ypos" "0"
124124 "zpos" "15"
125N/A "wide" "85"
N/A125 "wide" "50"
126126 "tall" "12"
127127 "textinsetx" "8"
128128 "autoResize" "1"