Template:PatchDiff/August 30, 2011 Patch/portal2/pak01 dir.vpk/resource/ui/econ/storeprice.res
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2121 "font" "EconStorePrice"
2222 "textAlignment" "east"
2323 "xpos" "0"
24N/A "ypos" "88"
N/A24 "ypos" "83"
2525 "zpos" "15"
2626 "wide" "100"
27N/A "tall" "12"
N/A27 "tall" "17"
2828 "textinsetx" "4"
2929 "autoResize" "1"
3030 "pinCorner" "0"
4141 "font" "EconStorePriceOriginal"
4242 "textAlignment" "east"
4343 "xpos" "0"
44N/A "ypos" "78"
N/A44 "ypos" "72"
4545 "zpos" "0"
4646 "wide" "100"
47N/A "tall" "12"
N/A47 "tall" "17"
4848 "textinsetx" "4"
4949 "autoResize" "1"
5050 "pinCorner" "0"
5959 "ControlName" "ImagePanel"
6060 "fieldName" "OG_Price_CrossOut"
6161 "xpos" "0"
62N/A "ypos" "82"
N/A62 "ypos" "79"
6363 "zpos" "0"
6464 "wide" "90"
6565 "tall" "5"
7676 "font" "EconStorePrice"
7777 "textAlignment" "west"
7878 "xpos" "0"
79N/A "ypos" "88"
N/A79 "ypos" "83"
8080 "zpos" "15"
8181 "wide" "40"
82N/A "tall" "12"
N/A82 "tall" "17"
8383 "textinsetx" "8"
8484 "autoResize" "1"
8585 "pinCorner" "0"