
From the Portal Wiki
Revision as of 12:21, 20 December 2016 by TheCore (talk | contribs)
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Chamber number ?.pngChamber number ?.png

Test Chamber Infobox previous disabled.png
Test Chamber Infobox next disabled.png
Test Chamber Infobox Portal Guy.png
Chamber progress 0.pngChamber progress 0.pngChamber progress slash.pngChamber progress 0.pngChamber progress 0.png

Chamber icon cube dispenser.pngChamber icon cube button.pngChamber icon cube hazard.pngChamber icon player button.pngChamber icon water hazard on.png
Chamber icon fling enter on.pngChamber icon fling exit on.pngChamber icon turret hazard on.pngChamber icon dirty water on.pngChamber icon blades hazard.png

This is the final test chamber in Portal Stories: Mel. The boss battle against AEGIS takes place here. The level is focused in the use of turrets, but it also features electrified water or goo as a hazard.



  • After entering the room, the player should go to the right room and fling itself to the other side of it.
  • A white turret will be revealed, this is harmless and can respawn. Use it to destroy AEGIS's servers.
  • After destroying AEGIS' servers in the right room, go to the left room and do the same things. Take care because 50' s turrets can appear here (these ones can harm you.