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pl Polski jest językiem ojczystym tego użytkownika.


en-3 This user has advanced knowledge of English.


de-1 Dieser Benutzer beherrscht Deutsch auf grundlegendem Niveau.


Flag Poland.png This user is polish robot drinking vodka!



Portal logo.png This user owns Portal.


Portal: Still Alive logo.png This user owns Portal: Still Alive.


Portal 2 logo.png This user owns Portal 2.


RE icon.png This user has a Portal 2 backpack, which can be found here.



User Aperture AI icon.png This user is an employee of Aperture Science.


Portal logo.png This user is a Portal Unnoficial Wiki translator!


Steam tray.png This user has a Steam profile, which can be found here.


Wheatley spoils you.png This user reads the Portal Wiki with Spoilers on.



Achievement Overclocker.jpg As of June 5, 2024,
I have been a Portal Wikipedian for 8 years, 3 months, and 21 days. (since February 15, 2016)


Atlas.png This user prefers Atlas.


Ping monkey.png This user's favorite animal is a Monkey!


Au This user's favorite element is Gold.
