8383"[english]announcer.mp_hub_return06" "<clr:250,231,181>Announcer: Thank you for completing the testing courses. If you enjoyed your experience, you may now re-enter the testing course of your choice."
8484"announcer.mp_hub_return07" "<clr:250,231,181>Announcer: 完成所有测试过程后,您已通过 C 级安全检查。现在您可以访问所有测试过程和光圈科学 176 间洗手间中的三个。"
8585"[english]announcer.mp_hub_return07" "<clr:250,231,181>Announcer: By completing all test courses, you have achieved Level C security clearance. You may now access all testing courses and three of Aperture Science's 176 restrooms."
86N/A"announcer.openingcourtesy01" "<clr:250,231,181>广播: 早安。您已经休息了九九九... 九九九 - 兹通知阁下全体受测者均应立即撤离 [声音淡出]"
N/A86"announcer.openingcourtesy01" "<clr:250,231,181>Announcer: 早安。您已经休息了九九九... 九九九 - 兹通知阁下全体受测者均应立即撤离 [声音淡出]"
8787"[english]announcer.openingcourtesy01" "<clr:250,231,181>Announcer: Good morning. You have been in suspension for nine nine nine... nine nine ni- This courtesy call is to inform you that all test subjects should immediately vacate [FADES OUT]"
8888"announcer.openingexercise01" "<clr:250,231,181>Announcer: 早上好。您已暂停...五十天。根据州和联邦法律,在光圈科学扩展放松中心的所有测试候选人必须定期唤醒,进行强制身体和精神健康运动。"
8989"[english]announcer.openingexercise01" "<clr:250,231,181>Announcer: Good morning. You have been in suspension for -FIFTY- days. In compliance with state and federal regulations, all testing candidates in the Aperture Science Extended Relaxation Center must be revived periodically for a mandatory physical and mental wellness exercise."