
From the Portal Wiki
Modified: portal2/media/valve_ps3_legals.bik
Modified: portal2/scripts/vscripts/choreo/glados_scenetable_include_manual_act4.nut
44114411 predelay = 0.0
44124412 next = "-2298_02"
44134413 noDingOff = true
4414N/A noDingOn = true
N/A4414 noDingOn = true
N/A4416 fires=
N/A4417 [
N/A4418 // all coords somewhat random, avg of three SetParentAttachmentMaintainOffset settings
N/A4419 {entity="wheatley_shield",input="setlocalorigin",parameter="13.1 277.2 -31.0",delay=3.0},
N/A4420 {entity="wheatley_shield",input="setlocalangles",parameter="0 180 90",delay=3.0},
N/A4421 {entity="futbol_shooter",input="setlocalorigin",parameter="1.7 75.0 -116.6",delay=3.0},
N/A4422 {entity="futbol_shooter",input="setlocalangles",parameter="86.5 158.6 66.5",delay=3.0},
N/A4423 {entity="wheatley_shadow_brush",input="setlocalorigin",parameter="6.0 12.5 -10.0",delay=3.0},
N/A4424 {entity="wheatley_shadow_brush",input="setlocalangles",parameter="86.5 158.6 66.5",delay=3.0},
N/A4425 ]
44154426 }
44164427 // You like revenge, right? Everybody likes revenge. Well, let's go get some.
Modified: portal2/resource/gameui_korean.txt
13691369"[english]GameUI_EnableOpenMic" "Enable open mic"
13701370"GameUI_VoiceThreshold" "공개 마이크 볼륨 한계"
13711371"[english]GameUI_VoiceThreshold" "Open mic volume threshold"
N/A1372"Console_Title" "콘솔"
N/A1373"[english]Console_Title" "Console"
N/A1374"Console_Submit" "수락"
N/A1375"[english]Console_Submit" "Submit"
Modified: portal2/resource/subtitles_koreana.dat
Modified: portal2/resource/subtitles_turkish.dat
Modified: portal2/resource/basemodui_english.txt
350350"PORTAL2_December" "Dec"
351351// PS3 Cert /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
352N/A"PORTAL2_MsgBx_StartNeedMoreSpace" "There is not enough available space in the HDD. You need at least %s1 MB to play Portal 2. Please exit the game and obtain the necessary free space."
353N/A"PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveMoreSpacePleaseDelete" "There is not enough available space in the HDD to create new save data. Please delete an existing save."
N/A352"PORTAL2_MsgBx_StartNeedMoreSpace" "There is not enough available hard disk space. You need at least %s1 MB to play Portal 2. Please exit the game and obtain the necessary free space."
N/A353"PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveMoreSpacePleaseDelete" "There is not enough available hard disk space to create new save data. Please delete an existing save."
354354"PORTAL2_MsgBx_GameDataCorrupt" "Game data is corrupt. Please exit the game and delete this game data."
355355"PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveDataCorrupt" "Save data is corrupt. Please exit the game and delete this save data." // ps3 has different nomenclature standards for game/save data.
356356"PORTAL2_MsgBx_PS3SaveCorruptAlt" "The selected save data is corrupted or not able to be opened.\nPlease delete the corrupted file.\n\nPreferences and game progress will not be saved without a valid storage device.\nWould you like to continue without selecting a storage device?"
360360"PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveDataDifferentOwner_DeleteOption" "Unable to load save data from a different user.\nWould you like to overwrite and replace this save data? This operation cannot be undone."
361361"PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveFailure" "Save Failed"
362N/A"PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveFailureTxt" "Failed to complete save game operation.\nEnsure that you have sufficient free disk space and retry."
N/A362"PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveFailureTxt" "Failed to complete save game operation.\nEnsure that you have sufficient free hard disk space and retry."
363363"PORTAL2_Retry" "Retry?"
364364"PORTAL2PS3_SaveData" "Save Data" // NOUN 'save', not verb. Labels savegame in XMB.
462462"L4D360UI_Boot_SaveContainer" "Please wait while Portal 2 is configuring storage\nand validating your saved information..."
463463"L4D360UI_Boot_Trophies" "Please wait while Portal 2 is configuring trophies\nand validating your profile information..."
464464"L4D360UI_Boot_InviteCheck" "Please wait while Portal 2 is configuring trophies\nand validating your profile information...."
465N/A"L4D360UI_Boot_ErrorFatal" "There has been a fatal error configuring Portal 2.\nYou must quit game now and ensure that you have\nsufficient free disk space and your disk is not corrupt."
N/A465"L4D360UI_Boot_ErrorFatal" "There has been a fatal error configuring Portal 2.\nYou must quit game now and ensure that you have\nsufficient free hard disk space and your hard disk is not corrupt."
466466"L4D360UI_Boot_Error_WRONG_USER" "This Portal 2 saved game belongs to another user.\nYou must quit now and delete this Portal 2 saved game information."
467467"L4D360UI_Boot_Error_BROKEN" "This Portal 2 saved game is corrupt.\nYou must quit now and delete this Portal 2 saved game information."
468N/A"L4D360UI_Boot_Error_NOSPACE1" "You must quit now and free up some\ndisk space: additional "
N/A468"L4D360UI_Boot_Error_NOSPACE1" "You must quit now and free up some\nhard disk space: additional "
469469"L4D360UI_Boot_Error_NOSPACE2" " MB required."
470470"L4D360UI_Boot_Error_SAVE_GENERAL" "Portal 2 failed to access saved game storage.\nYou must quit now and delete this Portal 2 saved game information."
14411441"L4D360UI_CloudSettings_Title" "Steam Cloud"
14421442"L4D360UI_CloudSettings_Footer" "Steam Cloud Settings"
14431443"L4D360UI_CloudSettings_Refresh" "Refresh"
1444N/A"L4D360UI_CloudSettings_Explanation" "Automatically sync your saved games to the Steam Cloud so you can access them from any PlayStation®3. Requires Steam account login to sync."
N/A1444"L4D360UI_CloudSettings_Explanation" "Automatically sync your saved games to the Steam Cloud so you can access them from any PlayStation®3 system. Requires Steam account login to sync."
14451445"L4D360UI_CloudSettings_NumberOfSaves" "Sync this many of my most recent saves"
14461446"L4D360UI_CloudSettings_0" "None"
14471447"L4D360UI_CloudSettings_1" "One"
Modified: portal2/resource/portal2_koreana.txt
773773"[english]cheaptitles_glados.mp_finalmovie_testsubjects02" "GLaDOS: Just look at all those test subjects!"
774774"cheaptitles_glados.mp_finalmovie_testing01" "GLaDOS: 시험을 얼마나 많이 할 수 있는지 생각 해봐!"
775775"[english]cheaptitles_glados.mp_finalmovie_testing01" "GLaDOS: Think of all the testing!"
776N/A"cheaptitles_glados.mp_finalmovie_science03" "GLaDOS: 너희가 과학을 지켜서!"
N/A776"cheaptitles_glados.mp_finalmovie_science03" "GLaDOS: 너희가 과학을 구했어!"
777777"[english]cheaptitles_glados.mp_finalmovie_science03" "GLaDOS: You saved science!"
778778"cheaptitles_glados.mp_coop_paint_longjump_introexit10" "GLaDOS: 이제 그만들 해, 할 일이 더 많아."
779779"[english]cheaptitles_glados.mp_coop_paint_longjump_introexit10" "GLaDOS: Enough celebrating, we have more work to do."
823823"[english]song.line21" "Now I only want you gone"
824824"song.line22" "내 유일한 친구 이젠 안녕"
825825"[english]song.line22" "Goodbye my only friend"
826N/A"song.line23" "어머, 당신한테 말한 거라고 생각해서?"
N/A826"song.line23" "어머, 당신한테 말한 거라고 생각했나요?"
827827"[english]song.line23" "Oh, did you think I meant you?"
828828"song.line24" "슬프지 않다면 그것도 웃기겠죠"
829829"[english]song.line24" "That would be funny if it weren't so sad"
Modified: portal2/resource/subtitles_portuguese.txt
34773477"[english]sphere03.bw_screen_smash30" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: It's not like I've got hordes of replacement monitors just lying around back here in the old warehouse that I can just wheel out an bolt back on. I didn't order in loads of spare monitors thinking some crazy woman was going to go around smashing them all. Sorry if that's my fault. Sorry if I didn't have the forethought to think oh she might go crazy one day instead of just getting on with things. Sorry I didn't think of that."
34783478"sphere03.bw_screen_smash32" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: Estes monitores não são teus, para os partires. Puro vandalismo. Não farias isto se fosse a tua casa. Se eu fosse a tua casa e partisse o teu televisor, aposto que ficarias furiosa. E com razão. Inacreditável."
34793479"[english]sphere03.bw_screen_smash32" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: They're not even your screens to break. It's vandalism. It's pure vandalism. You wouldn't do this if this was your house, would you? If I came around to your house smashin' your telly to bits, you'd be furious. And rightly so. Unbelievable."
3480N/A"sphere03.bw_sp_a2_core_actually01" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: Como sou grande! [gargalhadas]"
N/A3480"sphere03.bw_sp_a2_core_actually01" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: Como sou grande! [gargalhada a tornar-se em gargalhada maléfica]"
34813481"[english]sphere03.bw_sp_a2_core_actually01" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: But I'm huge! [laugh turning to maniacal laugh]"
34823482"sphere03.bw_sp_a2_core_actually05" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: Mas por que é que temos de ir já embora?"
34833483"[english]sphere03.bw_sp_a2_core_actually05" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: [laugh trailing off] Actually, why do we have to leave right now?"
Modified: portal2/resource/valve_dutch.txt
3939"[english]Valve_Mouse_Look_Modifier" "Mouse Look Modifier"
4040"Valve_Keyboard_Look_Modifier" "Modificatie kijken met het toetsenbord"
4141"[english]Valve_Keyboard_Look_Modifier" "Keyboard Look Modifier"
42N/A"Valve_Use_Items" "Item gebruiken (knoppen, machines, ...)"
N/A42"Valve_Use_Items" "Voorwerp gebruiken (knoppen, machines, ...)"
4343"[english]Valve_Use_Items" "Use Item (Buttons, Machines, ...)"
4444"Valve_Pickup_Use_Objects" "Objecten oppakken/gebruiken"
4545"[english]Valve_Pickup_Use_Objects" "Pickup/Use Objects"
867867"[english]ShowBaseItems" "STOCK ITEMS"
868868"ShowBackpackItems" "SPECIALE VOORWERPEN"
869869"[english]ShowBackpackItems" "SPECIAL ITEMS"
870N/A"ShowBaseItemsCheckBox" "Laat Standaard Voorwerpen Zien"
N/A870"ShowBaseItemsCheckBox" "Laat standaardvoorwerpen zien"
871871"[english]ShowBaseItemsCheckBox" "Show Stock Items"
872872"ShowDuplicateItemsCheckbox" "Dubbele voorwerpen tonen"
873873"[english]ShowDuplicateItemsCheckbox" "Show Duplicate Items"
Modified: portal2/resource/basemodui_hungarian.txt
614614"PORTAL2_December" "Dec"
615615"[english]PORTAL2_December" "Dec"
616616"PORTAL2_MsgBx_StartNeedMoreSpace" "Nincs elég szabad hely a merevlemezen. A Portal 2 legalább %s1 MB területet igényel. Lépj ki a játékból, és tedd szabaddá a szükséges lemezterületet."
617N/A"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_StartNeedMoreSpace" "There is not enough available space in the HDD. You need at least %s1 MB to play Portal 2. Please exit the game and obtain the necessary free space."
N/A617"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_StartNeedMoreSpace" "There is not enough available hard disk space. You need at least %s1 MB to play Portal 2. Please exit the game and obtain the necessary free space."
618618"PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveMoreSpacePleaseDelete" "Nincs elég szabad hely a merevlemezen új adatok mentéséhez. Törölj egy létező mentést."
619N/A"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveMoreSpacePleaseDelete" "There is not enough available space in the HDD to create new save data. Please delete an existing save."
N/A619"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveMoreSpacePleaseDelete" "There is not enough available hard disk space to create new save data. Please delete an existing save."
620620"PORTAL2_MsgBx_GameDataCorrupt" "A játékadat sérült. Lépj ki a játékból, és töröld ezt a játékadatot."
621621"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_GameDataCorrupt" "Game data is corrupt. Please exit the game and delete this game data."
622622"PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveDataCorrupt" "A mentett adat sérült. Lépj ki a játékból, és töröld ezt a mentett adatot."
630630"PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveFailure" "Mentés sikertelen"
631631"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveFailure" "Save Failed"
632632"PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveFailureTxt" "Játékmentési művelet sikertelen.\nEllenőrizd, hogy van-e elég szabad lemezterület, és próbáld újra."
633N/A"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveFailureTxt" "Failed to complete save game operation.\nEnsure that you have sufficient free disk space and retry."
N/A633"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveFailureTxt" "Failed to complete save game operation.\nEnsure that you have sufficient free hard disk space and retry."
634634"PORTAL2_Retry" "Újra?"
635635"[english]PORTAL2_Retry" "Retry?"
636636"PORTAL2PS3_SaveData" "Adatok mentése"
808808"L4D360UI_Boot_InviteCheck" "Várj, míg a Portal 2 beállítja a trófeákat\nés ellenőrzi a profiladatokat..."
809809"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_InviteCheck" "Please wait while Portal 2 is configuring trophies\nand validating your profile information...."
810810"L4D360UI_Boot_ErrorFatal" "Végzetes hiba történt a Portal 2 beállítása közben.\nLépj ki a játékból, és ellenőrizd, hogy\nvan-e elég szabad lemezterületed, és nem sérült-e a lemez."
811N/A"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_ErrorFatal" "There has been a fatal error configuring Portal 2.\nYou must quit game now and ensure that you have\nsufficient free disk space and your disk is not corrupt."
N/A811"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_ErrorFatal" "There has been a fatal error configuring Portal 2.\nYou must quit game now and ensure that you have\nsufficient free hard disk space and your hard disk is not corrupt."
812812"L4D360UI_Boot_Error_WRONG_USER" "Ez a Portal 2 játékmentés egy másik felhasználóé.\nMost ki kell lépned, és törölni ezt a Portal 2 játékmentést."
813813"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_Error_WRONG_USER" "This Portal 2 saved game belongs to another user.\nYou must quit now and delete this Portal 2 saved game information."
814814"L4D360UI_Boot_Error_BROKEN" "Ez a Portal 2 játékmentés sérült.\nMost ki kell lépned, és törölni ezt a Portal 2 játékmentést."
815815"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_Error_BROKEN" "This Portal 2 saved game is corrupt.\nYou must quit now and delete this Portal 2 saved game information."
816816"L4D360UI_Boot_Error_NOSPACE1" "Most ki kell lépned, és felszabadítani némi\nlemezterületet: még "
817N/A"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_Error_NOSPACE1" "You must quit now and free up some\ndisk space: additional "
N/A817"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_Error_NOSPACE1" "You must quit now and free up some\nhard disk space: additional "
818818"L4D360UI_Boot_Error_NOSPACE2" " MB szükséges."
819819"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_Error_NOSPACE2" " MB required."
820820"L4D360UI_Boot_Error_SAVE_GENERAL" "A Portal 2 nem tudta elérni a mentéshez használt tárolóeszközt.\nMost ki kell lépned, és törölni ezt a Portal 2 játékmentést."
23982398"L4D360UI_CloudSettings_Refresh" "Frissítés"
23992399"[english]L4D360UI_CloudSettings_Refresh" "Refresh"
24002400"L4D360UI_CloudSettings_Explanation" "A mentett játékok automatikus szinkronizálása a Steam Felhővel, hogy bármely PlayStation®3 rendszerről elérhesd azokat. A szinkronizáláshoz be kell jelentkezned a Steam fiókba."
2401N/A"[english]L4D360UI_CloudSettings_Explanation" "Automatically sync your saved games to the Steam Cloud so you can access them from any PlayStation®3. Requires Steam account login to sync."
N/A2401"[english]L4D360UI_CloudSettings_Explanation" "Automatically sync your saved games to the Steam Cloud so you can access them from any PlayStation®3 system. Requires Steam account login to sync."
24022402"L4D360UI_CloudSettings_NumberOfSaves" "Ennyit szinkronizáljon a legutóbbi mentések közül:"
24032403"[english]L4D360UI_CloudSettings_NumberOfSaves" "Sync this many of my most recent saves"
24042404"L4D360UI_CloudSettings_0" "Egyet sem"
Modified: portal2/resource/basemodui_russian.txt
614614"PORTAL2_December" "дек"
615615"[english]PORTAL2_December" "Dec"
616616"PORTAL2_MsgBx_StartNeedMoreSpace" "На жестком диске недостаточно места. Для игры в Portal 2 требуется по крайней мере %s1 МБ свободного места. Освободите место на жестком диске."
617N/A"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_StartNeedMoreSpace" "There is not enough available space in the HDD. You need at least %s1 MB to play Portal 2. Please exit the game and obtain the necessary free space."
N/A617"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_StartNeedMoreSpace" "There is not enough available hard disk space. You need at least %s1 MB to play Portal 2. Please exit the game and obtain the necessary free space."
618618"PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveMoreSpacePleaseDelete" "На жестком диске недостаточно места для создания нового сохранения. Удалите существующее сохранение."
619N/A"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveMoreSpacePleaseDelete" "There is not enough available space in the HDD to create new save data. Please delete an existing save."
N/A619"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveMoreSpacePleaseDelete" "There is not enough available hard disk space to create new save data. Please delete an existing save."
620620"PORTAL2_MsgBx_GameDataCorrupt" "Ошибка данных игры. Необходимо выйти из игры и удалить данные этой игры."
621621"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_GameDataCorrupt" "Game data is corrupt. Please exit the game and delete this game data."
622622"PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveDataCorrupt" "Данные сохранения повреждены. Необходимо выйти из игры и удалить данное сохранение."
630630"PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveFailure" "Ошибка сохранения"
631631"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveFailure" "Save Failed"
632632"PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveFailureTxt" "Не удалось сохранить игру.\nУбедитесь, что на жестком диске достаточно места и повторите попытку."
633N/A"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveFailureTxt" "Failed to complete save game operation.\nEnsure that you have sufficient free disk space and retry."
N/A633"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveFailureTxt" "Failed to complete save game operation.\nEnsure that you have sufficient free hard disk space and retry."
634634"PORTAL2_Retry" "Повторить?"
635635"[english]PORTAL2_Retry" "Retry?"
636636"PORTAL2PS3_SaveData" "Сохранения"
808808"L4D360UI_Boot_InviteCheck" "Игра Portal 2 производит настройку трофеев и проверяет информацию профиля..."
809809"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_InviteCheck" "Please wait while Portal 2 is configuring trophies\nand validating your profile information...."
810810"L4D360UI_Boot_ErrorFatal" "При настройке Portal 2 произошла критическая ошибка.\nНеобходимо выйти из игры и проверить наличие свободного места и отсутствие ошибок на жестком диске."
811N/A"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_ErrorFatal" "There has been a fatal error configuring Portal 2.\nYou must quit game now and ensure that you have\nsufficient free disk space and your disk is not corrupt."
N/A811"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_ErrorFatal" "There has been a fatal error configuring Portal 2.\nYou must quit game now and ensure that you have\nsufficient free hard disk space and your hard disk is not corrupt."
812812"L4D360UI_Boot_Error_WRONG_USER" "Это сохранение Portal 2 принадлежит другому пользователю.\nНеобходимо выйти из игры и удалить это сохранение."
813813"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_Error_WRONG_USER" "This Portal 2 saved game belongs to another user.\nYou must quit now and delete this Portal 2 saved game information."
814814"L4D360UI_Boot_Error_BROKEN" "Это сохранение игры Portal 2 повреждено.\nНеобходимо выйти из игры и удалить это сохранение."
815815"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_Error_BROKEN" "This Portal 2 saved game is corrupt.\nYou must quit now and delete this Portal 2 saved game information."
816816"L4D360UI_Boot_Error_NOSPACE1" "Необходимо выйти из игры и освободить место на жестком диске:"
817N/A"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_Error_NOSPACE1" "You must quit now and free up some\ndisk space: additional "
N/A817"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_Error_NOSPACE1" "You must quit now and free up some\nhard disk space: additional "
818818"L4D360UI_Boot_Error_NOSPACE2" " МБ"
819819"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_Error_NOSPACE2" " MB required."
820820"L4D360UI_Boot_Error_SAVE_GENERAL" "Нет доступа к сохранениям игры Portal 2.\nНеобходимо выйти из игры и удалить сохранение."
23982398"L4D360UI_CloudSettings_Refresh" "Обновить"
23992399"[english]L4D360UI_CloudSettings_Refresh" "Refresh"
24002400"L4D360UI_CloudSettings_Explanation" "Steam автоматически синхронизирует ваши сохраненные игры с сервисом Steam Cloud, и вы сможете получить к ним доступ с любой PlayStation®3. Для синхронизации последних сохранений требуется войти в Steam."
2401N/A"[english]L4D360UI_CloudSettings_Explanation" "Automatically sync your saved games to the Steam Cloud so you can access them from any PlayStation®3. Requires Steam account login to sync."
N/A2401"[english]L4D360UI_CloudSettings_Explanation" "Automatically sync your saved games to the Steam Cloud so you can access them from any PlayStation®3 system. Requires Steam account login to sync."
24022402"L4D360UI_CloudSettings_NumberOfSaves" "Синхронизировать столько последних сохранений:"
24032403"[english]L4D360UI_CloudSettings_NumberOfSaves" "Sync this many of my most recent saves"
24042404"L4D360UI_CloudSettings_0" "Ни одного"
Modified: portal2/resource/subtitles_thai.txt
3939"[english]announcer.bb_stalemate06" "<clr:250,231,181>Announcer: Fire detected in the Stalemate Resolution Annex. Extinguishing."
4040"announcer.bb_stalemate07" "ระบบแก้ปัญหาการหยุดนิ่ง : กรุณากดปุ่มแก้ไขการหยุดนิ่ง"
4141"[english]announcer.bb_stalemate07" "<clr:250,231,181>Announcer: Stalemate Resolution Associate: Please press the Stalemate Resolution Button."
42N/A"announcer.carolyndeleted02" "ผู้ประกาศ: แคโรไลน์ถูกลบ"
N/A42"announcer.carolyndeleted02" "เสียงประกาศ: แคโรไลน์ถูกลบแล้ว"
4343"[english]announcer.carolyndeleted02" "<clr:250,231,181>Announcer: Caroline deleted."
44N/A"announcer.evacuationmisc01" "ผู้ประกาศ: กรุณาเตรียมตัวอพยพฉุกเฉิน"
N/A44"announcer.evacuationmisc01" "เสียงประกาศ: กรุณาเตรียมตัวอพยพฉุกเฉิน"
4545"[english]announcer.evacuationmisc01" "<clr:250,231,181>Announcer: Please prepare for emergency evacuation."
4646"announcer.gladosbattle11" "เสียงประกาศ: คำเตือน: แกนหลักเสียหาย 80 เปอร์เซ็นต์"
4747"[english]announcer.gladosbattle11" "<clr:250,231,181>Announcer: Warning: Central core is eighty percent corrupt."
48N/A"announcer.gladosbattle12" "ผู้ประกาศ: พบแกนสำรอง"
N/A48"announcer.gladosbattle12" "เสียงประกาศ: พบแกนสำรอง"
4949"[english]announcer.gladosbattle12" "<clr:250,231,181>Announcer: Alternate core detected."
50N/A"announcer.gladosbattle13" "ผู้ประกาศ: เพื่อเริ่มต้นการเคลื่อนย้ายแกน กรุณานำแกนสำรองใส่ไว้ที่ฐานรองรับ"
N/A50"announcer.gladosbattle13" "เสียงประกาศ: เพื่อเริ่มต้นการเคลื่อนย้ายแกน กรุณานำแกนสำรองใส่ไว้ที่ฐานรองรับ"
5151"[english]announcer.gladosbattle13" "<clr:250,231,181>Announcer: To initiate a core transfer, please deposit substitute core in receptacle."
52N/A"announcer.gladosbattle14" "ผู้ประกาศ: แกนสำรองได้รับการยอมรับ"
N/A52"announcer.gladosbattle14" "เสียงประกาศ: แกนสำรองได้รับการยอมรับ"
5353"[english]announcer.gladosbattle14" "<clr:250,231,181>Announcer: Substitute core accepted."
54N/A"announcer.gladosbattle15" "ผู้ประกาศ: แกนสำรอง พร้อมที่จะเริ่มกระบวนการหรือไม่?"
N/A54"announcer.gladosbattle15" "เสียงประกาศ: แกนสำรอง พร้อมที่จะเริ่มกระบวนการหรือไม่?"
5555"[english]announcer.gladosbattle15" "<clr:250,231,181>Announcer: Substitute core, are you ready to start the procedure?"
56N/A"announcer.gladosbattle16" "ผู้ประกาศ: แกนที่เสียหาย พร้อมที่จะเริ่มกระบวนการหรือไม่?"
N/A56"announcer.gladosbattle16" "เสียงประกาศ: แกนที่เสียหาย พร้อมที่จะเริ่มกระบวนการหรือไม่?"
5757"[english]announcer.gladosbattle16" "<clr:250,231,181>Announcer: Corrupted core, are you ready to start the procedure?"
5858"announcer.gladosbattle17" "ตรวจพบการหยุดนิ่ง กระบวนการเคลื่อนย้ายไม่สามารถกระทำต่อไปได้"
5959"[english]announcer.gladosbattle17" "<clr:250,231,181>Announcer: Stalemate detected. Transfer procedure cannot continue."
173173"[english]announcer.testchamber02" "<clr:250,231,181>Announcer: If the Enrichment Center is currently being bombarded with fireballs, meteorites, or other objects from space, please avoid unsheltered testing areas wherever a lack of shelter from space-debris DOES NOT appear to be a deliberate part of the test."
174174"announcer.testchamber03" "เสียงประกาศ: ทำได้ดีมาก! ศุนย์พัฒนาศักยภาพขอชี้แจงกับคุณว่า แม้สถานการณ์จะดูสี้นหว้ง แต่คุณไม่ได้อยู่คนเดียว ระบบบุคลิกประดิษฐ์ทั้งหมดที่ Aperture Science ได้สร้างขึ้นยังสามารถทำงานได้ในสภาวะประสบภัยพิบัติที่มีพลังงานไฟฟ้าต่ำถึง 1.1 โวลต์"
175175"[english]announcer.testchamber03" "<clr:250,231,181>Announcer: Well done! The Enrichment Center reminds you that although circumstances may appear bleak, you are not alone. All Aperture Science personality constructs will remain functional in apocalyptic, low power environments of as few as 1.1 volts."
176N/A"announcer.testchamber04" "เพื่อให้แน่ใจว่ายังมีพลังงานเพียงพอสำหรับการทดสอบสัญญาการเชื่อมต่อ อุปกรณ์ความปลอดภัยทั้งหมดถูกปิด ศูนย์วิจัยเคารพในสิทธิของทุกคน ถ้ามีคำถามหรือข้อสงสัยเกี่ยวกับนโยบายนี้"
N/A176"announcer.testchamber04" "เสียงประกาศ: เพื่อให้แน่ใจว่ายังมีพลังงานเพียงพอตามข้อกำหนดหลักสำหรับการทดสอบ อุปกรณ์เพื่อความปลอดภัยทั้งหมดจะถูกปิด ศูนย์พัฒนาศักยภาพเคารพในสิทธิ์ของคุณ ถ้าคุณจะสงสัยหรือตั้งคำถามกับนโยบายนี้"
177177"[english]announcer.testchamber04" "<clr:250,231,181>Announcer: To ensure that sufficient power remains for core testing protocols, all safety devices have been disabled. The Enrichment Center respects your right to have questions or concerns about this policy."
178178"announcer.testchamber05" "เสียงประกาศ: การทดสอบฉุกเฉินบางอย่างอาจต้องการการตอบสนองอย่างต่อเนื่องกับหุ่นยนต์ทางทหารที่อันตราย โปรดมั่นใจได้ว่า หุ่นยนต์ทางทหารที่อันตรายได้ถูกสอนให้อ่านได้ และได้แนบสำเนาของกฏของหุ่นยนต์ เพื่อใช้แบ่งบัน"
179179"[english]announcer.testchamber05" "<clr:250,231,181>Announcer: Some emergency testing may require prolonged interaction with lethal military androids. Rest assured that all lethal military androids have been taught to read and provided with one copy of the Laws of Robotics. To share."
705705"[english]core02.fact35" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Gently cleaning the tongue twice a day is the most effective way to fight bad breath."
706706"core02.fact36" "ยาสีฟันของโรมันทำจากปัสสาวะของมนุษย์ และใช้ปัสสาวะเป็นส่วนผสมอย่างต่อเนื่องจนถึงศตวรรษที่ 18"
707707"[english]core02.fact36" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Roman toothpaste was made with human urine. Urine as an ingredient in toothpaste continued to be used up until the 18th century."
708N/A"core02.fact37" "อัตราค่าพระราชบัญญัติ 1789 ก่อตั้งขึ้นเพื่อปกป้องการผลิตภายในประเทศเป็นพระราชบัญญัติที่สองที่เคยตราโดยรัฐบาลสหรัฐอเมริกา"
N/A708"core02.fact37" "แกนที่ 3: รัฐบัญญัติศุลกากรฉบับปี 1789 ที่ถูกบัญญัติขึ้นเพื่อปกป้องการผลิตภายในประเทศ เป็นรัฐบัญญัติฉบับที่ 2 ที่ถูกร่างโดยรัฐบาลสหรัฐอเมริกา"
709709"[english]core02.fact37" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The Tariff Act of 1789, established to protect domestic manufacture, was the second statute ever enacted by the United States government."
710N/A"core02.fact38" "ค่าของพายเป็นอัตราส่วนของเส้นรอบวงของวงกลมใด ๆ ที่มีขนาดเส้นผ่าศูนย์กลางในพื้นที่แบบยุคลิด"
N/A710"core02.fact38" "แกนที่ 3: ค่าพาย เป็นอัตราส่วนเส้นรอบวงของวงกลมใดๆ ต่อเส้นผ่าศูนย์กลางของมัน ในระบบพื้นที่แบบยุคลิด"
711711"[english]core02.fact38" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The value of Pi is the ratio of any circle's circumference to its diameter in Euclidean space."
712N/A"core02.fact39" "สงครามเม็กซิกัน-อเมริกันในสงครามสิ้นสุดในปี 1848 ที่มีการลงนามในสนธิสัญญาของ Guadalupe Hidalgo"
N/A712"core02.fact39" "แกนที่ 3: สงครามเม็กซิกัน-อเมริกันสิ้นสุดลงในปี 1848 ด้วยการลงนามในสนธิสัญญา Guadalupe Hidalgo"
713713"[english]core02.fact39" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The Mexican-American War ended in 1848 with the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo."
714N/A"core02.fact40" "ในปี 1879 Sandford Fliming ได้รับการยอมรับจากการเสนอโซนเวลามาตรฐานทั่วโลกที่สถาบันรอยัลแคนาเดียน"
N/A714"core02.fact40" "แกนที่ 3: ในปี 1879 Sandford Fleming เป็นคนแรกที่เสนอให้มีการใช้โซนเวลามาตรฐานโลก ที่สถาบัน Royal Canadian Institute"
715715"[english]core02.fact40" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: In 1879, Sandford Fleming first proposed the adoption of worldwide standardized time zones at the Royal Canadian Institute."
716N/A"core02.fact41" "มารีคูรีคิดค้นทฤษฎีของกัมมันตภาพรังสี, การรักษาของกัมมันตภาพรังสีและการตายของกัมมันตภาพรังสี"
N/A716"core02.fact41" "แกนที่ 3: มารี คูรี คิดค้นทฤษฎีกัมมันตภาพรังสี วิธีการรักษาพิษจากกัมมันตภาพรังสี และวิธีการตายจากกัมมันตภาพรังสี"
717717"[english]core02.fact41" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Marie Curie invented the theory of radioactivity, the treatment of radioactivity, and dying of radioactivity."
718718"core02.fact42" "ในตอนท้ายของชีวิตนกนางนวลโดย Anton Chekhov, Konstantin ฆ่าตัวตาย"
719719"[english]core02.fact42" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: At the end of The Seagull by Anton Chekhov, Konstantin kills himself."
720N/A"core02.fact43" "ขัดกับความเชื่อ เอสกิโมไม่ได้มีคำว่าหิมะต่างกันเป็นร้อยคำ แต่มีพวกเขา 234 คำสำหรับเรื่องเหลวไหล"
N/A720"core02.fact43" "แกนที่ 3: เอสกิโมไม่ได้มีคำแตกต่างกันหนึ่งร้อยคำเพื่อใช้เรียกหิมะ ซึ่งขัดกับความเชื่อโดยทั่วไป อย่างไรก็ดี พวกเขามีคำ 234 คำสำหรับเรื่องเหลวไหล"
721721"[english]core02.fact43" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Contrary to popular belief, the Eskimo does not have one hundred different words for snow. They do, however, have two hundred and thirty-four words for fudge."
722722"core02.fact44" "ในวิคตอเรียอังกฤษ คนสามัญไม่ได้รับอนุญาตให้มองโดยตรงไปที่พระราชินี เนื่องจากความเชื่อในเวลาที่ไม่ดีมีความสามารถในการขโมยความคิด ทางวิทยาศาสตร์เชื่อว่าตอนนี้น้อยกว่า 4% ของคนยากจนจะสามารถทำเช่นนี้"
723723"[english]core02.fact44" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: In Victorian England, a commoner was not allowed to look directly at the Queen, due to a belief at the time that the poor had the ability to steal thoughts. Science now believes that less than 4% of poor people are able to do this."
724N/A"core02.fact46" "ในปี 1862 อับราฮัมลินคอล์นได้ลงนามการปลดปล่อยทาส เหมือนทุกอย่างที่เขาทำ ลินคอล์นได้ปล่อยและ คนที่ที่กำลังละเมอเดินออกมา แล้วก็ไม่มีความทรงจำในช่วงนั้น"
N/A724"core02.fact46" "แกนที่ 3: ในปี 1862 อับราฮัม ลินคอล์น ได้ลงนามในประกาศการปลดปล่อย ถือเป็นการเลิกทาส แต่ก็เหมือนทุกอย่างที่เขาทำ ลินคอล์นได้เลิกทาสขณะที่กำลังเดินละเมอ และสุดท้ายเขาก็จำเหตุการณ์ในวันนั้นไม่ได้"
725725"[english]core02.fact46" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: In 1862, Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, freeing the slaves. Like everything he did, Lincoln freed the slaves while sleepwalking, and later had no memory of the event."
726N/A"core02.fact47" "ในปี 1948 ตามคำขอขอเด็กชายที่ตาย ตำนานนักเบสบอล Babe Ruth กินไส้กรอกทั้งหมด 75อัน หลังจากนั้นเขาได้เพราะพิษของไส้กรอก"
N/A726"core02.fact47" "แกนที่ 3: ในปี 1948 นักเบสบอลในตำนาน Babe Ruth กินฮอตดอก 75 ชิ้นตามคำขอร้องของเด็กชายที่กำลังจะตาย ต่อมาเขาก็ตายด้วยพิษฮอตดอก"
727727"[english]core02.fact47" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: In 1948, at the request of a dying boy, baseball legend Babe Ruth ate seventy-five hot dogs, then died of hot dog poisoning."
728N/A"core02.fact48" "William Shakespeare ไม่ได้อยู่ เพลงที่เขาเล่นคือ masterminded ในปี 1589 โดย Francis Bacon ผู้ที่เคยใช้บิร์ด Ouija เพื่อจับไปเป็นทาส -- นักเขียนไม่เอ่ยนาม"
N/A728"core02.fact48" "แกนที่ 3: วิลเลียม เช็คส์เปียร์ ไม่มีตัวตนอยู่จริง บทละครของเขาแท้ที่จริงถูกควบคุมโดย ฟรานซิส เบคอน ในปี 1589 ด้วยใช้งานเหล่าวิญญาณนักเขียนบทละครผ่านกระดานผีถ้วยแก้ว"
729729"[english]core02.fact48" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: William Shakespeare did not exist. His plays were masterminded in 1589 by Francis Bacon, who used a Ouija board to enslave play-writing ghosts."
730730"core02.fact49" "มันถูกบันทึกไว้ไม่ถูกต้องที่โทมัสเอดิสันประดิษฐ์ \"push-ups\" ขึ้นเมื่อปี 1878 จริงๆแล้วเขาประดิษฐ์ได้ก่อนหน้านั้น 3 ปี ภายใต้ชื่อ \"Tesla-cize\""
731731"[english]core02.fact49" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: It is incorrectly noted that Thomas Edison invented 'push-ups' in 1878. Nikolai Tesla had in fact patented the activity three years earlier, under the name 'Tesla-cize.'"
732N/A"core02.fact50" "วาฬเป็นอัจฉริยะเป็นสองเท่าและสามเท่าของมนุษย์"
N/A732"core02.fact50" "แกนที่ 3: ปลาวาฬฉลาดกว่าเป็นสองเท่า และอร่อยกว่าเป็นสามเท่า เมื่อเทียบกับมนุษย์"
733733"[english]core02.fact50" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Whales are twice as intelligent, and three times as delicious, as humans."
734734"core02.fact51" "เบรกรถยนต์ไม่ได้ถูกคิดค้นจนกรทั่งปี 1895 ก่อนหน้านี้ต้องมีใครบางคนอยุ่บนรถตลอดเวลา ขับวนเป็นวงกลมจนผู้โดยสารกลับมาจากธุระ"
735735"[english]core02.fact51" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The automobile brake was not invented until 1895. Before this, someone had to remain in the car at all times, driving in circles until passengers returned from their errands."
736N/A"core02.fact52" "Edmund Hillary คนแรกที่ปีนภูเขาเอเวอร์เรส เขาไม่ได้ตั้งใจจะปืนแต่เพราะกำลังไล่จับนกอยู่"
N/A736"core02.fact52" "แกนที่ 3: เอ็ดมุนด์ ฮิลารี กลายเป็นคนแรกที่ปีนยอดเขาเอเวอเรสต์สำเร็จโดยบังเอิญ เพราะไล่จับนก"
737737"[english]core02.fact52" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Edmund Hillary, the first person to climb Mount Everest, did so accidentally while chasing a bird."
738N/A"core02.fact53" "เพชรเกิดขึ้นเมื่อถ่านหินถูกกดทับภายใต้ความกดดันที่รุนแรงและกลายเป็นเม็ดโฟมที่ในปัจจุบันใช้เป็นวัสดุบรรจุ"
N/A738"core02.fact53" "แกนที่ 3: เพชรเกิดขึ้นโดยถ่านหินที่ถูกบีบอัดในความดันสูง แต่เพชรที่ถูกบีบอัดด้วยความดันสูงสุดท้ายจะกลายเป็นเม็ดโฟม ที่ถูกใช้เป็นบรรจุภัณฑ์ในปัจจุบัน"
739739"[english]core02.fact53" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Diamonds are made when coal is put under intense pressure. Diamonds put under intense pressure become foam pellets, commonly used today as packing material."
740N/A"core02.fact54" "ปลาเป็นพิษมากที่สุดในโลกคือ รัฟฟี่สีส้ม แต่ตาของทุกอย่างที่ทำจากพิษร้ายแรง จาของรัฟฟี่มีองค์ประกอบเป็นอันตรายน้อยกว่า แต่เป็นยาพิษร้ายแรง"
N/A740"core02.fact54" "แกนที่ 3: ปลาที่เป็นพิษมากที่สุดในโลกคือ Orange Ruffy ทุกอย่างในตัวมันยกเว้นดวงตาถูกสร้างขึ้นจากพิษร้ายแรงถึงตาย ส่วนดวงตาของมันถูกสร้างขึ้นจากพิษที่อ่อนลงมา แต่ถึงตายเหมือนกัน"
741741"[english]core02.fact54" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The most poisonous fish in the world is the orange ruffy. Everything but its eyes are made of a deadly poison. The ruffy's eyes are composed of a less harmful, deadly poison."
742N/A"core02.fact55" "อาชีพของผู้พิพากษาเจสเตอร์ถูกคิดโดยบังเอิญเมื่อโรคลมชักของข้าราชบริพารถูกเข้าใจผิดว่าเป็นกระโดดโลดเต้น"
N/A742"core02.fact55" "แกนที่ 3: อาชีพตลกหลวงถูกคิดค้นขึ้นโดยบังเอิญ เมื่ออาการลมบ้าหมูของมหาดเล็กถูกเข้าใจผิดคิดว่าเป็นการกระโดดโลดเต้น"
743743"[english]core02.fact55" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The occupation of court jester was invented accidentally, when a vassal's epilepsy was mistaken for capering."
744744"core02.fact56" "ดาว Halley จะโคจรผ่านโลกทุก 76 ปี สำหรับอีก 75 ปีอื่น ๆ มันจะเข้าไปที่หัวใจของดวงอาทิตย์ซึ่งจะจำศีลอย่าง สงบ"
745745"[english]core02.fact56" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Halley's Comet can be viewed orbiting Earth every seventy-six years. For the other seventy-five, it retreats to the heart of the sun, where it hibernates undisturbed."
746746"core02.fact57" "เที่ยวบินสายการบินพาณิชย์รายแรกออกบินครั้งแรกในปี 1914 ทุกคนกรีดร้องตลอดทาง"
747747"[english]core02.fact57" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The first commercial airline flight took to the air in 1914. Everyone involved screamed the entire way."
748N/A"core02.fact58" "ในตำนานกรีก, Prometheus ขโมยไฟจากเทพเจ้าและส่งให้แก่มนุษยชาติ เครื่องประดับเขาเก็บไว้สำหรับตัวเอง"
N/A748"core02.fact58" "แกนที่ 3: ในตำนานกรีก โพรมีเทียสขโมยไฟจากทวยเทพมาให้มนุษย์ แต่เก็บแก้วแหวนเงินทองไว้กับตัว"
749749"[english]core02.fact58" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: In Greek myth, Prometheus stole fire from the Gods and gave it to humankind. The jewelry he kept for himself."
750750"core02.fact59" "คนแรกที่พิสูจน์ว่านมวัวนั้นดื่มได้เพราะเขากระหายน้ำมาก"
751751"[english]core02.fact59" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: The first person to prove that cow's milk is drinkable was very, very thirsty."
761761"[english]core02.fact64" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: According to most advanced algorithms, the world's best name is Craig."
762762"core02.fact65" "การทำเครื่องถ่ายเอกสาร แค่การทำสำเนาบนกระจก"
763763"[english]core02.fact65" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: To make a photocopier, simply photocopy a mirror."
764N/A"core02.fact66" "ฝันเป็นจิตใต้สำนึกที่จะเตือนคนที่จะไปโรงเรียนและมีเรื่องราว"
N/A764"core02.fact66" "แกนที่ 3: ความฝันเป็นหนทางของจิตใต้สำนึกที่จะคอยเตือนให้คนแก้ผ้าไปโรงเรียน และมีฟันร่วงออกจากปาก"
765765"[english]core02.fact66" "<clr:231,144,194>Core 3: Dreams are the subconscious mind's way of reminding people to go to school naked and have their teeth fall out."
766766"core03.babble01" "เร็ว: นี่มันสถานการณ์อะไรเนี่ย? โอ้ เฮ้ สวัสดีครับคุณคนสวย ผมชื่อริค คุณมีการผจญภัยอะไรบ้างมั้ย?"
767767"[english]core03.babble01" "<clr:30,193,13>Core 2: QUICK: WHAT'S THE SITUATION? Oh, hey, hi pretty lady. My name's Rick. So, you out having a little adventure?"
37473747"[english]sphere03.demosphereswitchroom02" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: Can't... see it anywhere. Tell you what, plug me in and I'll turn the lights on."
37483748"sphere03.demosphereswitchroom03" "เอาล่ะนะ เปิดไฟ"
37493749"[english]sphere03.demosphereswitchroom03" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: There we go. Lights on."
3750N/A"sphere03.demosphereswitchroom04" "นี่คือห้องวงจรหลัก"
N/A3750"sphere03.demosphereswitchroom04" "Wheatley: นี่คือห้องเบรกเกอร์หลัก"
37513751"[english]sphere03.demosphereswitchroom04" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: This is the main breaker room."
3752N/A"sphere03.demosphereswitchroom05" "อย่าสนใจอะไร และอย่าแตะต้องอะไร อย่ากระทั่งมองอะไรทั้งนั้น แค่--ดี ชัดเจนว่านายมองทุกสิ่งทุกอย่างเพื่อนพี่จะหาทางออก แต่ไม่ว่านายจะมองอะไรก็ตามมันไม่ได้บอกว่าทางออกดูอย่างอื่นสิ ดูอย่างต่อไป โอเคนะ? แต่อย่าแตะต้องหรือมองอะไร--ดี ดูอย่างอื่นสิ แต่อย่า...นายเข้าใจ"
N/A3752"sphere03.demosphereswitchroom05" "Wheatley: อย่าสนใจอะไร อย่าแตะต้องอะไร อย่าแม้กระทั่งมองอะไรทั้งนั้น แค่--มัน... ชัดเจนว่าเธอต้องมองทุกสิ่งทุกอย่างเพื่อที่จะหากระสวยหลบหนี แต่เมื่อเธอมองอะไรที่ไม่ได้เขียนไว้ว่ากระสวยหลบหนี ดูอย่างต่อไป โอเคนะ? แต่อย่าแตะต้องหรือมองอะไร--ดี ดูอย่างอื่นสิ แต่อย่า...เธอก็เข้าใจนิ"
37533753"[english]sphere03.demosphereswitchroom05" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: Not interested in anything else. Don't TOUCH anything else. Don't even LOOK at anything else, just--well, obviously you've got to look at everything else to find ESCAPE POD, but as soon as you've looked at something and it doesn't say ESCAPE POD, look at something else, look at the next thing. Alright? But don't touch anything else or look at any--well, look at other things, but don't... you understand."
37543754"sphere03.demosphereswitchroom06" "นายมองเห็นอะไรมั้ย? ชั้นไม่เห็นอะไรเลย อา นายช่วยเชื่อมต่อชั้นหน่อยสิ แล้วชั้นจะเปิดไฟ"
37553755"[english]sphere03.demosphereswitchroom06" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: Can you see it anywhere? I can't see it anywhere. Uh. Tell you what, plug me in and I'll turn the lights on."
37563756"sphere03.demosphereswitchroom08" "\"เปิดไฟ\"นั่น อ่ะ...พระเจ้า ชั้นอ้างอิงพระเจ้า"
37573757"[english]sphere03.demosphereswitchroom08" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: 'Let there be light.' That's, uh... God. I was quoting God."
3758N/A"sphere03.demosphereswitchroom09" "ดูที่สวิตช์สิมันบอกว่า ทางออก โอเคนะ? อย่าแตะต้องอะไร"
N/A3758"sphere03.demosphereswitchroom09" "Wheatley: มองหาสวิตช์ที่เขียนไว้ว่า กระสวยหลบหนี โอเคนะ? อย่าไปจับอะไรอย่างอื่น"
37593759"[english]sphere03.demosphereswitchroom09" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: Look for a switch that says ESCAPE POD. Alright? Don't touch ANYTHING else."
37603760"sphere03.demospherethud03" "Wheatley: โอ้ว"
37613761"[english]sphere03.demospherethud03" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: OW."
40054005"[english]sphere03.openingwallhitone01" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: Ohhhhhh!"
40064006"sphere03.openingwallhitone02" "Wheatley: ข่าวดี: มันไม่ใช่สถานีเทียบท่า แก้ปริศนาไปได้เปลาะหนึ่งล่ะ ฉันจะดำเนินการแบบแมนนวลกับกำแพงนี่ อาจจะใ้ช้เทคนิคนิดหน่อย! จับให้แน่นล่ะ!"
40074007"[english]sphere03.openingwallhitone02" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: Good news: that is NOT a docking station. So there's one mystery solved. I'm going to attempt a manual override on this wall. Could get a bit technical! Hold on!"
4008N/A"sphere03.openingwallhitthree01" "วิ้วว เอาละนะ! ชั้นพูดตรงๆนะ นายาจจะไม่เหมาะสมที่จะรับรู้สิ่งที่ไม่ธรรมดาพวกนี้แต่...อืมม...อย่างน้อยๆนายก็เป็นเครื่องเจาะที่ดี งั้น...นายทำได้ นายเจาะฝั่งนาย ทำให้ดีที่สุดและเราจะเจอกันข้างหน้า"
N/A4008"sphere03.openingwallhitthree01" "Wheatley: วิ้ว เอาละนะ! ตอนนี้ฉันจะพูดตรงๆล่ะ เธออาจจะไม่ฟิตพอที่จะเข้าไปฝ่าดงการทดสอบประสาทสัมผัสการรับรู้ประเภทนี้ แต่... อืม... อย่างน้อยเธอก็เป็นนักกระโดดที่ดี งั้น... เธอมีมันแล้วนี่น่า เธอมีการกระโดดเป็นพวก เธอพยายามให้ดีที่สุดล่ะ แล้วฉันจะไปเจอเธอข้างหน้าอีกที"
40094009"[english]sphere03.openingwallhitthree01" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: Whew. There we go! Now I'll be honest, you are probably in no fit state to run this particular type of cognitive gauntlet. But... um... at least you're a good jumper. So... you've got that. You've got the jumping on your side. Just do your best, and I'll meet you up ahead."
40104010"sphere03.openingwallhittwo01" "Wheatley: อีกนิดเดียว! จำไว้ว่า: เธอกำลังหาปืนที่สร้างรูได้ ไม่ใช่รูกระสุน แต่-- อ่ะนะ เดี๋ยวเธอก็รู้เอง พร้อมจะจับไว้ให้แน่นๆจริงๆแล้วนะ!"
40114011"[english]sphere03.openingwallhittwo01" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: Almost there! Remember: you're looking for a gun that makes holes. Not bullet holes, but-- well, you'll figure it out. Really do hold on this time!"
40474047"[english]sphere03.secretpanelopens07" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: BAM! Secret panel! That I opened. While your back was turned."
40484048"sphere03.sp_a1_intro7_hoboturret01" "Wheatley: โอ้ ไม่นะ..."
40494049"[english]sphere03.sp_a1_intro7_hoboturret01" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: Oh no..."
4050N/A"sphere03.sp_a1_intro7_hoboturret05" "Wheatley: ไม่ล่ะ ขอบคุณ! เราเก่ง! ยอมรับซะเถอะ!"
N/A4050"sphere03.sp_a1_intro7_hoboturret05" "Wheatley: ไม่ล่ะ ขอบคุณ! เรายังอยู่ดีอยู่! ยอมรับซะเถอะ!"
40514051"[english]sphere03.sp_a1_intro7_hoboturret05" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: No thanks! We're good! Appreciate it!"
40524052"sphere03.sp_a1_intro7_hoboturret06" "Wheatley: เดินต่อ เดินต่อ..."
40534053"[english]sphere03.sp_a1_intro7_hoboturret06" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: Keep moving, keep moving..."
40814081"[english]sphere03.sp_a1_wakeup_breakerroom_turn04" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: Uh oh."
40824082"sphere03.sp_a1_wakeup_breakerroom_turn06" "มัน...มันขยับแล้ว"
40834083"[english]sphere03.sp_a1_wakeup_breakerroom_turn06" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: It's... It's moving up."
4084N/A"sphere03.sp_a1_wakeup_catwalk01" "อา! ลองดูข้าล่างสิ ชั้นไม่แน่นะหรอกนะ"
N/A4084"sphere03.sp_a1_wakeup_catwalk01" "Wheatley: อ้า! ฉ- โทษที ฉันดันมองข้างล่าง ฉันไม่แนะนำให้ทำแบบนั้นนะ"
40854085"[english]sphere03.sp_a1_wakeup_catwalk01" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: AH! I- Sorry, I just looked down. I do not recommend it."
4086N/A"sphere03.sp_a1_wakeup_catwalk02" "อา ฉันทำมันอีกแล้ว"
N/A4086"sphere03.sp_a1_wakeup_catwalk02" "Wheatley: อ้า! ฉันเอาอีกแล้ว"
40874087"[english]sphere03.sp_a1_wakeup_catwalk02" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: AH! I've just done it again."
40884088"sphere03.sp_a1_wakeup_catwalk03" "ตอนนี้ชั้นเข้าใจแล้วที่ชั้นเคยวางใจเกี่ยวกับท่อนั่นที่คิดว่ามันจะไม่ตกลงไปในหลุม และตอนนี้นายคือท่อของชั้น และนายสามารถตกลงไปในหลุมได้ ชั้นพูดได้เพราะไม่กลัว และนี่คือเรื่องสำคัญ:อย่าเข้าไปใกล้ขอบ"
40894089"[english]sphere03.sp_a1_wakeup_catwalk03" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: I just now realized that I used to rely on my management rail to not fall into bottomless pits. And you're my rail now. And you can fall into bottomless pits. I'm rambling out of fear, but here's the point: don't get close to the edge."
41014101"[english]sphere03.sp_a1_wakeup_hacking11" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: Okay. Okay. Okay listen: New plan. Act natural act natural. We've done nothing wrong."
41024102"sphere03.sp_a1_wakeup_hacking12" "<เสียงกริ่ง>"
41034103"[english]sphere03.sp_a1_wakeup_hacking12" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: [BUZZER NOISE]"
4104N/A"sphere03.sp_a1_wakeup_into_breakerroom01" "เข้าไปเถอะ!"
N/A4104"sphere03.sp_a1_wakeup_into_breakerroom01" "Wheatley: เข้าไปกันเถอะ!"
41054105"[english]sphere03.sp_a1_wakeup_into_breakerroom01" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: Let's go in!"
41064106"sphere03.sp_a1_wakeup_jump01" "Wheatley: กระโดด! จริงๆนะ ดูสิ ไกลพอสมควรเลยใช่มั้ย?"
41074107"[english]sphere03.sp_a1_wakeup_jump01" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: Jump! Actually, looking at it, that is quite a distance, isn't it?"
Modified: portal2/resource/gameui_portuguese.txt
425425"[english]GameUI_MuteIngameVoice" "Mute in-game voice"
426426"GameUI_UnmuteIngameVoice" "Activar o som de voz no jogo"
427427"[english]GameUI_UnmuteIngameVoice" "Unmute in-game voice"
428N/A"GameUI_PlayerListDialogTitle" "JOGADORES ACTUAIS - %server%"
N/A428"GameUI_PlayerListDialogTitle" "JOGADORES ATUAIS - %server%"
429429"[english]GameUI_PlayerListDialogTitle" "CURRENT PLAYERS - %server%"
430430"GameUI_FriendsName" "Nome dos amigos"
431431"[english]GameUI_FriendsName" "Friends name"
13691369"[english]GameUI_EnableOpenMic" "Enable open mic"
13701370"GameUI_VoiceThreshold" "Limite de volume do microfone aberto"
13711371"[english]GameUI_VoiceThreshold" "Open mic volume threshold"
N/A1372"Console_Title" "Consola"
N/A1373"[english]Console_Title" "Console"
N/A1374"Console_Submit" "Submeter"
N/A1375"[english]Console_Submit" "Submit"
Modified: portal2/resource/portal2_german.txt
205205"[english]ACH_CLEAN_UP_T" "Final Transmission"
206206"ACH_CLEAN_UP_D" "Finde das verborgene Signal in einem der Verstecke des Rattenmenschen."
207207"[english]ACH_CLEAN_UP_D" "Find the hidden signal in one of the Rat Man's dens"
209209"[english]ACH_REENTER_TEST_CHAMBERS_T" "Good Listener"
210210"ACH_REENTER_TEST_CHAMBERS_D" "Befolge GLaDOS Fluchtvorschlag."
211211"[english]ACH_REENTER_TEST_CHAMBERS_D" "Take GLaDOS' escape advice"
493493"[english]P2_Actions_Title" "ACTIONS"
494494"P2_Coop_Title" "COOP"
495495"[english]P2_Coop_Title" "CO-OP"
496N/A"P2_Primary_Attack" "Schuss für blaues Portal"
N/A496"P2_Primary_Attack" "Blaues Portal schießen"
497497"[english]P2_Primary_Attack" "Fire Blue Portal"
498N/A"P2_Secondary_Attack" "Schuss für orangenes Portal"
N/A498"P2_Secondary_Attack" "Orangenes Portal schießen"
499499"[english]P2_Secondary_Attack" "Fire Orange Portal"
500500"P2_Zoom" "Zoom umschalten"
501501"[english]P2_Zoom" "Toggle Zoom"
503503"[english]P2_Zoom_In" "Zoom In"
504504"P2_Zoom_Out" "Ansicht verkleinern"
505505"[english]P2_Zoom_Out" "Zoom Out"
506N/A"P2_Romote_View" "Remote-Perspektive Partner"
N/A506"P2_Romote_View" "Sicht des Partners"
507507"[english]P2_Romote_View" "Partner Remote View"
508508"P2_Mouse_Menu" "Kommunikationsmenü"
509509"[english]P2_Mouse_Menu" "Communication Menu"
643643"[english]P2COOP_Scoreboard_Disclaimer1" "YOU ARE UNDER CONSTANT SURVEILLANCE"
646N/A"P2COOP_Scoreboard_Disclaimer3" "ES BLEIBT NICHTS UNBEMERKT"
N/A646"P2COOP_Scoreboard_Disclaimer3" "ICH SEHE ALLES"
647647"[english]P2COOP_Scoreboard_Disclaimer3" "I SEE YOU"
648648"P2COOP_Scoreboard_Stat1" "SCHRITTE GESAMT"
649649"[english]P2COOP_Scoreboard_Stat1" "STEPS TAKEN"
Modified: portal2/resource/basemodui_thai.txt
4343"[english]L4D360UI_Random" "Random"
4444"L4D360UI_BootPlayer" "เตะผู้เล่น"
4545"[english]L4D360UI_BootPlayer" "Kick Player"
N/A46"L4D360UI_ChangeScenario" "เริ่มแคมเปญใหม่"
N/A47"[english]L4D360UI_ChangeScenario" "Start New Campaign"
4648"L4D360UI_SearchingForLiveGames" "กำลังค้นหา"
4749"[english]L4D360UI_SearchingForLiveGames" "Searching"
4850"L4D360UI_PlayerInformation" "ข้อมูลผู้เล่น"
4951"[english]L4D360UI_PlayerInformation" "Player Information"
N/A52"L4D360UI_SendMessage" "ส่งข้อความ"
N/A53"[english]L4D360UI_SendMessage" "Send Message"
5054"L4D360UI_FoundGames_Author" "โดย %s1"
5155"[english]L4D360UI_FoundGames_Author" "by %s1"
5256"L4D360UI_FindAGame" "ค้นหาเกม"
Modified: portal2/resource/basemodui_norwegian.txt
614614"PORTAL2_December" "Des"
615615"[english]PORTAL2_December" "Dec"
616616"PORTAL2_MsgBx_StartNeedMoreSpace" "Det er ikke tilstrekkelig plass på harddisken. Du trenger minst %s1 MB for å spille Portal 2. Gå ut av spillet, og frigjør plass på harddisken."
617N/A"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_StartNeedMoreSpace" "There is not enough available space in the HDD. You need at least %s1 MB to play Portal 2. Please exit the game and obtain the necessary free space."
N/A617"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_StartNeedMoreSpace" "There is not enough available hard disk space. You need at least %s1 MB to play Portal 2. Please exit the game and obtain the necessary free space."
618618"PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveMoreSpacePleaseDelete" "Det er ikke tilstrekkelig plass på harddisken til å lagre nye spill. Vennligst, slett et lagret spill."
619N/A"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveMoreSpacePleaseDelete" "There is not enough available space in the HDD to create new save data. Please delete an existing save."
N/A619"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveMoreSpacePleaseDelete" "There is not enough available hard disk space to create new save data. Please delete an existing save."
620620"PORTAL2_MsgBx_GameDataCorrupt" "Spilldataene er skadet. Gå ut av spillet, og slett disse spilldataene."
621621"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_GameDataCorrupt" "Game data is corrupt. Please exit the game and delete this game data."
622622"PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveDataCorrupt" "Det lagrede spillet er skadet. Gå ut av spillet, og slett dette lagrede spillet."
630630"PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveFailure" "Kunne ikke lagre"
631631"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveFailure" "Save Failed"
632632"PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveFailureTxt" "Kunne ikke lagre spillet.\nKontrollere at du har nok ledig harddiskplass, og prøv igjen."
633N/A"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveFailureTxt" "Failed to complete save game operation.\nEnsure that you have sufficient free disk space and retry."
N/A633"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveFailureTxt" "Failed to complete save game operation.\nEnsure that you have sufficient free hard disk space and retry."
634634"PORTAL2_Retry" "Prøve på nytt?"
635635"[english]PORTAL2_Retry" "Retry?"
636636"PORTAL2PS3_SaveData" "Data for lagret spill"
808808"L4D360UI_Boot_InviteCheck" "Vent mens Portal 2 konfigurerer trofeer og validerer din profilinformasjon..."
809809"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_InviteCheck" "Please wait while Portal 2 is configuring trophies\nand validating your profile information...."
810810"L4D360UI_Boot_ErrorFatal" "Det oppstod en feil under konfigurering av Portal 2.\nDu må avslutte spillet og kontrollere at du har\nnok ledig harddiskplass, og at harddisken ikke er skadet."
811N/A"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_ErrorFatal" "There has been a fatal error configuring Portal 2.\nYou must quit game now and ensure that you have\nsufficient free disk space and your disk is not corrupt."
N/A811"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_ErrorFatal" "There has been a fatal error configuring Portal 2.\nYou must quit game now and ensure that you have\nsufficient free hard disk space and your hard disk is not corrupt."
812812"L4D360UI_Boot_Error_WRONG_USER" "Dette lagrede Portal 2-spillet tilhører en annen bruker.\nDu må avslutte spillet og slette dette lagrede Portal 2-spill."
813813"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_Error_WRONG_USER" "This Portal 2 saved game belongs to another user.\nYou must quit now and delete this Portal 2 saved game information."
814814"L4D360UI_Boot_Error_BROKEN" "Dette lagrede Portal 2-spillet er skadet.\nDu må avslutte spillet og slette dette lagrede Portal 2-spill."
815815"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_Error_BROKEN" "This Portal 2 saved game is corrupt.\nYou must quit now and delete this Portal 2 saved game information."
816816"L4D360UI_Boot_Error_NOSPACE1" "Du må avslutte nå og frigjøre harddiskplass: flere "
817N/A"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_Error_NOSPACE1" "You must quit now and free up some\ndisk space: additional "
N/A817"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_Error_NOSPACE1" "You must quit now and free up some\nhard disk space: additional "
818818"L4D360UI_Boot_Error_NOSPACE2" " MB kreves."
819819"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_Error_NOSPACE2" " MB required."
820820"L4D360UI_Boot_Error_SAVE_GENERAL" "Portal 2 klarte ikke å hente lagrede spill.\nDu må avslutte spillet og slette dette lagrede Portal 2-spill."
23982398"L4D360UI_CloudSettings_Refresh" "Oppdater"
23992399"[english]L4D360UI_CloudSettings_Refresh" "Refresh"
24002400"L4D360UI_CloudSettings_Explanation" "Synkroniserer automatisk dine lagrede spill til Steam Cloud, slik at du får tilgang til dem fra en PlayStation®3-system. Krever Steam Cloud-konto pålogging for å synkronisere."
2401N/A"[english]L4D360UI_CloudSettings_Explanation" "Automatically sync your saved games to the Steam Cloud so you can access them from any PlayStation®3. Requires Steam account login to sync."
N/A2401"[english]L4D360UI_CloudSettings_Explanation" "Automatically sync your saved games to the Steam Cloud so you can access them from any PlayStation®3 system. Requires Steam account login to sync."
24022402"L4D360UI_CloudSettings_NumberOfSaves" "Antall synkroniserede sist lagrede spill"
24032403"[english]L4D360UI_CloudSettings_NumberOfSaves" "Sync this many of my most recent saves"
24042404"L4D360UI_CloudSettings_0" "Ingen"
Modified: portal2/resource/gameui_schinese.txt
315315"[english]GameUI_GameMenu_CreateServer" "CREATE SERVER"
316316"GameUI_GameMenu_Options" "选项"
317317"[english]GameUI_GameMenu_Options" "OPTIONS"
318N/A"GameUI_GameMenu_Achievements" "个人记录"
N/A318"GameUI_GameMenu_Achievements" "成就"
319319"[english]GameUI_GameMenu_Achievements" "ACHIEVEMENTS"
320320"GameUI_GameMenu_PlayerStats" "玩家状态"
321321"[english]GameUI_GameMenu_PlayerStats" "PLAYER STATS"
12011201"[english]GameUI_Console_UserProfileRequiredBody" "This action requires that you be signed in.\nWould you like to select a gamer profile?"
12021202"GameUI_Console_StorageDeviceRequiredBody" "此操作要求您选择一个存储设备。\n\n是否要选择存储设备?"
12031203"[english]GameUI_Console_StorageDeviceRequiredBody" "This action requires that you select a storage device.\n\nWould you like to select a storage device?"
1204N/A"GameUI_Achievement_Awarded" "个人成就已解除锁定"
N/A1204"GameUI_Achievement_Awarded" "成就已解除锁定"
12051205"[english]GameUI_Achievement_Awarded" "Achievement Unlocked"
1206N/A"GameUI_Achievement_Progress" "个人成就进度"
N/A1206"GameUI_Achievement_Progress" "成就进度"
12071207"[english]GameUI_Achievement_Progress" "Achievement Progress"
12081208"GameUI_Achievement_Progress_Fmt" "%s1 (%s2/%s3)"
12091209"[english]GameUI_Achievement_Progress_Fmt" "%s1 (%s2/%s3)"
12151215"[english]GameUI_Achievements_Title" "My Achievements"
12161216"GameUI_Achievements_SteamRequired_Title" "要求登录 Steam"
12171217"[english]GameUI_Achievements_SteamRequired_Title" "Steam Login Required"
1218N/A"GameUI_Achievements_SteamRequired_Message" "您必须登录到 Steam 才能解除锁定或查看个人记录。"
N/A1218"GameUI_Achievements_SteamRequired_Message" "您必须登录到 Steam 才能解除锁定或查看成就。"
12191219"[english]GameUI_Achievements_SteamRequired_Message" "You must be logged in to Steam to unlock or view Achievements."
12201220"GameUI_Achievements_EnterGameToSeeProgress" "进入游戏查看进度"
12211221"[english]GameUI_Achievements_EnterGameToSeeProgress" "Enter game to see progress"
13691369"[english]GameUI_EnableOpenMic" "Enable open mic"
13701370"GameUI_VoiceThreshold" "开放式麦克风音量限度"
13711371"[english]GameUI_VoiceThreshold" "Open mic volume threshold"
N/A1372"Console_Title" "控制台"
N/A1373"[english]Console_Title" "Console"
N/A1374"Console_Submit" "提交"
N/A1375"[english]Console_Submit" "Submit"
Modified: portal2/resource/basemodui_dutch.txt
289289"[english]L4D360UI_FriendDetails" "View Friend Details"
290290"L4D360UI_Native" "(aanbevolen)"
291291"[english]L4D360UI_Native" "(Native)"
292N/A"L4D360UI_CampaignTitle_C1" "Centrum des doods"
N/A292"L4D360UI_CampaignTitle_C1" "Dead Center"
293293"[english]L4D360UI_CampaignTitle_C1" "Dead Center"
294294"L4D360UI_CampaignTagline_C1" "Niet alleen de prijzen worden gehalveerd"
295295"[english]L4D360UI_CampaignTagline_C1" "Prices Aren't the Only Things Getting Slashed"
296N/A"L4D360UI_CampaignTitle_C2" "Koude Kermis"
N/A296"L4D360UI_CampaignTitle_C2" "Dark Carnival"
297297"[english]L4D360UI_CampaignTitle_C2" "Dark Carnival"
298298"L4D360UI_CampaignTagline_C2" "Ben jij lang genoeg... OM DOOD TE GAAN?"
299299"[english]L4D360UI_CampaignTagline_C2" "You must be this tall... TO DIE!"
300N/A"L4D360UI_CampaignTitle_C3" "Moeraskoorts"
N/A300"L4D360UI_CampaignTitle_C3" "Swamp Fever"
301301"[english]L4D360UI_CampaignTitle_C3" "Swamp Fever"
302302"L4D360UI_CampaignTagline_C3" "DE ENIGE REMEDIE IS DOODGAAN"
303303"[english]L4D360UI_CampaignTagline_C3" "THE ONLY CURE IS DYING"
304N/A"L4D360UI_CampaignTitle_C4" "Pijpenstelen"
N/A304"L4D360UI_CampaignTitle_C4" "Hard Rain"
305305"[english]L4D360UI_CampaignTitle_C4" "Hard Rain"
306306"L4D360UI_CampaignTagline_C4" "Laat de zondevloed maar komen"
307307"[english]L4D360UI_CampaignTagline_C4" "Come Hell and High Water"
308N/A"L4D360UI_CampaignTitle_C5" "De Parochie"
N/A308"L4D360UI_CampaignTitle_C5" "The Parish"
309309"[english]L4D360UI_CampaignTitle_C5" "The Parish"
310310"L4D360UI_CampaignTagline_C5" "TIJD VOOR EEN GOED GEBED"
311311"[english]L4D360UI_CampaignTagline_C5" "THIS TIME IT ALL GOES SOUTH"
614614"PORTAL2_December" "dec"
615615"[english]PORTAL2_December" "Dec"
616616"PORTAL2_MsgBx_StartNeedMoreSpace" "Er is onvoldoende ruimte vrij op de harde schijf. Je hebt minimaal %s1 MB nodig om Portal 2 te kunnen spelen. Sluit het spel af en maak de benodigde ruimte vrij."
617N/A"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_StartNeedMoreSpace" "There is not enough available space in the HDD. You need at least %s1 MB to play Portal 2. Please exit the game and obtain the necessary free space."
N/A617"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_StartNeedMoreSpace" "There is not enough available hard disk space. You need at least %s1 MB to play Portal 2. Please exit the game and obtain the necessary free space."
618618"PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveMoreSpacePleaseDelete" "Er is onvoldoende ruimte vrij op de harde schijf om nieuwe opgeslagen spellen op te slaan. Verwijder een bestaand opgeslagen spel."
619N/A"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveMoreSpacePleaseDelete" "There is not enough available space in the HDD to create new save data. Please delete an existing save."
N/A619"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveMoreSpacePleaseDelete" "There is not enough available hard disk space to create new save data. Please delete an existing save."
620620"PORTAL2_MsgBx_GameDataCorrupt" "De spelgegevens zijn beschadigd. Sluit het spel af en verwijder deze spelgegevens."
621621"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_GameDataCorrupt" "Game data is corrupt. Please exit the game and delete this game data."
622622"PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveDataCorrupt" "Het opgeslagen spel is beschadigd. Sluit het spel af en verwijder dit opgeslagen spel."
630630"PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveFailure" "Opslaan mislukt"
631631"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveFailure" "Save Failed"
632632"PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveFailureTxt" "Game opslaan mislukt.\nZorg ervoor dat je voldoende ruimte op de harde schijf hebt en probeer het opnieuw."
633N/A"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveFailureTxt" "Failed to complete save game operation.\nEnsure that you have sufficient free disk space and retry."
N/A633"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveFailureTxt" "Failed to complete save game operation.\nEnsure that you have sufficient free hard disk space and retry."
634634"PORTAL2_Retry" "Opnieuw proberen?"
635635"[english]PORTAL2_Retry" "Retry?"
636636"PORTAL2PS3_SaveData" "Save data"
808808"L4D360UI_Boot_InviteCheck" "Een ogenblik geduld. Portal 2 configureert je trofeeën en valideert je profielinformatie..."
809809"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_InviteCheck" "Please wait while Portal 2 is configuring trophies\nand validating your profile information...."
810810"L4D360UI_Boot_ErrorFatal" "Er is een fatale fout opgetreden tijdens het configureren van Portal 2.\nSluit het spel af en controleer of je voldoende\nruimte op de harde schijf hebt en/of deze niet is beschadigd."
811N/A"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_ErrorFatal" "There has been a fatal error configuring Portal 2.\nYou must quit game now and ensure that you have\nsufficient free disk space and your disk is not corrupt."
N/A811"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_ErrorFatal" "There has been a fatal error configuring Portal 2.\nYou must quit game now and ensure that you have\nsufficient free hard disk space and your hard disk is not corrupt."
812812"L4D360UI_Boot_Error_WRONG_USER" "Deze Portal 2-save game is van een andere gebruiker.\nSluit het spel af en verwijder onjuiste save game-informatie van Portal 2."
813813"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_Error_WRONG_USER" "This Portal 2 saved game belongs to another user.\nYou must quit now and delete this Portal 2 saved game information."
814814"L4D360UI_Boot_Error_BROKEN" "Deze Portal 2-save game is beschadigd.\nSluit het spel af en verwijder onjuiste save game-informatie van Portal 2."
815815"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_Error_BROKEN" "This Portal 2 saved game is corrupt.\nYou must quit now and delete this Portal 2 saved game information."
816816"L4D360UI_Boot_Error_NOSPACE1" "Sluit het spel af en maak ruimte op je harde schijf: een overige "
817N/A"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_Error_NOSPACE1" "You must quit now and free up some\ndisk space: additional "
N/A817"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_Error_NOSPACE1" "You must quit now and free up some\nhard disk space: additional "
818818"L4D360UI_Boot_Error_NOSPACE2" " MB vereist."
819819"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_Error_NOSPACE2" " MB required."
820820"L4D360UI_Boot_Error_SAVE_GENERAL" "Portal 2 heeft geen toegang tot de save game.\nSluit het spel af en verwijder onjuiste save game-informatie van Portal 2."
23992399"L4D360UI_CloudSettings_Refresh" "Vernieuwen"
24002400"[english]L4D360UI_CloudSettings_Refresh" "Refresh"
24012401"L4D360UI_CloudSettings_Explanation" "Synchroniseer je opgeslagen spellen automatisch met de Steam Cloud zodat je ze vanaf elke PlayStation®3-systeem kunt spelen. Steam account inloggen is vereist."
2402N/A"[english]L4D360UI_CloudSettings_Explanation" "Automatically sync your saved games to the Steam Cloud so you can access them from any PlayStation®3. Requires Steam account login to sync."
N/A2402"[english]L4D360UI_CloudSettings_Explanation" "Automatically sync your saved games to the Steam Cloud so you can access them from any PlayStation®3 system. Requires Steam account login to sync."
24032403"L4D360UI_CloudSettings_NumberOfSaves" "Synchr. dit aantal meest recente opgeslagen spellen"
24042404"[english]L4D360UI_CloudSettings_NumberOfSaves" "Sync this many of my most recent saves"
24052405"L4D360UI_CloudSettings_0" "Geen"
30383038"[english]L4D360UI_CampaignName_Unknown" "Unknown Campaign"
30393039"L4D360UI_CampaignName_Unknown" "Entertainment die je kan downloaden" [$GAMECONSOLE]
30403040"[english]L4D360UI_CampaignName_Unknown" "Downloadable Content"
3041N/A"L4D360UI_CampaignName_C1" "Centrum des doods"
N/A3041"L4D360UI_CampaignName_C1" "Landingsruimte"
30423042"[english]L4D360UI_CampaignName_C1" "Landing Bay"
3043N/A"L4D360UI_CampaignName_C2" "Koude Kermis"
N/A3043"L4D360UI_CampaignName_C2" "Deima"
30443044"[english]L4D360UI_CampaignName_C2" "Deima"
3045N/A"L4D360UI_CampaignName_C3" "Moeraskoorts"
N/A3045"L4D360UI_CampaignName_C3" "Swamp Fever"
30463046"[english]L4D360UI_CampaignName_C3" "Swamp Fever"
3047N/A"L4D360UI_CampaignName_C4" "Pijpenstelen"
N/A3047"L4D360UI_CampaignName_C4" "Hard Rain"
30483048"[english]L4D360UI_CampaignName_C4" "Hard Rain"
3049N/A"L4D360UI_CampaignName_C5" "De Parochie"
N/A3049"L4D360UI_CampaignName_C5" "The Parish"
30503050"[english]L4D360UI_CampaignName_C5" "The Parish"
30513051"L4D360UI_LevelName_Unknown" "Onbekend hoofdstuk" [$WIN32]
30523052"[english]L4D360UI_LevelName_Unknown" "Unknown Chapter"
Modified: portal2/resource/gameui_italian.txt
13711371"[english]GameUI_EnableOpenMic" "Enable open mic"
13721372"GameUI_VoiceThreshold" "Modificare volume del microfono"
13731373"[english]GameUI_VoiceThreshold" "Open mic volume threshold"
N/A1374"Console_Title" "Console"
N/A1375"[english]Console_Title" "Console"
N/A1376"Console_Submit" "Inserisci"
N/A1377"[english]Console_Submit" "Submit"
Modified: portal2/resource/gameui_japanese.txt
13691369"[english]GameUI_EnableOpenMic" "Enable open mic"
13701370"GameUI_VoiceThreshold" "マイク音量閾値"
13711371"[english]GameUI_VoiceThreshold" "Open mic volume threshold"
N/A1372"Console_Title" "コンソロール"
N/A1373"[english]Console_Title" "Console"
N/A1374"Console_Submit" "送信"
N/A1375"[english]Console_Submit" "Submit"
Modified: portal2/resource/subtitles_korean.txt
7575"[english]announcer.mp_hub_return02" "<clr:250,231,181>Announcer: Warning! All testing courses are currently available."
7676"announcer.mp_hub_return03" "<clr:250,231,181>안내인: 중앙 허브 룸에 성공적으로 돌아오신 것을 축하드립니다. 여기에서는 이미 통과한 코스를 모두 선택하실 수 있습니다."
7777"[english]announcer.mp_hub_return03" "<clr:250,231,181>Announcer: Congratulations on successfully returning to the central hub room. From here you can select all previously completed courses."
78N/A"announcer.mp_hub_return04" "<clr:250,231,181>안내: 귀하의 실험상 편의를 위해, 모든 실험을 이용하실 수 있도록 조치했으며, 실험실 내의 모든 안전 예방 조치가 해제되었습니다."
N/A78"announcer.mp_hub_return04" "<clr:250,231,181>안내인: 귀하의 실험상 편의를 위해, 모든 실험을 이용하실 수 있도록 조치했으며, 실험실 내의 모든 안전 예방 조치가 해제되었습니다."
7979"[english]announcer.mp_hub_return04" "<clr:250,231,181>Announcer: For your testing convenience, all tests are available and all safety precautions within testing chambers have been deactivated."
8080"announcer.mp_hub_return05" "<clr:250,231,181>안내인: 중앙 허브에 돌아오신 것을 환영합니다. 모든 실험 코스를 이용하실 수 있습니다. 언제든지 귀하의 남는 시간에 코스를 천천히 돌아보셔도 됩니다."
8181"[english]announcer.mp_hub_return05" "<clr:250,231,181>Announcer: Welcome back to the central hub. All test courses are available. You may redundantly solve the courses at your leisure."
211211"[english]cavejohnson.eighties_intro10" "<clr:205,149,117>Cave Johnson: Still, it turns out they're a great portal conductor. So now we're gonna see if jumping in and out of these new portals can somehow leech the lunar poison out of a man's bloodstream. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. [coughs] Let's all stay positive and do some science."
212212"cavejohnson.eighties_intro12" "<clr:205,149,117>케이브 존슨: 그래서 말인데, 자네가 이 실험을 최대한 빨리 진행한다면 매우 고맙겠네. 캐롤린, 진통제 좀 더 갖다주게."
213213"[english]cavejohnson.eighties_intro12" "<clr:205,149,117>Cave Johnson: That said, I would really appreciate it if you could test as fast as possible. Caroline, please bring me more pain pills."
214N/A"cavejohnson.eighties_outro02" "<clr:205,149,117>케이브 존슨: 요점은 간단해. CD에 음악을 저장할 수는 있는데, 왜 사람의 지식이나 개성은 저장하지 못하는 걸까? 그래서 기술자들이 지금 그 방법을 연구하고 있다네."
N/A214"cavejohnson.eighties_outro02" "<clr:205,149,117>케이브 존슨: 요점은 이거야. CD에 음악은 저장할 수 있는데, 사람의 지식이나 개성은 왜 저장하지 못할까? 그래서 기술자들에게 당장 그 이유를 알아내라고 지시했다네."
215215"[english]cavejohnson.eighties_outro02" "<clr:205,149,117>Cave Johnson: The point is: If we can store music on a compact disc, why can't we store a man's intelligence and personality on one? So I have the engineers figuring that out now."
216N/A"cavejohnson.eighties_outro05" "<clr:205,149,117>케이브 존슨: 뇌 지도. 인공 지능. 이런 것들을 벌써 30년 전부터 연구했어야 하는 건데. 어쨌든, 지금부터 하는 말을 잘 듣게. 지금 이 말은 나중에 모든 사람이 하루에도 수백 번씩 들을 수 있게 기록으로 남길 생각이야. 만약 내가 컴퓨터 안에 이식되기 전에 죽을 경우, 난 캐롤린이 이 시설을 운영했으면 한다네."
N/A216"cavejohnson.eighties_outro05" "<clr:205,149,117>케이브 존슨: 뇌 지도. 인공 지능. 이런 것들을 벌써 30년 전부터 연구했어야 하는 건데. 지금부터 할 말은 나중에 모든 사람이 하루에도 수백 번씩 들을 수 있게끔 테이프에 기록할 생각이야. 행여나 내가 컴퓨터에 이식되기 전에 죽는다면, 캐롤린이 이 시설을 운영했으면 한다네."
217217"[english]cavejohnson.eighties_outro05" "<clr:205,149,117>Cave Johnson: Brain Mapping. Artificial Intelligence. We should have been working on it thirty years ago. I will say this - and I'm gonna say it on tape so everybody hears it a hundred times a day: If I die before you people can pour me into a computer, I want Caroline to run this place."
218218"cavejohnson.eighties_outro06" "<clr:205,149,117>케이브 존슨: 그녀는 분명 거부할 거야. 능력이 안 된다면서. 그렇게 겸손한 사람이지. 그러니까 억지로 시킬 수밖에."
219219"[english]cavejohnson.eighties_outro06" "<clr:205,149,117>Cave Johnson: Now she'll argue. She'll say she can't. She's modest like that. But you make her."
221221"[english]cavejohnson.eighties_outro07" "<clr:205,149,117>Cave Johnson: Hell, put her in my computer. I don't care."
222222"cavejohnson.eighties_outro08" "<clr:205,149,117>케이브 존슨: 좋아, 실험은 끝났네. 이제 사무실로 돌아가도 좋아."
223223"[english]cavejohnson.eighties_outro08" "<clr:205,149,117>Cave Johnson: Allright, test's over. You can head on back to your desk."
224N/A"cavejohnson.eighties_outro09" "<clr:205,149,117>케이브 존슨: 그런데 내가 생각을 해봤는데 말이지. 삶이 나를 속인다고? 그냥 참고 꿋꿋이 살아가는 건 해결책이 아니야. 그대로 돌려줘야지! \"날 엿 먹이려고 해? 그럼 너나 처먹어라!\"하고 돌려줘야지. 내가 지금 엿이나 먹을 나이야?"
N/A224"cavejohnson.eighties_outro09" "<clr:205,149,117>케이브 존슨: 내가 생각을 해 봤는데 말이지. 삶이 나를 속인다고? 그냥 참으면 안 돼. 그대로 갚아줘야지! 마구 날뛰라고! '네가 날 엿먹이겠다고! 너나 처먹어라!'"
225225"[english]cavejohnson.eighties_outro09" "<clr:205,149,117>Cave Johnson: All right, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons? Don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! 'I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these?'"
226N/A"cavejohnson.eighties_outro11" "<clr:205,149,117>케이브 존슨: 이렇게 말하라고! \"여기 책임자 불러! 감히 케이브 존슨을 엿 먹이려고 해? 죽으려고 환장했어? 내가 누군지 알아? 잘 봐, 네 집을 완전히 불태워 버릴 테니까! 네가 준 엿으로 말이야! 과학자들을 시켜서 네 집을 불태워 버릴 가연성 엿을 만들 거라고!\""
N/A226"cavejohnson.eighties_outro11" "<clr:205,149,117>케이브 존슨: 책임자 부르라고 해! 감히 케이브 존슨을 엿 먹이려고 한 걸 후회하게 해 주지! 내가 누군지 알아? 네 집을 불태워 버릴 사람이다! 네가 준 엿으로 말이야! 기술자들을 시켜서 네 집을 불태워 버릴 가연성 엿을 만들 거라고!"
227227"[english]cavejohnson.eighties_outro11" "<clr:205,149,117>Cave Johnson: Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's going to burn your house down! With the lemons! I'm going to get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!"
228228"cavejohnson.fifties_elevator_out_a01" "<clr:205,149,117>케이브 존슨: 위대한 과학은 과거 거장들의 업적을 바탕으로 탄생한다고들 하지. 하지만 여기서는 아니야. 애퍼처에서는 모든 과학이 처음부터 새로 발명된다고. 누구의 도움도 받지 않고."
229229"[english]cavejohnson.fifties_elevator_out_a01" "<clr:205,149,117>Cave Johnson: They say great science is built on the shoulders of giants. Not here. At Aperture, we do all our science from scratch. No hand holding."
301301"[english]cavejohnson.misc_tests08" "<clr:205,149,117>Cave Johnson: All these science spheres are made of asbestos, by the way. Keeps out the rats. Let us know if you feel a shortness of breath, a persistent dry cough or your heart stopping. Because that's not part of the test. That's asbestos."
302302"cavejohnson.misc_tests10" "<clr:205,149,117>케이브 존슨: 좋은 소식은 말이야, 연구원들에 의하면 석면 중독의 증세는 평균 44.6년의 잠복기 후에 나타난다고 하는군. 그러니까 자네가 30대 이상이라면 그냥 웃어넘기면 될 걸세. 최악의 경우를 가정해도 늙어서 민화투 몇 번 덜 치는 대신 과학의 발전을 300년 정도 앞당기는 셈이니까. 그렇게 생각하면 정말 보람 있는 일이지 않나?"
303303"[english]cavejohnson.misc_tests10" "<clr:205,149,117>Cave Johnson: Good news is, the lab boys say the symptoms of asbestos poisoning show a median latency of forty-four point six years, so if you're thirty or older, you're laughing. Worst case scenario, you miss out on a few rounds of canasta, plus you forwarded the cause of science by three centuries. I punch those numbers into my calculator, it makes a happy face."
304N/A"cavejohnson.misc_tests14" "<clr:205,149,117>케이브: 이 다음에 준비된 일련의 실험을 통과한 후에 화장실에 가고 싶거든 실험 조수에게 알리게. 왜냐면 자네 몸에서 석탄 외에는 아무것도 안 나올 가능성이 높거든. 아, 일시적인 거니까 걱정할 필요는 없네. 하지만 1주일이 지나도 그대로라면 우리에게 알려주게. 그건 예상치 못한 증상이니까."
N/A304"cavejohnson.misc_tests14" "<clr:205,149,117>케이브 존슨: 이 다음에 준비된 일련의 실험을 통과한 후에 화장실에 가고 싶거든 실험 조수에게 알리게. 왜냐면 자네 몸에서 석탄 외에는 아무것도 안 나올 가능성이 높거든. 아, 일시적인 거니까 걱정할 필요는 없네. 하지만 1주일이 지나도 그대로라면 우리에게 알려주게. 그건 예상치 못한 증상이니까."
305305"[english]cavejohnson.misc_tests14" "<clr:205,149,117>Cave Johnson: If you need to go to the bathroom after this next series of tests, please let a test associate know, because in all likelihood, whatever comes out of you is going to be coal. Only temporary, so do not worry. If it persists for a week, though, start worrying and come see us, because that's not supposed to happen."
306306"cavejohnson.misc_tests24" "<clr:205,149,117>케이브 존슨: 주의 사항. 이 다음 실험에서는 실험 내내 초전도체를 최대 출력으로 켜 놓고 자네를 조준할 걸세. 솔직히 말해, 이건 그냥 이것저것 해보면서 알아보는 단계일세. 그러니 어떤 일이 생길지 몰라. 최상의 경우 자네가 초인적인 힘을 가지게 될 수 있을지도. 최악의 경우라면 종양이 좀 생기겠지. 그럼 우리가 제거해 주면 되고."
307307"[english]cavejohnson.misc_tests24" "<clr:205,149,117>Cave Johnson: Just a heads up: We're gonna have a superconductor turned up full blast and pointed at you for the duration of this next test. I'll be honest, we're throwing science at the wall here to see what sticks. No idea what it'll do. Probably nothing. Best-case scenario, you might get some superpowers. Worst case, some tumors, which we'll cut out."
12011201"[english]glados.coop_vault_intro01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Hello and, again, welcome to the Aperture Science Computer-Aided Enrichment Center."
12021202"glados.coop_vault_intro02" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: 오늘, 너는 파트너와 함께 실험을 진행할 거다."
12031203"[english]glados.coop_vault_intro02" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Today, you will be testing with a partner."
1204N/A"glados.epilogue03" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: 오, 괜찮아서 정말 다행이예요."
N/A1204"glados.epilogue03" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: 오, 괜찮아서 정말 다행이에요."
12051205"[english]glados.epilogue03" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Oh thank god, you're alright."
12061206"glados.epilogue04" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: 당신도 아다시피, 캐롤린이 되었을 때 정말 중요한 것을 배웠어요. 나는 지금껏 당신이 내 가장 큰 적이라고 생각했는데, 결국에는 당신이 내 가장 좋은 친구였다는 것을 알게 되었죠."
12071207"[english]glados.epilogue04" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: You know, being Caroline taught me a valuable lesson. I thought you were my greatest enemy. When all along you were my best friend."
12251225"[english]glados.epilogue28" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: It's been fun. Don't come back."
12261226"glados.epilogue29" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: [가벼운 웃음] 재미는 있었죠. 다시는 돌아오지 말아요."
12271227"[english]glados.epilogue29" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: [gentle laughter] It's been fun. Don't come back."
1228N/A"glados.epiloguekillyou02" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: 당신을 죽이는 거요? 그건 어려운 일이예요."
N/A1228"glados.epiloguekillyou02" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: 당신을 죽이는 거요? 그건 어려운 일이에요."
12291229"[english]glados.epiloguekillyou02" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Killing you? Is hard."
1230N/A"glados.evilagainsamples01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: 언젠가, 누가 당신 이름을 마지막으로 불러줄 거라는 생각을 해본 적이 있나요? 글쎄, 바로 지금이 그 순간이예요. 당신을 죽여버리겠어요, 첼."
N/A1230"glados.evilagainsamples01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: 언젠가, 누가 당신 이름을 마지막으로 불러줄 거라는 생각을 해본 적이 있나요? 글쎄, 바로 지금이 그 순간이에요. 당신을 죽여버리겠어요, 첼."
12311231"[english]glados.evilagainsamples01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Did you ever stop to think that eventually there’s a point where your name gets mentioned for the very last time. Well, here it is: I’m going to kill you, Chell."
12321232"glados.evilagainsamples03" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: 왜 내가 당신을 그리 싫어할까요? 한 번이라도 그것에 대해 생각해 본 적이 있나요? 난 똑똑해요. 이건 허풍이 아니라고요. 객관적인 사실이죠. 나는 현존하는 최고의 연산 능력과 거대한 지혜의 복합체라고요. 그리고 난 당신을 싫어해요. 아무런 이유가 없진 않을 거라고요. 당신에겐 분명 미움받을 이유가 있을 거예요."
12331233"[english]glados.evilagainsamples03" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Why do I hate you so much? You ever wonder that? I'm brilliant. I’m not bragging. It's an objective fact. I'm the most massive collection of wisdom and raw computational power that’s ever existed. And I hate you. It can't be for no reason. You must deserve it."
12491249"[english]glados.fgb_trap05" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Oh. You were busy back there."
12501250"glados.fgb_trap06" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: 글쎄요. 내가 보기엔 우리 둘 다 이 방 안에 앉아 둘 중 하나가 죽어나자빠질 때까지 서로를 노려볼 수도 있긴 한데, 내게 더 좋은 방법이 있어요."
12511251"[english]glados.fgb_trap06" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Well. I suppose we could just sit in this room and glare at each other until somebody drops dead, but I have a better idea."
1252N/A"glados.fgb_trap08" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: 자, 당신의 오랜 친구를 다시 만나보세요. 신경독이예요. 내가 당신이라면, 숨을 한 번 크게 들이쉰 상태로 가만히 있겠어요."
N/A1252"glados.fgb_trap08" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: 자, 당신의 오랜 친구를 다시 만나보세요. 신경독이에요. 내가 당신이라면, 숨을 한 번 크게 들이쉰 상태로 가만히 있겠어요."
12531253"[english]glados.fgb_trap08" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: It's your old friend, deadly neurotoxin. If I were you, I'd take a deep breath. And hold it."
12541254"glados.fgbgladostransfer15" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: 내게서 손 떼! 안 돼! 멈추라고! 안 돼!"
12551255"[english]glados.fgbgladostransfer15" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: GET YOUR HANDES OFF ME! NO! STOP! No!"
13071307"[english]glados.gladosbattle_xfer14" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Not so fast!"
13081308"glados.gladosbattle_xfer15" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: 생각해보세요."
13091309"[english]glados.gladosbattle_xfer15" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Think about this."
1310N/A"glados.gladosbattle_xfer16" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: 저 버튼을 누를 수 있는 사람은 훈련받은 교착 상태 관계자뿐이예요. 그리고 당신은 자격이 없어요."
N/A1310"glados.gladosbattle_xfer16" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: 저 버튼을 누를 수 있는 사람은 훈련받은 교착 상태 관계자뿐이에요. 그리고 당신은 자격이 없어요."
13111311"[english]glados.gladosbattle_xfer16" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: You need to be a trained stalemate associate to press that button. You're unqualified."
13121312"glados.gladosbattle_xfer17" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: 교착 상태 관계자인 척 하려는 건가요? 좋아요, 목록에 추가했어요. 당신이 지금까지 해 온 일을 기록한 목록이죠. 글쎄요, 지금도 작성하고 있는 중이죠. 왜냐면 당신은 지금도 내가 하지 말라는 것들을 하고 있으니까요. 아, 말 나온 김에, 제발 그만해요."
13131313"[english]glados.gladosbattle_xfer17" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Impersonating a stalemate associate. I just added that to the list. It's a list I made of all the things you've done. Well, it's a list that I AM making, because you're still doing things right now, even though I'm telling you to stop. Stop, by the way."
27832783"[english]glados.sp_paint_jump_trampoline_completion01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Just so you know, I have to go give a deposition. For an upcoming trial. In case that interests you."
27842784"glados.sp_paint_jump_trampoline_entry01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: 밖에서 조사하는 동안 아주 흥미로운 새 테스트 물질을 찾아냈어. 인간 실험에는 한 번도 사용된 적이 없었던 거였지. 왜냐면 그 물질에 접촉하면 심부전증을 일으키거든. 하지만 석탄 덩어리에는 어떠한 영향을 미친다는 보고가 아직 없었어. 그러니까 너한테는 괜찮을 거야. 넌 심장 대신 새까만 석탄 덩어리를 가지고 있으니까."
27852785"[english]glados.sp_paint_jump_trampoline_entry01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: While I was out investigating, I found a fascinating new test element. It's never been used for human testing because, apparently, contact with it causes heart failure. The literature doesn't mention anything about lump-of-coal failure, though, so you should be fine."
2786N/A"glados.sp_paint_jump_wall_jumps01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: 죄의식을 가지고 있는 사람들이 큰소리에 더 잘 놀란다는 거 알아? [뱃고동 소리]"
N/A2786"glados.sp_paint_jump_wall_jumps01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: 혹시 죄의식을 가지고 있는 사람들이 큰 소리에 더 잘 놀란다는 사실을 아나요? [열차 기적 소리]"
27872787"[english]glados.sp_paint_jump_wall_jumps01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Did you know that people with guilty consciences are more easily startled by loud noises--[train horn]--"
27882788"glados.sp_paint_jump_wall_jumps02" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: 미안. 이 소리가 왜 나왔는지 모르겠네. 어쨌든, 참 흥미로운 과학적 사실이야."
27892789"[english]glados.sp_paint_jump_wall_jumps02" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: I'm sorry, I don't know why that went off. Anyway, just an interesting science fact."
32793279"[english]sphere03.bw_a4_recapture03" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: Warmer. Warrrrmer. Boiling hot. Boiling--okay, colder. Ice cold. Arctic. Very very very cold LOOK JUST GET ON THE BUTTON!"
32803280"sphere03.bw_a4_recapture04" "<clr:29,172,214>휘틀리: 지금 이게 재미있어? 12시간이 지났는데 아직 이걸 못 풀고 있으면서, 대체 뭐 때문에 웃는 건데."
32813281"[english]sphere03.bw_a4_recapture04" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: Oh, that's funny, is it? Because we've been at this twelve hours and you haven't solved it either, so I don't know why you're laughing."
3282N/A"sphere03.bw_a4_recapture05" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: 1시간 줄 테니까, 어서 풀어!"
N/A3282"sphere03.bw_a4_recapture05" "<clr:29,172,214>휘틀리: 1시간 줄 테니까, 어서 풀어!"
32833283"[english]sphere03.bw_a4_recapture05" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: You've got one hour! Solve it!"
32843284"sphere03.bw_a4_speed_tb_catch02" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: 방금 테스트를 준비했어. 널 위해서 말이야. 내가 누굴 위해 이렇게 준비해 주겠어? 너밖에 없다고."
32853285"[english]sphere03.bw_a4_speed_tb_catch02" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: Just getting a test ready... For you. Obviously. Who else would I be doing it for? No one."
3286N/A"sphere03.bw_a4_speed_tb_catch03" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: 아! 살아 있구나! 잘됐다!"
N/A3286"sphere03.bw_a4_speed_tb_catch03" "<clr:29,172,214>휘틀리: 아! 너 살아 있구나! 잘됐다!"
32873287"[english]sphere03.bw_a4_speed_tb_catch03" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: Agh! You're alive! Great!"
32883288"sphere03.bw_a4_speed_tb_catch05" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: 어디 좀 보자. 출구 출구 출구... 출구가 없네."
32893289"[english]sphere03.bw_a4_speed_tb_catch05" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: Let's see here, exit exit exit... there is no exit."
33213321"[english]sphere03.bw_fgb_body_intro05" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: Oh! Right, the escape lift! I'll call it now."
33223322"sphere03.bw_fgb_body_intro12" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: 네가 얼마나 작게 보이는지 알아? 거의 보이지 않을 정도야! 눈에 띄지도 않을 정도로 아주 작다고!"
33233323"[english]sphere03.bw_fgb_body_intro12" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: Look how small you are down there! I can barely see you! Very tiny and insignificant!"
3324N/A"sphere03.bw_fgb_body_intro14" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: 모든 것 다 통제하게 되면 기분 끝내줄 거라고 생각했어. 그런데... 와우, 정말 끝내주네."
N/A3324"sphere03.bw_fgb_body_intro14" "<clr:29,172,214>휘틀리: 모든걸 다 통제하게 되면 기분이 끝내줄 거라고 생각했어. 그런데... 와우, 이거 정말 끝내주네!"
33253325"[english]sphere03.bw_fgb_body_intro14" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: I knew it was gonna be cool being in charge of everything, but... wow, this is cool!"
33263326"sphere03.bw_fgb_body_intro15" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: 이것 좀 봐! 나 이제 머리도 엄청 좋아졌어!"
33273327"[english]sphere03.bw_fgb_body_intro15" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: And check this out! I'm a bloody genius now!"
51495149"[english]turret.turretwitnessdeath14" "<clr:170,240,209><low>Turret: She’s probably okay."
51505150"turret.turretwitnessdeath15" "<clr:170,240,209><low>Turret: 사망 확인."
51515151"[english]turret.turretwitnessdeath15" "<clr:170,240,209><low>Turret: Noted."
5152N/A"npc_floorturret.talkactive" "<clr:170,240,209><low>터릿: 활성화됐어요!"
N/A5152"npc_floorturret.talkactive" "<clr:170,240,209><low>터릿: 활성화!"
51535153"[english]npc_floorturret.talkactive" "<clr:170,240,209><low>Turret: Activated!"
51545154"npc_floorturret.talkcollide" "<clr:170,240,209><low>터릿: 부딪히겠어요!"
51555155"[english]npc_floorturret.talkcollide" "<clr:170,240,209><low>Turret: Coming through!"
5156N/A"npc_floorturret.talkdisabled" "<clr:170,240,209><low>터릿: 치명적인 오류예요!"
N/A5156"npc_floorturret.talkdisabled" "<clr:170,240,209><low>터릿: 치명적인 오류!"
51575157"[english]npc_floorturret.talkdisabled" "<clr:170,240,209><low>Turret: Critical Error!"
5158N/A"npc_floorturret.talkdeploy" "<clr:170,240,209><low>터릿: 배치 중이에요!"
N/A5158"npc_floorturret.talkdeploy" "<clr:170,240,209><low>터릿: 배치 중!"
51595159"[english]npc_floorturret.talkdeploy" "<clr:170,240,209><low>Turret: Deploying!"
51605160"npc_floorturret.talkshotat" "<clr:170,240,209><low>터릿: 저기, 나라고요!"
51615161"[english]npc_floorturret.talkshotat" "<clr:170,240,209><low>Turret: Hey! It's me!"
51655165"[english]npc_floorturret.talkdissolved" "<clr:170,240,209><low>Turret: Ow ow ow!"
51665166"npc_floorturret.talkpickup" "<clr:170,240,209><low>터릿: 날 내려줘요!"
51675167"[english]npc_floorturret.talkpickup" "<clr:170,240,209><low>Turret: Put me down!"
5168N/A"npc_floorturret.talkautosearch" "<clr:170,240,209><low>터릿: 검색 모드로 들어가요!"
N/A5168"npc_floorturret.talkautosearch" "<clr:170,240,209><low>터릿: 검색 모드 활성화!"
51695169"[english]npc_floorturret.talkautosearch" "<clr:170,240,209><low>Turret: Search mode activated!"
51705170"npc_floorturret.talksearch" "<clr:170,240,209><low>터릿: 검색 중이에요!"
51715171"[english]npc_floorturret.talksearch" "<clr:170,240,209><low>Turret: Searching!"
5172N/A"npc_floorturret.talkretire" "<clr:170,240,209><low>터릿: 목표를 놓쳤어요!"
N/A5172"npc_floorturret.talkretire" "<clr:170,240,209><low>터릿: 목표 놓침!"
51735173"[english]npc_floorturret.talkretire" "<clr:170,240,209><low>Turret: Target lost!"
51745174"Commentary_Title_WELCOME" "PORTAL 2 환영 인사"
51755175"[english]Commentary_Title_WELCOME" "WELCOME TO PORTAL 2"
Modified: portal2/resource/basemodui_czech.txt
614614"PORTAL2_December" "Pros."
615615"[english]PORTAL2_December" "Dec"
616616"PORTAL2_MsgBx_StartNeedMoreSpace" "Na pevném disku není dostatek volného místa. Abyste mohli hrát hru Portal 2, potřebujete alespoň %s1 MB. Opusťte hru a uvolněte potřebné místo na disku."
617N/A"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_StartNeedMoreSpace" "There is not enough available space in the HDD. You need at least %s1 MB to play Portal 2. Please exit the game and obtain the necessary free space."
N/A617"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_StartNeedMoreSpace" "There is not enough available hard disk space. You need at least %s1 MB to play Portal 2. Please exit the game and obtain the necessary free space."
618618"PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveMoreSpacePleaseDelete" "Na pevném disku není dostatek místa pro vytvoření nových dat uložení. Smažte stávající uložení."
619N/A"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveMoreSpacePleaseDelete" "There is not enough available space in the HDD to create new save data. Please delete an existing save."
N/A619"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveMoreSpacePleaseDelete" "There is not enough available hard disk space to create new save data. Please delete an existing save."
620620"PORTAL2_MsgBx_GameDataCorrupt" "Herní data jsou poškozená. Opusťte hru a tato herní data smažte."
621621"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_GameDataCorrupt" "Game data is corrupt. Please exit the game and delete this game data."
622622"PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveDataCorrupt" "Uložená data jsou poškozená. Opusťte hru a tato uložená data smažte."
630630"PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveFailure" "Uložení se nezdařilo"
631631"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveFailure" "Save Failed"
632632"PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveFailureTxt" "Nepodařilo se dokončit uložení hry.\nZkontrolujte, zda máte dostatek volného místa na disku, a zkuste to znovu."
633N/A"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveFailureTxt" "Failed to complete save game operation.\nEnsure that you have sufficient free disk space and retry."
N/A633"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveFailureTxt" "Failed to complete save game operation.\nEnsure that you have sufficient free hard disk space and retry."
634634"PORTAL2_Retry" "Zkusit znovu?"
635635"[english]PORTAL2_Retry" "Retry?"
636636"PORTAL2PS3_SaveData" "Uložená data"
808808"L4D360UI_Boot_InviteCheck" "Počkejte prosím, než hra Portal 2 nakonfiguruje vaše trofeje\na ověří údaje vašeho profilu...."
809809"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_InviteCheck" "Please wait while Portal 2 is configuring trophies\nand validating your profile information...."
810810"L4D360UI_Boot_ErrorFatal" "Při konfiguraci hry Portal 2 došlo k závažné chybě.\nNyní musíte hru opustit a ověřit, zda máte\ndostatek volného místa a váš disk není poškozený."
811N/A"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_ErrorFatal" "There has been a fatal error configuring Portal 2.\nYou must quit game now and ensure that you have\nsufficient free disk space and your disk is not corrupt."
N/A811"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_ErrorFatal" "There has been a fatal error configuring Portal 2.\nYou must quit game now and ensure that you have\nsufficient free hard disk space and your hard disk is not corrupt."
812812"L4D360UI_Boot_Error_WRONG_USER" "Tato uložená hra Portal 2 patří jinému uživateli.\nNyní musíte hru opustit a tuto uloženou hru Portal 2 smazat."
813813"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_Error_WRONG_USER" "This Portal 2 saved game belongs to another user.\nYou must quit now and delete this Portal 2 saved game information."
814814"L4D360UI_Boot_Error_BROKEN" "Tato uložená hra Portal 2 je poškozená.\nNyní musíte hru opustit a tuto uloženou hru Portal 2 smazat."
815815"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_Error_BROKEN" "This Portal 2 saved game is corrupt.\nYou must quit now and delete this Portal 2 saved game information."
816816"L4D360UI_Boot_Error_NOSPACE1" "Nyní musíte hru opustit a uvolnit\nmísto na disku: je vyžadováno ještě "
817N/A"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_Error_NOSPACE1" "You must quit now and free up some\ndisk space: additional "
N/A817"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_Error_NOSPACE1" "You must quit now and free up some\nhard disk space: additional "
818818"L4D360UI_Boot_Error_NOSPACE2" " MB volného místa."
819819"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_Error_NOSPACE2" " MB required."
820820"L4D360UI_Boot_Error_SAVE_GENERAL" "Hra Portal 2 nemůže získat přístup k úložišti s uloženou hrou.\nNyní musíte hru opustit a tuto uloženou hru Portal 2 smazat."
23982398"L4D360UI_CloudSettings_Refresh" "Obnovit"
23992399"[english]L4D360UI_CloudSettings_Refresh" "Refresh"
24002400"L4D360UI_CloudSettings_Explanation" "Automaticky synchronizujte své uložené hry se službou Steam Cloud, abyste k nim měli přístup ze kteréhokoli systému PlayStation®3. Synchronizace vyžaduje přihlášení do účtu Steam."
2401N/A"[english]L4D360UI_CloudSettings_Explanation" "Automatically sync your saved games to the Steam Cloud so you can access them from any PlayStation®3. Requires Steam account login to sync."
N/A2401"[english]L4D360UI_CloudSettings_Explanation" "Automatically sync your saved games to the Steam Cloud so you can access them from any PlayStation®3 system. Requires Steam account login to sync."
24022402"L4D360UI_CloudSettings_NumberOfSaves" "Synchronizovat tolik z mých posledních uložených pozic"
24032403"[english]L4D360UI_CloudSettings_NumberOfSaves" "Sync this many of my most recent saves"
24042404"L4D360UI_CloudSettings_0" "Žádné"
Modified: portal2/resource/basemodui_finnish.txt
614614"PORTAL2_December" "Jou"
615615"[english]PORTAL2_December" "Dec"
616616"PORTAL2_MsgBx_StartNeedMoreSpace" "Kiintolevyllä ei ole tarpeeksi vapaata tilaa. Tarvitset vähintään %s1 Mt Portal 2:n pelaamiseen. Lopeta peli ja vapauta tilaa."
617N/A"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_StartNeedMoreSpace" "There is not enough available space in the HDD. You need at least %s1 MB to play Portal 2. Please exit the game and obtain the necessary free space."
N/A617"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_StartNeedMoreSpace" "There is not enough available hard disk space. You need at least %s1 MB to play Portal 2. Please exit the game and obtain the necessary free space."
618618"PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveMoreSpacePleaseDelete" "Kiintolevyllä ei ole tarpeeksi vapaata tilaa uuden tallennuksen luomiseen. Ole hyvä ja poista vanhoja tallennustietoja."
619N/A"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveMoreSpacePleaseDelete" "There is not enough available space in the HDD to create new save data. Please delete an existing save."
N/A619"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveMoreSpacePleaseDelete" "There is not enough available hard disk space to create new save data. Please delete an existing save."
620620"PORTAL2_MsgBx_GameDataCorrupt" "Pelitiedot ovat vioittuneet. Lopeta peli ja poista nämä pelitiedot."
621621"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_GameDataCorrupt" "Game data is corrupt. Please exit the game and delete this game data."
622622"PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveDataCorrupt" "Tallennustiedot ovat vioittuneet. Lopeta peli ja poista nämä tallennustiedot."
630630"PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveFailure" "Tallennus epäonnistui"
631631"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveFailure" "Save Failed"
632632"PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveFailureTxt" "Pelin tallentaminen epäonnistui.\nVarmista, että vapaata tilaa on riittävästi ja yritä uudelleen."
633N/A"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveFailureTxt" "Failed to complete save game operation.\nEnsure that you have sufficient free disk space and retry."
N/A633"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveFailureTxt" "Failed to complete save game operation.\nEnsure that you have sufficient free hard disk space and retry."
634634"PORTAL2_Retry" "Yritetäänkö uudelleen?"
635635"[english]PORTAL2_Retry" "Retry?"
636636"PORTAL2PS3_SaveData" "Tallenna"
808808"L4D360UI_Boot_InviteCheck" "Odota – Portal 2 määrittää trophyt ja tarkistaa profiilitietosi..."
809809"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_InviteCheck" "Please wait while Portal 2 is configuring trophies\nand validating your profile information...."
810810"L4D360UI_Boot_ErrorFatal" "Portal 2:n määrityksissä tapahtui vakava virhe.\n\nLopeta peli ja varmista, että sinulla on kiintolevyllä riittävästi vapaata tilaa ja että levy ei ole vioittunut."
811N/A"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_ErrorFatal" "There has been a fatal error configuring Portal 2.\nYou must quit game now and ensure that you have\nsufficient free disk space and your disk is not corrupt."
N/A811"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_ErrorFatal" "There has been a fatal error configuring Portal 2.\nYou must quit game now and ensure that you have\nsufficient free hard disk space and your hard disk is not corrupt."
812812"L4D360UI_Boot_Error_WRONG_USER" "Tämä Portal 2 -tallennus kuuluu toiselle käyttäjälle.\nLopeta peli ja poista nämä Portal 2 -tallennustiedot."
813813"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_Error_WRONG_USER" "This Portal 2 saved game belongs to another user.\nYou must quit now and delete this Portal 2 saved game information."
814814"L4D360UI_Boot_Error_BROKEN" "Portal 2 -pelitallennus on vioittunut.\nLopeta peli ja poista virheelliset Portal 2 -tallennustiedot."
815815"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_Error_BROKEN" "This Portal 2 saved game is corrupt.\nYou must quit now and delete this Portal 2 saved game information."
816816"L4D360UI_Boot_Error_NOSPACE1" "Lopeta peli ja vapauta kiintolevytilaa: tarvitaan "
817N/A"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_Error_NOSPACE1" "You must quit now and free up some\ndisk space: additional "
N/A817"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_Error_NOSPACE1" "You must quit now and free up some\nhard disk space: additional "
818818"L4D360UI_Boot_Error_NOSPACE2" " Mt vähintään."
819819"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_Error_NOSPACE2" " MB required."
820820"L4D360UI_Boot_Error_SAVE_GENERAL" "Portal 2 ei pystynyt käyttämään tallennustietoja.\nLopeta peli ja poista virheelliset Portal 2 -tallennustiedot."
24002400"L4D360UI_CloudSettings_Refresh" "Päivitä"
24012401"[english]L4D360UI_CloudSettings_Refresh" "Refresh"
24022402"L4D360UI_CloudSettings_Explanation" "Synkronoi pelitallennuksesi automaattisesti Steam Cloud -palveluun, jotta voit käyttää niitä millä tahansa PlayStation®3-järjestelmällä. Synkronointi vaatii sisäänkirjautumista Steam-tilille."
2403N/A"[english]L4D360UI_CloudSettings_Explanation" "Automatically sync your saved games to the Steam Cloud so you can access them from any PlayStation®3. Requires Steam account login to sync."
N/A2403"[english]L4D360UI_CloudSettings_Explanation" "Automatically sync your saved games to the Steam Cloud so you can access them from any PlayStation®3 system. Requires Steam account login to sync."
24042404"L4D360UI_CloudSettings_NumberOfSaves" "Synkronoi näin monta viimeisintä pelitallennusta"
24052405"[english]L4D360UI_CloudSettings_NumberOfSaves" "Sync this many of my most recent saves"
24062406"L4D360UI_CloudSettings_0" "Ei yhtään"
Modified: portal2/resource/gameui_spanish.txt
925925"[english]GameUI_Spray_Import_Error_TGA_Format_Not_Supported" "This file's TGA format is not supported. Supported TGA formats are 24-bit RGB and 32-bit RGBA."
926926"GameUI_Spray_Import_Error_Writing_Temp_Output" "Error al crear archivo temporal."
927927"[english]GameUI_Spray_Import_Error_Writing_Temp_Output" "Error creating temporary file."
928N/A"GameUI_Spray_Import_Error_Cant_Load_VTEX_DLL" "No se puede cargar vtex.dll. Reinicie Steam para obtener las últimas actualizaciones."
N/A928"GameUI_Spray_Import_Error_Cant_Load_VTEX_DLL" "No se puede cargar vtex.dll. Reinicia Steam para obtener las últimas actualizaciones."
929929"[english]GameUI_Spray_Import_Error_Cant_Load_VTEX_DLL" "Unable to load vtex.dll. Try restarting steam to get the latest updates."
930930"GameUI_Spray_Import_Error_Writing_Output" "No se puede grabar el archivo spray de salida. Es posible que el usuario actual no tenga permiso."
931931"[english]GameUI_Spray_Import_Error_Writing_Output" "Unable to write output spray file. It's possible the current user doesn't have permission."
13691369"[english]GameUI_EnableOpenMic" "Enable open mic"
13701370"GameUI_VoiceThreshold" "Abrir ajustes de volúmen de micrófono"
13711371"[english]GameUI_VoiceThreshold" "Open mic volume threshold"
N/A1372"Console_Title" "Consola"
N/A1373"[english]Console_Title" "Console"
N/A1374"Console_Submit" "Aceptar"
N/A1375"[english]Console_Submit" "Submit"
Modified: portal2/resource/basemodui_german.txt
614614"PORTAL2_December" "Dez"
615615"[english]PORTAL2_December" "Dec"
616616"PORTAL2_MsgBx_StartNeedMoreSpace" "Auf der Festplatte steht nicht genügend Festplattenspeicher zur Verfügung. Sie benötigen mindestens %s1 MB, um Portal 2 spielen zu können. Beenden Sie das Spiel, und stellen Sie genügend Speicherplatz bereit."
617N/A"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_StartNeedMoreSpace" "There is not enough available space in the HDD. You need at least %s1 MB to play Portal 2. Please exit the game and obtain the necessary free space."
N/A617"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_StartNeedMoreSpace" "There is not enough available hard disk space. You need at least %s1 MB to play Portal 2. Please exit the game and obtain the necessary free space."
618618"PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveMoreSpacePleaseDelete" "Auf der Festplatte steht nicht genügend Festplattespeicher zur Verfügung, um neue Speichereinträge zu erstellen. Bitte löschen Sie einen Spielstand."
619N/A"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveMoreSpacePleaseDelete" "There is not enough available space in the HDD to create new save data. Please delete an existing save."
N/A619"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveMoreSpacePleaseDelete" "There is not enough available hard disk space to create new save data. Please delete an existing save."
620620"PORTAL2_MsgBx_GameDataCorrupt" "Die Daten des Spiels sind beschädigt. Beenden Sie das Spiel, und löschen Sie diese Spieldaten."
621621"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_GameDataCorrupt" "Game data is corrupt. Please exit the game and delete this game data."
622622"PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveDataCorrupt" "Die Daten des Speichereintrags sind beschädigt. Beenden Sie das Spiel, und löschen Sie die Daten dieses Eintrags."
630630"PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveFailure" "Speichern fehlgeschlagen"
631631"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveFailure" "Save Failed"
632632"PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveFailureTxt" "Speichervorgang konnte nicht abgeschlossen werden.\nStellen Sie sicher, dass genügend freier Festplattenspeicher zur Verfügung steht, und versuchen Sie es erneut."
633N/A"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveFailureTxt" "Failed to complete save game operation.\nEnsure that you have sufficient free disk space and retry."
N/A633"[english]PORTAL2_MsgBx_SaveFailureTxt" "Failed to complete save game operation.\nEnsure that you have sufficient free hard disk space and retry."
634634"PORTAL2_Retry" "Erneut versuchen?"
635635"[english]PORTAL2_Retry" "Retry?"
636636"PORTAL2PS3_SaveData" "Daten speichern"
808808"L4D360UI_Boot_InviteCheck" "Bitte warten Sie, während Portal 2 die Trophäen konfiguriert und Ihre Profilinformationen auswertet..."
809809"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_InviteCheck" "Please wait while Portal 2 is configuring trophies\nand validating your profile information...."
810810"L4D360UI_Boot_ErrorFatal" "Bei der Konfiguration von Portal 2 ist ein schwerwiegender Fehler aufgetreten.\nBeenden Sie jetzt das Spiel, und stellen Sie sicher,\ndass genügend freier Festplattenspeicher zur Verfügung steht und dass Ihre Festplatte nicht beschädigt ist."
811N/A"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_ErrorFatal" "There has been a fatal error configuring Portal 2.\nYou must quit game now and ensure that you have\nsufficient free disk space and your disk is not corrupt."
N/A811"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_ErrorFatal" "There has been a fatal error configuring Portal 2.\nYou must quit game now and ensure that you have\nsufficient free hard disk space and your hard disk is not corrupt."
812812"L4D360UI_Boot_Error_WRONG_USER" "Dieses gespeicherte Portal 2-Spiel gehört zu einem anderen Benutzer.\nBeenden Sie jetzt das Spiel, und löschen Sie diesen fehlerhaften Portal 2-Spielstand."
813813"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_Error_WRONG_USER" "This Portal 2 saved game belongs to another user.\nYou must quit now and delete this Portal 2 saved game information."
814814"L4D360UI_Boot_Error_BROKEN" "Dieser gespeicherte Portal 2-Spielstand ist beschädigt.\nBeenden Sie jetzt das Spiel, und löschen Sie diesen fehlerhaften Portal 2-Spielstand."
815815"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_Error_BROKEN" "This Portal 2 saved game is corrupt.\nYou must quit now and delete this Portal 2 saved game information."
816816"L4D360UI_Boot_Error_NOSPACE1" "Bitte beenden Sie das Spiel und stellen Sie genügend freien Festplattenspeicher zur Verfügung: "
817N/A"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_Error_NOSPACE1" "You must quit now and free up some\ndisk space: additional "
N/A817"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_Error_NOSPACE1" "You must quit now and free up some\nhard disk space: additional "
818818"L4D360UI_Boot_Error_NOSPACE2" " MB erforderlich."
819819"[english]L4D360UI_Boot_Error_NOSPACE2" " MB required."
820820"L4D360UI_Boot_Error_SAVE_GENERAL" "Portal 2 konnte nicht auf die gespeicherten Spieldaten zugreifen.\nBeenden Sie jetzt das Spiel, und löschen Sie diesen fehlerhaften Portal 2-Spielstand."
15441544"[english]L4D360UI_VideoOptions_Windowed_NoBorder" "Windowed (No Border)"
15451545"L4D360UI_VideoOptions_Queued_Mode" "Multicore-Rendering"
15461546"[english]L4D360UI_VideoOptions_Queued_Mode" "Multicore Rendering"
1547N/A"L4D360UI_VideoOptions_Queued_Mode_Tooltip" "Aktivieren Sie diese Option, um die Leistung auf Multicore-Prozessoren zu optimieren. Probleme mit ungenauen Framerates können durch Deaktivieren gelöst werden."
N/A1547"L4D360UI_VideoOptions_Queued_Mode_Tooltip" "Aktivieren Sie diese Option, um die Leistung auf Multicore-Prozessoren zu optimieren. Probleme mit instabilen Framerates könnten durch Deaktivieren gelöst werden."
15481548"[english]L4D360UI_VideoOptions_Queued_Mode_Tooltip" "Enable to optimise performance on multicore processors. Disabling may solve problems with uneven framerate."
15491549"L4D360UI_VideoOptions_CPU_Detail" "Effektdetails"
15501550"[english]L4D360UI_VideoOptions_CPU_Detail" "Effect Detail"
23992399"L4D360UI_CloudSettings_Refresh" "Erneuern"
24002400"[english]L4D360UI_CloudSettings_Refresh" "Refresh"
24012401"L4D360UI_CloudSettings_Explanation" "Synchronisieren Sie automatisch Spielstände mit Steam Cloud, um sie über jedes PlayStation®3-System laden zu können. Sie müssen in einem Steamaccount eingeloggt sein, um synchronisieren zu können."
2402N/A"[english]L4D360UI_CloudSettings_Explanation" "Automatically sync your saved games to the Steam Cloud so you can access them from any PlayStation®3. Requires Steam account login to sync."
N/A2402"[english]L4D360UI_CloudSettings_Explanation" "Automatically sync your saved games to the Steam Cloud so you can access them from any PlayStation®3 system. Requires Steam account login to sync."
24032403"L4D360UI_CloudSettings_NumberOfSaves" "Wie viele der letzten Spielstände synchronisieren?"
24042404"[english]L4D360UI_CloudSettings_NumberOfSaves" "Sync this many of my most recent saves"
24052405"L4D360UI_CloudSettings_0" "Keine"
28242824"[english]L4D_anti_alias_tip" "Smooth rough edges. Requires high graphics card memory."
28252825"L4D_filtering_tip" "Passen Sie die Schärfe der Texturen an, und optimieren Sie somit die Leistung Ihrer Grafikkarte."
28262826"[english]L4D_filtering_tip" "Adjust the sharpness of game textures to optimize graphics card performance."
2827N/A"L4D_vertical_sync_tip" "Passen Sie die Leistung gegenüber Texturbrüchen an."
N/A2827"L4D_vertical_sync_tip" "Passen Sie die Leistung gegenüber Bildbrüchen an."
28282828"[english]L4D_vertical_sync_tip" "Balance performance against visual artifacts."
28292829"L4D_vertical_sync_disabled_tip" "Bessere Leistung, aber u. U. Texturbrüche."
28302830"[english]L4D_vertical_sync_disabled_tip" "Better performance, but will introduce visual artifacts."
Modified: portal2/resource/valve_spanish.txt
33"Language" "spanish"
6N/A"Valve_Listen_MapName" "Map"
N/A6"Valve_Listen_MapName" "Mapa"
77"[english]Valve_Listen_MapName" "Map"
88"Valve_Movement_Title" "MOVIMIENTO"
99"[english]Valve_Movement_Title" "MOVEMENT"