Long Fall Boots

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File:Long Fall Boots.png
Chell's Long Fall Boots
You know what? Go ahead and jump. You've got braces on your legs. No braces on your arms, though. Gonna have to rely on the old human strength to keep a grip on the device and, by extension, me. So do. Do make sure to maintain a grip.

The Long Fall Boots, also known simply as the Boots, only appear in Portal 2. They were created by Aperture Science in order to reduce costs and solve a "reproducible human error problem", which often resulted in the destruction of expensive test equipment (namely the Handheld Portal Device).


The Long Fall Boots were designed to prevent Test Subjects from injuring themselves when falling from great heights at any speed, even terminal velocity. Although the Boots appear to be a safety precaution for the benefit of Aperture Science Test Subjects, the rationale behind their creation was by no means altruistic. In fact, the Long Fall Boots were created in order to protect the Handheld Portal Device from being destroyed when Test Subjects fell from extreme heights. Although Test Subjects were considered expendable, manufacturing Handheld Portal Devices required significant expenditure.

The precursors to the Long Fall Boots were Chell's Advanced Knee Replacements, which were present in Portal but were destroyed prior to the commencement of Portal 2.
