Main menu

From the Portal Wiki
Revision as of 04:03, 30 May 2011 by Esky (talk | contribs) (What's on the menu? More editing? Splendid! I'll also take a non-alcoholic Rosè. What? You don't have any? What kind of restaurant is this anyway?)

Portal 1

The main menu is the first interactive screen shown after starting Portal. It provides the player with the ability to commence a new game, play one of several bonus maps, continue the game from a previously saved state, listen to the Developer Commentary, view Achievements or manage in-game settings.

Portal 2

The main menu is the first interactive screen shown after starting Portal 2. It allows the player to start a single player or co-operative game, or manage in-game settings. Additional videos and concept art can be accessed by clicking the Extras option. Robot Enrichment allows the player access to their co-op Backpack. The backgrounds show pre-rendered videos that reflect the player's current progress through the game, and loosely correspond to the Chapter currently being undertaken in the single player campaign.