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[[File:Portal 2 Chapter 8 Test Chamber 15 view.png|thumb|right|200px|{{spoiler|Wheatley控制下的丰富学习中心。}}]]
[[File:Portal 2 Chapter 8 Test Chamber 15 view.png|thumb|right|200px|{{spoiler|Wheatley控制下的丰富学习中心。}}]]

{{spoiler|After returning from Old Aperture, Chell and potato-GLaDOS learn that Wheatley's moronic actions are causing the facility's reactor to approach a nuclear meltdown because he consistently neglects the urgent warnings from the [[Announcer/zh-hans]], instead preferring to think of ways to satisfy the testing addiction he gets from inhabiting GLaDOS' body, which he calls "the itch". One such (unsuccessful) endeavor is the creation of [[Weighted Storage Cube/zh-hans/zh-hans|Cube]]/[[Turret/zh-hans|Turret/zh-hans]] hybrids, or "[[Frankenturret/zh-hans|Frankenturrets]]" designed to autonomously walk onto [[Super Button/zh-hans|buttons]]. When Wheatley discovers Chell and GLaDOS, GLaDOS attempts to overclock Wheatley's processors by forcing him to interpret a paradox, but the attempt fails as he isn't smart enough to even understand that it is a paradox at all, even his Frankenturrets understand this paradox, as they are seen twitching and sparking after the paradox is mentioned. When this attempt fails, Wheatley puts Chell and GLaDOS into his own testing tracks (most of them stolen from GLaDOS, and usually mashed together with other stolen tracks in a semi-failed attempt to make new chambers.) As they go through the testing tracks, he examines the rest of the Enrichment Center and discovers [[Atlas/zh-hans]] and [[P-body/zh-hans|P-body/zh-hans]]. Realizing he no longer needs Chell to continue testing, he sets a trap, with which he can [[Crushers/zh-hans|crush]] her to death. However, Chell evades his trap, escapes the testing area, and prepares for the final confrontation with him.}}
{{spoiler|从旧光圈返回后,Chell 和 和土豆形态的 GLaDOS 发现,Wheatley 的愚蠢行为正在导致设施的反应堆接近核熔毁,因为他一直忽视[[Announcer/zh-hans|系统广播]]的紧急警告,反而更致力于想办法满足他从 GLaDOS 的身体中得到的测试成瘾(他称之为“痒”)。其中一个(未成功的)尝试是创造出被设计成可以自动走到[[Super Button/zh-hans|按钮]]上的[[Weighted Storage Cube/zh-hans/zh-hans|方块]]/[[Turret/zh-hans|炮塔]]混合体(又被称为“[[Frankenturret/zh-hans|弗兰肯炮塔]]”)。当 Wheatley 发现 Chell GLaDOS 时,GLaDOS 试图通过迫使他解释悖论来超频 Wheatley 的处理器,但尝试失败了,因为他根本没有足够的智力,不能理解这是一个悖论,甚至他的弗兰肯炮塔都能理解这个悖论,因为在提到悖论后,能看到它们在抽搐和闪烁。当这次尝试失败后,Wheatley 将 Chell GLaDOS 放入他自己的测试轨道(其中大部分都是从 GLaDOS 的库存里偷来的,通常与其他被偷来的轨道混在一起,半失败地尝试制作出新的实验室)。当她们通过测试轨道时,他检查了丰富学习中心的其余部分,并发现了 [[Atlas/zh-hans|Atlas]] [[P-body/zh-hans|P-body]]。意识到他不再需要 Chell 继续测试,他设了一个可以将她[[Crushers/zh-hans|]]死的陷阱。然而,Chell 躲过了他的陷阱,逃出了测试区,并准备与他进行最后的对决。}}

{{spoiler|When Chell arrives in Wheatley's chamber, Wheatley employs a four-part plan to destroy her: no portal surfaces, start the [[neurotoxin/zh-hans]] immediately, bomb-proof shields, and [[bomb/zh-hans]] launchers. This backfires, however, when Chell uses a bomb to shatter a pipe of [[Conversion Gel/zh-hans|Conversion Gel/zh-hans]], then uses this gel to redirect bombs at Wheatley. Each bomb stuns Wheatley for long enough to attach a [[Cores/zh-hans#Corrupted Cores|corrupted core]] onto him. Once this is done three times, Wheatley is corrupt enough for the announcer to initiate a core transfer. A stalemate occurs once more between Wheatley and GLaDOS, and Chell must press the stalemate resolution button to finalize the transfer. However, Wheatley had booby trapped it with explosives before the fight, as the fifth part of his plan, and Chell is flung from the button. The explosion dislodges part of the ceiling, exposing the night sky and the Moon. Chell shoots a portal onto the Moon, causing both her and Wheatley to be sucked into space, both of them holding onto the central core body in order to stay anchored on Earth. While they are suspended here, the core transfer is completed. GLaDOS returns to her original place as Central Core, knocks Wheatley off her body, and rescues Chell. Wheatley flies off into space, accompanied by the [[Space Sphere/zh-hans|Space Sphere/zh-hans]].}}
{{spoiler|Chell 到达 Wheatley 的实验室时,Wheatley 采取了一个分为四部分的计划来摧毁她:没有传送门表面,立刻开启[[neurotoxin/zh-hans|神经毒素]],防弹盾牌,和炸弹发射器。然而,这适得其反,Chell 用一颗炸弹炸破了一个运送[[Conversion Gel/zh-hans|转换凝胶]]的管道,然后利用这种凝胶来将炸弹重新对准 Wheatley 发射。每颗炸弹都能让 Wheatley 昏迷足够长的时间,以便将一个[[Cores/zh-hans#Corrupted Cores|损坏的核心]]附在他身上。当身上附着了三个损坏核心后,Wheatley 已经损坏到足以让系统广播开始核心转移。Wheatley 和 GLaDOS 之间再次发生僵局,Chell 必须按下僵局解决按钮来完成转移。然而,作为他计划的第五部分,Wheatley 在战斗前用炸药设置了陷阱,Chell 被甩离了按钮。爆炸使天花板的一部分脱落,露出了夜空和月亮。Chell 向月球射出一个传送门,导致她和 Wheatley 都被吸入太空,他们俩都抓住中央核心的身体,以便留在地球上。当他们悬停在这里时,核心转移完成了。GLaDOS 回到她原本的中央核心的位置,将 Wheatley 从她的身体上撞下来,并救下Chell。在[[Space Sphere/zh-hans|太空核心]]的陪伴下,Wheatley飞向太空。}}

{{spoiler|Wheatley is last seen in the epilogue after the end credits, with the [[Space Sphere|Space Core]] orbiting him, where he wishes he could say he was sorry for all he did to Chell.}}
{{spoiler|Wheatley 最后一次出场于片尾字幕后的尾声中,[[Space Sphere/zh-hans|太空核心]]围绕着他旋转,Wheatley 希望他能够为他对 Chell 所做的一切表示歉意。}}