Template:PatchDiff/May 08, 2012 Patch/portal2 dlc1/resource/subtitles danish.txt: Difference between revisions

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m (Diff of file "portal2_dlc1/resource/subtitles_danish.txt" for patch May 09, 2012 Patch.)
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Revision as of 01:19, 15 May 2012

1515"[english]glados.dlc1_leaderboard05" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Bad news."
1616"glados.dlc1_leaderboard06" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Imponerende."
1717"[english]glados.dlc1_leaderboard06" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Impressive."
18N/A"glados.dlc1_leaderboard07" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Mske tog jeg fejl af dig."
N/A18"glados.dlc1_leaderboard07" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: [imponeret] Mske tog jeg fejl af dig."
1919"[english]glados.dlc1_leaderboard07" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: [impressed] Maybe I was wrong about you."
2020"glados.dlc1_leaderboard08" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Du har slet din egen rekord."
2121"[english]glados.dlc1_leaderboard08" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: You've beaten your own record."
7373"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_2paints1bridge02" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Oh. You found it again. Well, I suppose an artist should be flattered by repeat viewings."
7474"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_acid01" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Den dybere mening med den syregrav er syre. Indholdet af graven er ogs syre. Jeg giver jer tid til at lade det trnge ind."
7575"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_acid01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: The subtext of that acid pit is acid. The content of the pit is also acid. I'll let you fully absorb it."
76N/A"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_acid02" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Husk, at disse installationer er interaktive. Som p et brnemuseum. S det betyder, at syregravene er fyldt med GTE syre. Som p et VELFINANSIERET brnemuseum."
N/A76"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_acid02" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Husk, at disse installationer ER interaktive. Som p et brnemuseum. S det betyder, at syregravene er fyldt med GTE syre. Som p et VELFINANSIERET brnemuseum."
7777"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_acid02" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Remember, these exhibits ARE interactive. Like a children's museum. So that means the pits of acid are filled with REAL acid. Like at a WELL FUNDED children's museum."
7878"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_acid03" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Tak fordi I vrdstter den tsende syre."
7979"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_acid03" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Thank you for appreciating the corrosive acid."
105105"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_generic12" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: I know this is art and not a test, so there is no real 'solution'. But if there were, that probably isn't the best way to find it."
106106"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_turret01" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: De kugler var en metafor for noget. Tag jer nu god tid."
107107"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_turret01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Those bullets were a metaphor for something. Take your time."
108N/A"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_bridge_catch_intro01" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Ah, det virkede. Fantastisk."
N/A108"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_bridge_catch_intro01" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Ah, godt, det virkede."
109109"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_bridge_catch_intro01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Oh, good, it worked."
110110"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_bridge_catch_intro03" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Det faktum, at personen i chassiset viste os sin hnd, betyder, at hun sender os et budskab: Hun er ikke BANGE for mig."
111111"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_bridge_catch_intro03" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: The fact that whoever's in that chassis showed her hand like this means she's sending us a message: she's not AFRAID of me."
115115"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_bridge_catch_introb01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Oh good. I wasn't sure the reassembler would work."
116116"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_bridge_catch_introb02" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Det lader til, at vores mystiske veninde i prototypechassiset sender os et budskab: Hun er ikke BANGE for mig."
117117"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_bridge_catch_introb02" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: It looks like our mystery woman in the prototype chassis is sending us a message: She's not AFRAID of me."
118N/A"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_bridge_catch_outro03" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Succes. Nu ved hun, at vi heller ikke er bange for hende. Det var bare for at f gang i planlgningen. Nu til den egentlig plan: At sl hende ihjel."
N/A118"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_bridge_catch_outro03" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Succes. Nu ved hun, at vi heller ikke er bange for hende. Det var bare for at f gang i planlgningen. Nu til den egentlig plan: Vi DRBER hende."
119119"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_bridge_catch_outro03" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Mission accomplished. Now she knows we're not afraid of her. That was just to get the scheming juices flowing. Here's the real scheme: we are going to KILL her."
120120"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_bridge_catch_outro04" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Normalt ville jeg bare bygge drbermaskiner til at gre det, men det lader hun ogs til at have saboteret."
121121"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_bridge_catch_outro04" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Normally I'd just build killing machines to do that, but she seems to have sabotaged that too."
177177"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_approach17" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: I have no plan for this!"
178178"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_approach18" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Lb!"
179179"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_approach18" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Run!"
180N/A"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_approach19" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Kom tilbage! Hun er ved styrepulten!"
N/A180"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_approach19" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Tilbage! Hun er ved styrepulten!"
181181"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_approach19" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Get back! She's at the controls!"
182182"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_attack01" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: h gud! Vi har tabt! Det er slut!"
183183"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_attack01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Oh god! We've lost! It's over!"
251251"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_finalgantry_nags03" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: I've done the best I could to train you and prepare you for this moment, so let's get in there and murder her."
252252"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_laser_tbeam_deathb01" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: (bladren) \"D ikke.\""
253253"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_laser_tbeam_deathb01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: (page flip) 'Don't you die on me.'"
254N/A"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_laser_tbeam_deathb03" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: (bladren) \"Intet er umuligt for den, der brer viljen i hjertet.\" Tjaeh, den hviler da p et bldt leje af skumfiduser."
N/A254"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_laser_tbeam_deathb03" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: (bladren) \"Ingen re uden mod\". Tja, I har ingen af delene, s det er korrekt."
255255"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_laser_tbeam_deathb03" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: (page flip) 'No guts. No glory.' Well, you don't have either, so that's accurate."
256256"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_laser_tbeam_deathb04" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: (bladren) \"Hvis du kan drmme det, kan du--\" h, kors i hytten."
257257"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_laser_tbeam_deathb04" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: (page flip) 'Remember: If you can dream it, you can-' Oh, for god's sake."
258258"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_laser_tbeam_intro01" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Lad os se... \"at forvandle blddyr til hrdede drbermaskiner, side 70\"... ah!"
259259"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_laser_tbeam_intro01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Let's see... 'turning softbodies into hardened killing machines, page seventy'... ah!"
260N/A"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_laser_tbeam_intro02" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Hmm mmm... \"Hvor hj er du, testemne? 1,45? Jeg var ikke klar over, at de stablede menneskeaffald s hjt.\""
N/A260"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_laser_tbeam_intro02" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: \"Hvor hj er du, test-emne? 1,45? Jeg var ikke klar over, at de stablede menneskeaffald s hjt.\""
261261"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_laser_tbeam_intro02" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: 'How tall are you, test subject? Four-nine? I was unaware they stacked human waste that high.'"
262262"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_laser_tbeam_intro03" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Vent, det giver ingen mening. Menneskeaffald stables i snit i en hjde p 2 meter og 26 centimeter, og jeg ER klar over det."
263263"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_laser_tbeam_intro03" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Wait, that doesn't make any sense. Human waste is stacked at a median hight of seven feet five inches, and I AM aware of it."
323323"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_inoffice04" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Listen to me carefully."
324324"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_inoffice05" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Vi befinder os ikke hundrede tusind r ude i fremtiden. Det lj jeg om."
325325"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_inoffice05" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: We are not a hundred thousand years in the future. I lied about that."
326N/A"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_inoffice06" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Der er get HALVTREDS tusind r. Nej, der
327N/A er ej."
N/A326"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_inoffice06" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Der er get HALVTREDS tusind r. Nej der er ej."
328327"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_inoffice06" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: It's been FIFTY thousand years. No it's hasn't."
329328"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_inoffice07" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Der er kun get en uge."
330329"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_inoffice07" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: It's only been a week."