Template:PatchDiff/May 08, 2012 Patch/portal2/resource/subtitles russian.txt: Difference between revisions

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m (Diff of file "portal2/resource/subtitles_russian.txt" for patch May 09, 2012 Patch.)
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Revision as of 01:17, 15 May 2012

53815381"[english]#commentary\com-wheel.wav" "[Andrew Burke] In our first implementation, gestures were automatically selected based on the player's context. For example, Blue might do a special gesture when standing on a floor button. Players became bored of seeing these gestures so quickly that they stopped using them before discovering any of the special contexts. Because of this, we decided to give players control of gestures as a way to express themselves, but when shown the full set from the start, they were overwhelmed by all the choices. By awarding gestures as the game progresses, we allow players to familiarize themselves with each gesture in turn. Leaving visible empty slots in the gesture wheel lets players anticipate that they'll be rewarded with cool new gestures as they progress. The gesture wheel provides quick access so that players can feel comfortable tossing out a gesture during down time, letting them pick the perfect moment to share a high five."
53825382"Commentary_Title_HIGH_FIVE" " "
53835383"[english]Commentary_Title_HIGH_FIVE" "HIGH-FIVE"
5384N/A"#commentary\com-highfive.wav" "[ ] , , , , . , , . , , , . , . . . , , , , . , , . . . , ."
N/A5384"#commentary\com-highfive.wav" "[ ] , , , , . , , . , , , . , . . . , , , , . , , . . . , ."
53855385"[english]#commentary\com-highfive.wav" "[Matthew Scott] We noticed that after playtesters had solved a difficult puzzle together, they'd sometimes pause before funneling through the exit door to repeatedly jump up and down in excitement. We realized that these meeting points would be the perfect time to allow players to high-five each other and celebrate their victory in style. Our first interface attempt had one player initiate a high five by holding their hand up and waiting, the other player could join in by selecting the same gesture. If they were standing in the correct positions relative to each other, they would pull off a high five. But learning the correct places to stand was too difficult. So we decided to automatically move the bots into the correct positions for the high five. Sometimes, however, the player who wanted to high five would be left hanging as the other player ran ahead without accepting. Increasing the time that the initiator waited with his hand up gave the other player time to return and accept, but being frozen in place for more than a few seconds was too frustrating. So finally, we made players auto-accept the team gestures. Now, when the mood strikes either player, the game always ensures a successful celebration."
53865386"Commentary_Title_HUGS" ""
53875387"[english]Commentary_Title_HUGS" "HUGS"
54655465"[english]#commentary\com-ascent.wav" "[Chris Chin] The lake map marks a total reset to the aesthetics and scale of the environments up to this point in the game. You come into the underground cave compressed and as you progress further into the map, your eye is drawn upwards by the elevator tower, sparking cables, falling debris, and finally the test spheres which recede vertically into nothingness. This looking upwards gives the player sense of the vastness of Aperture before GLaDOS and a visual sense of the daunting climb they will have to make to get back to Wheatley. The open areas encourage the player to explore their surroundings and take a break from the intensive puzzle solving of the test chambers."
54665466"Commentary_Title_CO-WRITE" " "
54675467"[english]Commentary_Title_CO-WRITE" "WRITING FOR CO-OP"
5468N/A"#commentary\com-cowrite.wav" "[ ] . , . , , , . , . , , . , . , . , ."
N/A5468"#commentary\com-cowrite.wav" "[ ] . , . , , , . , . , , . , . , . , ."
54695469"[english]#commentary\com-cowrite.wav" "[Chet Faliszek] Writing GLaDOS for co-op introduces some interesting problems. In single player you can count on players paying attention and being caught up in important moments. In co-op, you can count on the two players chatting about what they just did as GLaDOS delivers an important line. To help with this issue, we broke up the story beats into smaller sections so players dont become impatient. We also repeat the points multiple times to insure the message sinks in even if you missed it a few times. Lastly, we also give players room to talk. For example when you die, there is a two second beat for you to laugh or yell before GLaDOS speaks. It is important to give those places for players to speak because the best part about co-op is the shared experience."
54705470"Commentary_Title_BONK" " "
54715471"[english]Commentary_Title_BONK" "BONK HEADS"