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/* jQuery plugins */ | /* jQuery plugins */ | ||
Revision as of 00:08, 22 May 2011
/* jQuery plugins */ /** * Cookie plugin * Copyright (c) 2006 Klaus Hartl ( * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: * * */ jQuery.cookie=function(name,value,options){if(typeof value!='undefined'){options=options||{};if(value===null){value='';options.expires=-1;}var expires='';if(options.expires&&(typeof options.expires=='number'||options.expires.toUTCString)){var date;if(typeof options.expires=='number'){date=new Date();date.setTime(date.getTime()+(options.expires*24*60*60*1000));}else{date=options.expires;}expires='; expires='+date.toUTCString();}var path=options.path?'; path='+(options.path):'';var domain=options.domain?'; domain='+(options.domain):'';var'; secure':'';document.cookie=[name,'=',encodeURIComponent(value),expires,path,domain,secure].join('');}else{var cookieValue=null;if(document.cookie&&document.cookie!=''){var cookies=document.cookie.split(';');for(var i=0;i<cookies.length;i++){var cookie=jQuery.trim(cookies[i]);if(cookie.substring(0,name.length+1)==(name+'=')){cookieValue=decodeURIComponent(cookie.substring(name.length+1));break;}}}return cookieValue;}}; /* End jQuery plugins */ /*BEGIN UTC CLOCK*/ /** additional monobook scripts **/ hookEvent( 'load', displayTimer ); /**** function displayTimer.js * by Patrick Westerhoff [poke] */ function displayTimer () { if ( typeof( timerDisplay ) !== 'undefined' && timerDisplay === false ) return; var date; var timerParent = document.getElementById( 'p-personal' ).getElementsByTagName( 'ul' )[0]; var timerLink = document.createElement( 'a' ); var timerObj = document.createElement( 'li' ); timerLink.href = '/wiki/' + wgPageName + '?action=purge'; timerLink.title = 'Purge the server cache and update the contents of this page.' = 'pt-timer'; = 'none'; timerObj.appendChild( timerLink ); timerParent.insertBefore( timerObj, timerParent.firstChild ); function actualizeUTC () { timerDate = new Date(); timerLink.innerHTML = ( timerDate.getUTCHours() < 10 ? '0' : '' ) + timerDate.getUTCHours() + ':' + ( timerDate.getUTCMinutes() < 10 ? '0' : '' ) + timerDate.getUTCMinutes() + ':' + ( timerDate.getUTCSeconds() < 10 ? '0' : '' ) + timerDate.getUTCSeconds() + ' (UTC)'; } function actualizeCustom () { timerDate = new Date(); timerDate.setMinutes( timerDate.getMinutes() + timerDate.getTimezoneOffset() + timerTimezone * 60 ); timerLink.innerHTML = ( timerDate.getHours() < 10 ? '0' : '' ) + timerDate.getHours() + ':' + ( timerDate.getMinutes() < 10 ? '0' : '' ) + timerDate.getMinutes() + ':' + ( timerDate.getSeconds() < 10 ? '0' : '' ) + timerDate.getSeconds() + ' (UTC' + ( timerTimezone < 0 ? '' : '+' ) + timerTimezone + ')'; } // start if ( typeof( timerTimezone ) !== 'number' ) { actualizeUTC(); setInterval( actualizeUTC, 1000 ); } else { actualizeCustom(); setInterval( actualizeCustom, 1000 ); } } /*END UTC CLOCK*/ /* BEGIN SPOILER TOGGLER */ var spoilers = { enabled: true, text: null, nodes: null, imgOn: null, imgOff: null, toggle: function() { spoilers.set(!spoilers.enabled); }, set: function(enabled) { spoilers.enabled = enabled; if(enabled) { spoilers.nodes.removeClass('spoiler-inline'); $(".spoiler-thumb").remove(); spoilers.nodes.find("img").show(); $.cookie('spoilers', 'true', {expires: 31, path: '/'}); spoilers.text.text(' Spoilers on'); spoilers.imgOff.hide(0);; } else { spoilers.nodes.addClass('spoiler-inline'); spoilers.nodes.find("img").hide(); spoilers.thumbNodes.each(function() { if($(this).find(".spoiler-text").length > 0) { $(this).find(".thumb, .thumbinner").append('<div class="spoiler-thumb"/>');} }); $.cookie('spoilers', 'false', {expires: 31, path: '/'}); spoilers.text.text(' Spoilers off'); spoilers.imgOn.hide(0);; } }, init: function() { spoilers.nodes = $('.spoiler-text'); spoilers.thumbNodes = $(".gallerybox, .thumb"); spoilers.text = $('<div style="display:inline;"></div>'); spoilers.imgOn = $('<img alt="" style="display:none;"/>').attr('src', ''); spoilers.imgOff = $('<img alt="" style="display:none;"/>').attr('src', ''); var wrapped = $('<li/>').append($('<span/>').append($('<a/>').append(spoilers.imgOn, spoilers.imgOff, spoilers.text)));; $('#p-namespaces ul').append(wrapped); spoilers.set(!$.cookie('spoilers') || $.cookie('spoilers') == 'true'); } }; addOnloadHook(spoilers.init); /* END SPOILER TOGGLER */ // EmbedVideo fixes var youtubeHelper = { chromeSize: 25, // This is the height (in pixels) of the chrome of YouTube's embedded video player. Update this whenever they release a new embedded video player maxWidth: 0.85, // Maximum fraction of the available width that the video may take ratioR: /ratio-(\d+)x(\d+)/i, widthsR: /widths((?:-\d+)+)/i, setSize:function() { var widths = youtubeHelper.widthsR.exec($(this).attr('class')); if(widths != null) { widths = widths[1].substr(1).split('-'); var availableWidth = $('#bodyContent').width(); if($('.infobox').length) { availableWidth -= $('.infobox').width(); } availableWidth *= youtubeHelper.maxWidth; var intWidths = []; for(var w = 0; w < widths.length; w++) { intWidths[w] = parseInt(widths[w]); } intWidths.sort(function(a, b){return b - a;}); for(var w = 0; w < intWidths.length; w++) { if(intWidths[w] <= availableWidth || w == intWidths.length-1) { youtubeHelper.setWidth(this, intWidths[w]); break; } } } else { youtubeHelper.setWidth(this, parseFloat(obj.attr('width'))); } }, hd:function() { var obj = $(this).children('object'); if(!obj) return; if($(this).hasClass('hd-on')) { var playerUrl = obj.children('param[name="movie"]').attr('value') + '&hd=1'; obj.children('param[name="movie"]').attr('value', playerUrl); obj.children('embed').attr('src', playerUrl); var resultHtml = $(this).html(); $(this).html('').html(resultHtml); } }, setWidth:function(youtube, width) { var obj = $(youtube).children('object'); if(!obj) return; if($(youtube).hasClass('youtube-audio')) { obj.attr('width', width).attr('height', youtubeHelper.chromeSize); // Set <object> height obj.children('embed').attr('width', width).attr('height', youtubeHelper.chromeSize); // Set <embed> height } else { var ratio = youtubeHelper.ratioR.exec($(youtube).attr('class')); if(ratio != null) { ratio = parseFloat(ratio[1])/parseFloat(ratio[2]); var newHeight = Math.round(width / ratio + youtubeHelper.chromeSize).toString(); obj.attr('width', width).attr('height', newHeight); // Set <object> height obj.children('embed').attr('width', width).attr('height', newHeight); // Set <embed> height } } }, resizeTimer:null, resize:function() { if(youtubeHelper.resizeTimer != null) { clearTimeout(youtubeHelper.resizeTimer); } youtubeHelper.resizeTimer = setTimeout(youtubeHelper.onResize, 100); }, onResize:function() { $('.youtubebox').each(youtubeHelper.setSize); }, init:function() { $('.youtubebox').each(youtubeHelper.hd); $(window).resize(youtubeHelper.resize); youtubeHelper.onResize(); } }; addOnloadHook(youtubeHelper.init); // Start overly-complicated collapsible tables // Todo: jQuery this thing /** Collapsible tables ********************************************************* * * Description: Allows tables to be collapsed, showing only the header. See * [[Wikipedia:NavFrame]]. * Maintainers: [[User:R. Koot]] */ var hasClass = (function () { var reCache = {}; return function (element, className) { return (reCache[className] ? reCache[className] : (reCache[className] = new RegExp("(?:\\s|^)" + className + "(?:\\s|$)"))).test(element.className); }; })(); var autoCollapse = 2; var collapseCaption = "hide"; var expandCaption = "show"; function collapseTable( tableIndex ) { var Button = document.getElementById( "collapseButton" + tableIndex ); var Table = document.getElementById( "collapsibleTable" + tableIndex ); if ( !Table || !Button ) { return false; } var Rows = Table.rows; if ( == collapseCaption ) { for ( var i = 1; i < Rows.length; i++ ) { Rows[i].style.display = "none"; } = expandCaption; } else { for ( var i = 1; i < Rows.length; i++ ) { Rows[i].style.display = Rows[0].style.display; } = collapseCaption; } } function createCollapseButtons() { var tableIndex = 0; var NavigationBoxes = new Object(); var Tables = document.getElementsByTagName( "table" ); for ( var i = 0; i < Tables.length; i++ ) { if ( hasClass( Tables[i], "collapsible" ) ) { /* only add button and increment count if there is a header row to work with */ var HeaderRow = Tables[i].getElementsByTagName( "tr" )[0]; if (!HeaderRow) continue; var Header = HeaderRow.getElementsByTagName( "th" )[0]; if (!Header) continue; NavigationBoxes[ tableIndex ] = Tables[i]; Tables[i].setAttribute( "id", "collapsibleTable" + tableIndex ); var Button = document.createElement( "span" ); var ButtonLink = document.createElement( "a" ); var ButtonText = document.createTextNode( collapseCaption ); = "right"; = "right"; = "normal"; = "right"; = "6em"; =; ButtonLink.setAttribute( "id", "collapseButton" + tableIndex ); ButtonLink.setAttribute( "href", "javascript:collapseTable(" + tableIndex + ");" ); ButtonLink.appendChild( ButtonText ); Button.appendChild( document.createTextNode( "[" ) ); Button.appendChild( ButtonLink ); Button.appendChild( document.createTextNode( "]" ) ); Header.insertBefore( Button, Header.childNodes[0] ); tableIndex++; } } for ( var i = 0; i < tableIndex; i++ ) { if ( hasClass( NavigationBoxes[i], "collapsed" ) || ( tableIndex >= autoCollapse && hasClass( NavigationBoxes[i], "autocollapse" ) ) ) { collapseTable( i ); } } } addOnloadHook( createCollapseButtons ); // End collapsible tables // PootTabs by User:WindPower~ // It puts tabs on pages. var pootTabsHere = { animationsEnabled: $.support.opacity, getTab:function(poot, index) { return $(poot.children('.poot-tabs').children('ul').children('li')[parseInt(index)]); }, changeTab:function(poot, index, duration, force) { if(index == parseInt(poot.attr('pootSelected')) && !force && duration) return; if(!pootTabsHere.animationsEnabled) { duration = 0; } poot.attr('pootSelected', index.toString()); var babies = poot.children('.poot-tabs-content').children(); babies.each(function() { $(this).fadeOut(duration, function(){ $(this).removeClass('poot-tabs-selected'); }); }); $(babies[index]).each(function() { $(this).fadeIn(duration, function(){ $(this).addClass('poot-tabs-selected'); }); }); var cowtabs = poot.children('.poot-tabs').children('ul').children('li'); cowtabs.removeClass('poot-tabs-selected'); $(cowtabs[index]).addClass('poot-tabs-selected'); pootTabsHere.updatePoot(poot, $(babies[index]).height()); }, updatePoot:function(poot, babysize) { poot.find('.poot-tabs-titletext').html(poot.attr('originalTitle') + ' — ' + pootTabsHere.getTab(poot, poot.attr('pootSelected')).html()); var bestHeight = Math.max(poot.children('.poot-tabs-content').height(), Math.max(poot.children('.poot-tabs').height(), babysize)).toString() + 'px'; poot.children('.poot-tabs-content').css('height', bestHeight); if(poot.attr('vertical')) { poot.children('.poot-tabs').css('height', bestHeight); } }, toggleCollapse:function(poot) { var pootLinkText = poot.children('.poot-tabs-showhide').text().split(';'); var duration = pootTabsHere.animationsEnabled ? parseInt(poot.attr('pootslideduration')) : 0; if(poot.attr('pootcollapse') != 'true') { poot.attr('pootcollapse', 'true'); poot.find('.poot-tabs-hidelink a').text(pootLinkText[0]); poot.children('.poot-tabs, .poot-tabs-content').slideUp(duration); } else { poot.attr('pootcollapse', ''); poot.find('.poot-tabs-hidelink a').text(pootLinkText[1]); poot.children('.poot-tabs, .poot-tabs-content').slideDown(duration); } }, delayHeight:function(poot, selected) { setTimeout(function() { poot.attr('pootselected', selected.toString()); pootTabsHere.changeTab(poot, selected, 0, true); if(poot.hasClass('poot-tabs-collapsed')) { pootTabsHere.toggleCollapse(poot); } }, 100); }, poot:function() { var dis = $(this); var ind = 0; dis.attr('originalTitle', dis.find('.poot-tabs-titletext').html()); var selected = /poot-tabs-selected-(\d+)/i.exec(dis.attr('class')); if(selected) { pootTabsHere.delayHeight(dis, parseInt(selected[1])-1); } else { pootTabsHere.delayHeight(dis, 0); } var duration = dis.hasClass('poot-tabs-noanimations') ? 0 : 200; dis.attr('pootslideduration', dis.hasClass('poot-tabs-noanimations') ? '0' : '75'); dis.children('.poot-tabs').children('ul').children('li').each(function(){ var thisInd = ind; $(this).click(function(){ pootTabsHere.changeTab(dis, thisInd, duration, false); $(this).blur(); $(this).find('*').blur(); return false; }); ind++; }); var isVertical = dis.hasClass('poot-tabs-vertical'); dis.attr('pootvertical', isVertical ? 'true' : ''); if(isVertical) { var teenie = dis.children('.poot-tabs').width().toString() + 'px'; dis.children('.poot-tabs-content').css('margin-left', teenie); } dis.attr('pootcollapse', ''); // False dis.find('.poot-tabs-hidelink a').click(function(){ pootTabsHere.toggleCollapse(dis); return false; }); }, init:function() { $('.poot-tabs-container').each(pootTabsHere.poot); } }; addOnloadHook(pootTabsHere.init); // End of PootTabs // Start test chamber infobox flicker infoboxFlicker = { setOn:function(infobox, isOn) { if(isOn) { infobox.removeClass('testchamber-off'); } else { infobox.addClass('testchamber-off'); } }, setDisplay1:function(infobox, isOn) { if(isOn) { infobox.removeClass('testchamber-display1-off'); } else { infobox.addClass('testchamber-display1-off'); } }, setDisplay2:function(infobox, isOn) { if(isOn) { infobox.removeClass('testchamber-display2-off'); } else { infobox.addClass('testchamber-display2-off'); } }, flicker:function() { // Step 0: Start off var infobox = $(this); infoboxFlicker.setOn(infobox, false); infoboxFlicker.setDisplay1(infobox, false); infoboxFlicker.setDisplay2(infobox, false); setTimeout(function() { // Step 1: Switch on, no details infoboxFlicker.setOn(infobox, true); setTimeout(function() { // Step 2: Switch back off infoboxFlicker.setOn(infobox, false); setTimeout(function() { // Step 3: Switch back on, still no details infoboxFlicker.setOn(infobox, true); setTimeout(function() { // Step 4: Display top half infoboxFlicker.setDisplay1(infobox, true); setTimeout(function() { // Step 5: Display bottom half infoboxFlicker.setDisplay2(infobox, true); }, 200); }, 200); }, 340); }, 66); }, 1000); }, init:function() { $('.testchamber').each(infoboxFlicker.flicker); } }; addOnloadHook(infoboxFlicker.init); // End test chamber infobox flicker // Collapsible diffs addOnloadHook(function() { $('.diff-name-text').click(function() { $(this).parent().children('.diff-contents').toggle(); }); }); // Google Analytics var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-22928841-2']); _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); _gaq.push(['_trackPageLoadTime']); (function() { var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + ''; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); })();