
From the Portal Wiki
Revision as of 12:26, 26 June 2011 by Breakin' Benny (talk | contribs) (You know why Portal 2 had no cake? Erik Wolpaw explains everything.. I've never really wanted cake anyway)
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Portal Cake.png
There really was a cake...

The promise of Cake is introduced by GLaDOS as an incentive for Chell to complete the test chambers in the original Portal. It is referenced in many of the Rattmann's dens as a lie, sparking the internet meme "The Cake is a lie". The Cake can be seen at the end of Portal in a room surrounded with waking Personality Cores.


  • The cake slice icon shown on the neon panels throughout Test Chambers in Portal appears in another Valve game, Alien Swarm, as the icon of the achievement "Perfect".
  • The cake does not appear in Portal 2 as it did in Portal 1, Eric Wolpaw stated that it was removed because he and Valve are sick of the memes and have had enough of cake jokes.