List of Fact Sphere facts

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True Facts

  1. The billionth digit of Pi is 9.
  2. Humans can survive underwater. But not for very long.
  3. A nanosecond lasts one billionth of a second.
  4. Honey does not spoil.

Partialy True Facts

Note: Bolded sections are untrue.

  1. Cellular phones will not give you cancer. Only hepatitis.
  2. Diamonds are made when coal is put under intense pressure. Diamonds put under intense pressure become foam pellets, commonly used today as packing material.
  3. In Greek myth, Prometheus stole fire from the Gods and gave it to humankind. The jewelry he kept for himself.
  4. The Schrodinger's cat paradox outlines a situation in which a cat in a box must be considered, for all intents and purposes, simultaneously alive and dead. Schrodinger created this paradox as a justification for killing cats.
  5. In 1862, Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, freeing the slaves. Like everything he did, Lincoln freed the slaves while sleepwalking, and later had no memory of the event.

False Facts

  1. Hot water freezes quicker than cold water
  2. The Sun is 330,330 times larger than Earth
  3. The square root of rope is string.
  4. 89% of magic tricks are not magic. Technically, they are sorcery.
  5. The atomic weight of Germanium is seven two point six four.
  6. At some point in their lives 1 in 6 children will be abducted by the Dutch.
  7. According to most advanced algorithms, the world's best name is Craig.
  8. To make a photocopier, simply photocopy a mirror.
  9. Dreams are the subconscious mind's way of reminding people to go to school naked and have their teeth fall out.
  10. Whales are twice as intelligent, and three times as delicious, as humans.